Freedom = $1.05
grandjedi6 said:I think a debate thread would come first
I assumed that they would be lumped together. Either way a new thread would be much appreciated as this one's purpose has just about been served.
grandjedi6 said:I think a debate thread would come first
Instigator said:I've been meaning to ask this question for a while and only someone deep in those red states can possibly answer it.
I've been hearing snippets of people fearing a black/woman president to a point of considering moving out of the country. Now I know this can just be empty talk or humor in reference to those Democrats threatening to do the same thing when Bush took over. But still, for those who at least half mean it, where exactly are they planning to move to? Where is this white, conservative, racist, Christian paradise outside of the US?
It does sadden me. I was already wondering what songs with "rain" in them they would tackle next. However, from the linked-to article,kkaabboomm said:not sure if posted yet, but some sad news has hit the internet today:
The McCain girls are a fraud!
so very sad.
Is that H. Jon Benjamin, voice of Home Movies's McGuirk?Jon Benjamin, a contributor to 23/6 who produced the Raining McCain video
Or....Triumph said:Worse than "change you can xerox"? For realz???
Jason's Ultimatum said:Well, my mother also wants to move out of Florida. She graduated with a degree in MIS back in 2001, worked at Bank of America (One of the best employees at her branch), TechData, JCPennys, did temp work for Raymond James Financial, and STILL cannot find a job.
The economy down here in Florida is just fucking terrible. Where would she want to move? Possibly Charlotte. Somewhere near the city where jobs are (hopefully) plentiful. She's always hated Florida. Same with me. We never found the place great.
So yeah. Fuck Florida, fuck Bush, and fuck the people that vote for McCain. Whew, I'm done venting now.![]()
The Lamonster said:what time? which network? PA or IN?
soul creator said:sure, it could be seen as "projecting" on my part, but I hardly see any evidence that he found some convincing proof of the fantastical elements of Christianity
I'm not sure what you mean by 'fantastical', but that probably qualifies.But kneeling beneath that cross on the South Side of Chicago, I felt God's spirit beckoning me
Really feels like wish fulfillment. Religious people aren't idiots by definition.I have a feeling that he knows in the back of his mind that there isn't really an invisible dude watching over the country
It's not the line, but what she was accusing Obama of doingAPF said:Obama just aped the "shame" line, so I'm not sure you want to point to that. Plus, no. Also, the "Xerox" line was lame, but not retarded. Retarded in a lack of humor way, perhaps. Rovian tactics was, I believe, not something she said, and in fact was WAY outweighed by the "McCarthy" comment, as well as IMO the equation of President Clinton to Nixon.
APF said:Obama just aped the "shame" line, so I'm not sure you want to point to that. Plus, no. Also, the "Xerox" line was lame, but not retarded. Retarded in a lack of humor way, perhaps. Rovian tactics was, I believe, not something she said, and in fact was WAY outweighed by the "McCarthy" comment, as well as IMO the equation of President Clinton to Nixon.
"Enough about the speeches, and the big rallies, and then using tactics right out of Karl Rove's playbook," Clinton railed. "This is wrong and every Democrat should be outraged."
APF said:TheKingsCrown: Yes yes, ray of light, blinding hope sunshine and puppies, etc etc
STEELTON, Pennsylvania (CNN) - A visibly agitated Barack Obama accused Hillary Clinton Sunday of acting like "Annie Oakley packin a six shooter in her attempts to connect with gun owners, and used some of his most heated language to date to attack her and her campaign for their reaction to his comments from a now infamous California fundraiser.
"Shame on her," he told a Steelton crowd.
"I expected this out of John McCain," Obama said in a decibel higher than his every day stump tone. "But I've gotta say, I'm a little disappointed when I start hearing the exact same talking points coming out of my Democratic colleague Hillary Clinton. She knows better. Shame on her."
APF said:See post #8612. Also, no.
Tamanon said:I dunno, I'd say comparing someone to Karl Rove and comparing someone to McCarthy to being pretty equal. Both are pretty bad things to say.
theBishop said:What is this McCarthy comment referring to? I missed it.
Azih said:First off let me highlight one part of the statement that you left unbolded I'm not sure what you mean by 'fantastical', but that probably qualifies.
