Take your own advice,jackass.CoolTrick said:This is the type of argument Obama fans use all the time. Just STFU, it doesnt make what Obama said any less arrogant.
Take your own advice,jackass.CoolTrick said:This is the type of argument Obama fans use all the time. Just STFU, it doesnt make what Obama said any less arrogant.
CoolTrick said:This is the type of argument Obama fans use all the time. Just STFU, it doesnt make what Obama said any less arrogant.
This is a weak argument. People enter into public service for many reasons, and have many different types of temperaments. What you imply here is, no one who is a successful public servant can be considered "elitist," which I feel is a pretty sheltered or at least naive assumption.XxenobladerxX said:If Obama was an elitist,then he would of never helped those people in ILL.
CoolTrick said:This is the type of argument Obama fans use all the time. Just STFU, it doesnt make what Obama said any less arrogant.
CoolTrick said:This is the type of argument Obama fans use all the time. Just STFU, it doesnt make what Obama said any less arrogant.
So telling the cold hard truth these days are painted as "saying stupid shit"? I do agree that he shouldn't have said the "bitter". Angry would have been a better way to say it.typhonsentra said:I always forget, which one is the atheist, Siamese or APF?
As for Barack, he's been saying some stupid shit lately and he deserves to get beat up for it the same as his "Typical White Person" comment. I still support the guy but he has a way of putting his foot in his mouth. He isn't McCain, he can't expect to let the media just ignore it the way they constantly do for him.
typhonsentra said:I always forget, which one is the atheist, Siamese or APF?
As for Barack, he's been saying some stupid shit lately and he deserves to get beat up for it the same as his "Typical White Person" comment. I still support the guy but he has a way of putting his foot in his mouth. He isn't McCain, he can't expect to let the media just ignore it the way they constantly do for him.
He deserves to be punished for saying something that can be used in this silly game that is American politics to show him in a negative light?VPhys said:I don't feel the same about the "typical white person" comment.
But KNOWING the backlash from that comment, HOW could he say what he did today? THAT was stupid.
Barack deserves everything he gets from this. How he is constantly fucking up makes ME bitter.
GaimeGuy said:wait are people calling obama arrogant now because instead of pandering to the Penn population with bullshit like "We can restore those jobs and make things just like they were 10 years ago," he actually said something along the lines of "You know, it's unfortunate that those jobs were lost, but the anger and hate needs to subside, and people need to look towards heading a new direction instead of regaining their former jobs that have no chance of coming back"
He used to be attacked for being too idealistic and too much of a hopemonger. Now he's being painted as arrogant because he was being realistic with regards to the job market in Pennsylvania?
Give me a fucking break you guys.
GaimeGuy said:He deserves to be punished for saying something that can be used in this silly game that is American politics to show him in a negative light?
How about speaking the truth, rather than playing the politics game?
Fuck the game. I don't give a shit if Karl Rove doesn't approve of his comments. I don't want a game. I want a president.VPhys said:If he was someone sheltered from American politics his whole life and didn't know his comments would be taken out of context, I'd give him the benefit of the doubt.
But he knows the rules of the game, and while I appreciate he wants to change those rules, he's not elected yet. What he said today was just careless.
GaimeGuy said:Fuck the game. I don't give a shit if Karl Rove doesn't approve of his comments. I don't want a game. I want a president.
VPhys said:I don't feel the same about the "typical white person" comment.
But KNOWING the backlash from that comment, HOW could he say what he did today? THAT was stupid.
Barack deserves everything he gets from this. How he is constantly fucking up makes ME bitter.
XxenobladerxX said:CNN is now calling the remark "a political attack on small town america"
Fuck the media.
maximum360 said:Did you expect any less from CNN? He already has the disdain of some of the hosts and others are more interested in prolonging the primaries so it's just natural to them. That being said, Obama's off-the-cuff remarks do more damage to himself than anything else. He came right back after the Wright issue with a great speech, only to have his image tarnished the next day by the "typical white person" comment. The comment about teenager girls being punished by a baby and now this. Soundbites are not his friend.
I think this is just part of growing "presidential" pains for him. He has to be more careful with what he says because people can't wait to grab a soundbite out of context and use it against him. Or he needs to explain the comment immediately after and/or some way publicly.
Tamanon said:He's learning that you can't speak plainly about many things, because people are used to ideas being couched in conditionals and metaphors instead.
shinsnake said:Wait, Obama insults middle America's religious beliefs, belief in gun rights, and belief in secure borders, and people are arguing whether or not he should have said bitter? LOL, what the fuck is wrong with you Obama supporters?
Ripclawe said:weekend news show topic found!
And media seeking ratings.Door2Dawn said:I hope Obama can elaborate on the statement a little bit more. This country is full on knuckle heads.
Readingcomprehensionmuchtardface.shinsnake said:Wait, Obama insults middle America's religious beliefs, belief in gun rights, and belief in secure borders, and people are arguing whether or not he should have said bitter? LOL, what the fuck is wrong with you Obama supporters?
reilo said:So, Obama, a christian, insulted middle-America's religion of choice, christianity?
where did he say this??reilo said:So, Obama, a christian, insulted middle-America's religion of choice, christianity?
Tamanon said:He's one of them self-hating Christians.
Shiggie said:where did he say this??
shinsnake said:Wait, Obama insults middle America's religious beliefs,
That's because they defend everything he does. And then try to turn the question on Hillary.shinsnake said:Wait, Obama insults middle America's religious beliefs, belief in gun rights, and belief in secure borders, and people are arguing whether or not he should have said bitter? LOL, what the fuck is wrong with you Obama supporters?
lolwutshinsnake said:Wait, Obama insults middle America's religious beliefs, belief in gun rights, and belief in secure borders, and people are arguing whether or not he should have said bitter? LOL, what the fuck is wrong with you Obama supporters?
:lolTamanon said:He's one of them self-hating Christians.
CoolTrick said:That's because they defend everything he does. And then try to turn the question on Hillary.
Star Power said:Man, I'm done with this bullshit until November. This is such a non-story, what he said is so obviously being distorted and misconstrued.. but since it's being done to Obama is alright I guess? I've spoken out when McCain's "100 years" comment was distorted, when Rev Wright's comments were distorted, when Bill Clinton's comments were distorted.. and this is just another one of those distortions. Are people really incapable of nuanced views on things? Of a bit of hard truth? No wonder Romney won the Michigan primary with his despicable pandering...
I agree with APF that Obama's percieved "arrogance" and "entitlement" will be an issue should he be the nominee, though I think it's a totally bullshit angle and an excuse many people will use just to vote against him
CoolTrick said:That's because they defend everything he does. And then try to turn the question on Hillary.
CoolTrick said:That's because they defend everything he does. And then try to turn the question on Hillary.
Tamanon said:Where did he insult any of those three?