How is Hillary Clinton more electable than Obama? Do tell.
Let's compare 3 the three candidates on several things, off the top of my head. If anyone wants to add to it, please do.
Now, as for HRC vs BHO (vs JM), let's see the arguments being offered up:
Clinton can get more of the electorate, because she's won the bigger states.
However, let's think this through. Tell me the chances the big Democratic states, like California and New York, will defect to McCain over Obama, especially since they were highly contested. Since they were highly contested, I'd say they'd go for OHB over JM, if HRC is not the candidate.
The little states that Obama's won don't matter!
Let's analyze the implications and the details of this argument. HRC is focusing on Democratic states and the swing states, states with lots of weight that have a habit of switching colors. As for the solidly blue states, I'd say it doesn't matter if either HRC or BHO wins them, because those states will go Dem anyways. Example: Cali will go HRC or BHO over JM.
The swing states is another issue, and that'll be examined later.
Now, as for the little states. The little red states that have been ignored by Dems for years. Well, if we look at voter turn out, it seems more Democrats turned out to vote for Democrats than Republicans did for Republicans in various states. This means that BHO has the potential to wrest away some of these states from JM in the general election.
Dem strongholds + smattering of traditional Rep strongholds = a strong argument for BHO in the GE.
Add to this the swing states, in which BHO that the longer his presence within any state, the higher his percentages rise.
Michigan and Florida resent him, because he disenfranchised them!
Well, as a resident from Florida...
Look, firstly, the Rep side of the state set it up so that they'd force the Dem side to break party rules, thus causing the DNC to punish Florida's delegates. That's neither BHO nor HRC's fault.
Now, we couldn't count the vote as is (I know a ton of a people who did not go to vote precisely because we knew it wouldn't count) and we sure as hell weren't going to do a revote. With the rampant corruption in our state, and our horribly fucking up two elections previous, we weren't going to take our chances on a mail in ballot. So, to say Floridians might turn against BHO is false. All he has to be given is time to campaign in the state; time that he's not being afforded by HRC's threat to take this to Denver.
Michigan might be a whole nother story, but I can speak for Florida.
The RNC will take him down with their horrible propaganda machine!
Perhaps the most valid argument, I do think that the RNC will hit him hard on issues like "He does not wear a lapel pin. Does he really love America?" and "He went to an Ivy League university, and thus thinks he's better than you."
Seriously, though, the issues they'll smear him with are questions about his patriotism, his faith, his pastor, his supposed elitism, and his experience.
Now, no doubt that these are issues that'll sway some voters. But lets see how he's handled these issues thus far:
---He has yet to address the issue of patriotism, at least in a very direct and overt way. He has made a foundation for his future argument; being patriotic is not draping yourself in the colors of the Union, but working in the spirit of the Constitution. He's already made such an argument, but they were small comments and quickly forgotten. I point you, however, to his pastor, on how he could deal with such an issue.
---Look how he handled Wright. He did so in a way that was satisfactory to most Americans. However! He left lingering doubts. Why?
Because of the issues of patriotism Wright brought up. Obama never addressed the patriotic implications that "God damn America"created. Wright directly cursed America for perceived injustices, and in this day and age, doing so is the highest treason you can commit.
However, Wright did also bring another issue to the table, which was the division that is caused by race, and Obama handled that well and his speech was heard by many and was well reviewed. Why could he not do the same for the patriotic issue?
---As for his faith, that'll be most a whisper campaign run by the RNC, adding in the suspicion that he's a Muslim. While damaging, I think Obama, by standing by his pastor, has answered this question. By solving the second issue of patriotism, I'd think this issue of his religion should be greatly diminished.
---As for his elitism, that's going to be something difficult to fight. He's eloquent, went to good schools, and doesn't look like he's been through tough times. He looks young and fresh.
To this, I could suggest an ad blitz on his early life. A father who left him, a step dad who did the same, a solo upbringing by his mother, aided by his grandparents, and lived in Indonesia, not the wealthiest of places. He also grew up of a mixed race, white and black, something that isn't that easy, even today. I'd think this would have a substantial effect on the claim that he is elitist.
---As for experience, that's going to be his weak point, and he's actively shied away from it, because Hillary and McCain both out pace him in sheer amount. He could, in debates, counter with his 8 years as a state senator and 3 years in the Senate. He also chairs, or chaired, several committees involving national security and international affairs, and helped push several important bills through Congress in terms of ethics reform.
Now, for possible attacks against McCain:
Pastor: McCain's pastors, and some of his supporters who are pastors, are loonier than Wright. It wouldn't take much for the media to go pick up on this. They haven't yet, because the big show is between BHO and HRC.
Elitism: It wouldn't be hard to flip the issue on him, considering he's worth in excess of 100 million dollars and owns several homes.
Experience: And, of course, we have BHO's long standing argument: What good is experience if you have poor judgment?
Obama has refused to attack McCain's patriotism, because he said that McCain has been a war hero during the Vietnam War. McCain's pretty bulletproof on that. Same on the religious issue, in terms that McCain's religion is not in doubt. What can be attacked are his pastors, and pastoral supporters.
How would Hillary fare against McCain?
Well, the argument for her being in the race right now is that she'd be stronger against McCain, even if Obama wins the nomination. Let's examine that.
She claims experience as one of her strong points. Even with her years in the White House counting as such, McCain handily out paces her. Lets not forget, the RNC can easily call into doubt those years: Bosnia and Northern Ireland, anyone?
She says she's better prepared for day one, but what does that argument rest on? Experience. And McCain has her beat there.
Not to mention all the lingering suspicions about the Clintons floating around (I don't believe most of them, myself) and the narrative they are being stuck with; a history of scandal and twisting the truth. Do you think that will not return in the GE, should Hillary become the nominee?
Hillary the nominee; who's voting?
Well, let's say Hillary wrests the nomination away from Obama at this point. So, who's voting for her?
a) Her diehard base, those that have kept her going this long.
b) Latinos (possibly affected by Richardson)
I'm trying to think of, and failing, on other groups. Minorities (aside from Latinos, possibly)? They are going to feel burned. Same with the young vote. These are two groups Barack has dominated.
In fact, I see the Republicans rallying against her, and their voter turnout increasing shoudl she become the nominee. The Republican hatred against the Clinton brand is strong, and she'll start the GE with effectively half of the nation against her. It'd be another 2000/2004, and it'd be another roll of the die when it comes to counting votes.
Hillary Rodham Clinton is more electable and effective than Barak Hussein Obama against John McCain in the General Election?
I'm just not seeing it.
Now, CoolTrick, if you would reply to me, I'd welcome it.
I'll admit, I'm not the most informed of posters. Perhaps, I'll need assistance? *summons the hordes*
Edit: I've missed like a freakin' 1 and 1/2 hour of my martial arts class, due to typing this out.