Secondly who said anything about 'convincing proof of the "fantastical elements of Christianity"? That's a weird standard to apply to someone's faith. Especially since it's one that can't be tested as it relies on guessing at the man's motivations.
I get the feeling that you think religious people can't have a nuanced understanding of the world and belief (as opposed to hardcore creationist types) and so Obama becomes a closet atheist.
In fairness, the Rove comparison makes sense--he's a political strategist who just recently ran successful campaigns--whereas the McCarthy comment was outrageous and disgusting.Tamanon said:I dunno, I'd say comparing someone to Karl Rove and comparing someone to McCarthy to being pretty equal. Both are pretty bad things to say.
GhaleonEB said:He just took the McCain 100 years comment head on, and was clear to frame it correctly.
APF said:imagemacro.jpg
TheKingsCrown: oh you mean like by posting articles with quotes in them, and addressing the quotes in the article and saying you disagree with them? I'll never do that, I'm sorry, I just can't take the time to read and post articles and give my responses to quotes from candidates that are appearing in those articles.
Well said.TheKingsCrown said:What these candidates say during this election may or may not be what they actually believe. This much has been true of politics for as long as I have been alive, and probably as long as you have been alive as well.
There are moments within their statements, however, that can give very clear views of their character because the statements are free from political obsession. Reading in between Clinton's lines has led me to believe that she is obsessed with winning (she brings up point after point attacking him, all the time every day, switches stances on everything she possibly can). Reading in between Obama's lines has led me to believe he truly believes he can carry the country forward (He is consistent with his message, his book is an eye opener into his mind, and he rarely wants to engage in political attacks).
My point is this: The media's portrayal of this is not the truth. The truth is what you glean from a candidates character over time. And her character is really beginning to scare me APF. Mccain's does as well. But hers is making me think twice.
APF said:Obama's looking like he's pretty comfortable with rather grade-school -level attacks, plus both candidates need to be focused on winning in order to win--not to mention, to fight for their plans and policy proposals. Not sure why someone fighting for policies you believe in should be scary to you, but hey free country.
reilo said:Latest PA poll on MSNBC:
Hillary 44
Obama 38
That's 18% undecided.
Who was the pollster?reilo said:Latest PA poll on MSNBC:
Hillary 44
Obama 38
That's 18% undecided.
Xeke said:Yeah but Hillary already lost so she can do whatevs.
GhaleonEB said:Who was the pollster?
GhaleonEB said:Who was the pollster?
"Everyone knows Hillary is a liar and a crook, that will only help her in the general election."
JoshuaJSlone said:It does sadden me. I was already wondering what songs with "rain" in them they would tackle next. However, from the linked-to article,
Is that H. Jon Benjamin, voice of Home Movies's McGuirk?
reilo said:Dan Rooney [Steelers owner] endorsing Obama. Ruh-roh.
If that's true, you're a good manVanMardigan said:So I didn't know I worked around a superdelegate who is officially undecided. Whatever current tally you use, add one for Obama. I'm not sure what the person is waiting for to make it official.
APF said:Obama's looking like he's pretty comfortable with rather grade-school -level attacks, plus both candidates need to be focused on winning in order to win--not to mention, to fight for their plans and policy proposals. Not sure why someone fighting for policies you believe in should be scary to you, but hey free country.
Mon APR 14 2007 14:53:11 ET
Exchange between Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill) and William Dean Singleton, chairman of the board of the ASSOCIATED PRESS at the AP annual meeting in Washington DC:
Singleton: Obama bin Laden is still at large.
Obama: I think that was Osama bin Laden. (audience laughter, delayed applause)
Singleton: If I did that, I'm so sorry.
Obama: No, no, no. this is part of the exercise that I've been going through over the last 15 months, which is why it's pretty impressive that I'm still standing. (applause)
# # #
wtf this will never endCheebs said:New SurveyUSA Indiana Poll:
Clinton 55%
Obama 39%
Other 3%
Undecided 3%
Yeah, I was watching when that happened. It was pretty funny, Obama handled it well. Not sure what else there is to it to make it "developing...." :lolTamanon said:
Ouch.Cheebs said:New SurveyUSA Indiana Poll:
Clinton 55%
Obama 39%
Other 3%
Undecided 3%
Tamanon said:
bob_arctor said:Man, I just don't get it. I wouldn't/couldn't make that mistake if I tried and yet it keeps on happening.