Master of the Google Search
I doubt Romney could have won anyway. Winner take all + McCain's maverick image probably would have carried him regardless
I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt as to the fact that this was ACTUALLY your thought process. However, how on earth, if these several things have turned you away from Obama, are you able to continually support Hillary? She has far more sketchy shit in her closet.siamesedreamer said:Wright isn't the one thing (I outlined them way back earlier in this thread). I was kinda trending that way anyway. It just sealed the deal.
TheKingsCrown said:I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt as to the fact that this was ACTUALLY your thought process. However, how on earth, if these several things have turned you away from Obama, are you able to continually support Hillary? She has far more sketchy shit in her closet.
NAPITALIANO: Hey Sen. Lieberman, you know Barack Obama, is he a Marxist as Bill Kristol says might be the case in today’s New York Times? Is he an elitist like your colleague Hillary Clinton says he is?
LIEBERMAN: Well, you know, I must say that’s a good question. I know him now for a little more than three years since he came into the Senate and he’s obviously very smart and he’s a good guy. I will tell ya that during this campaign, I’ve learned some things about him, about the kind of environment from which he came ideologically. And I wouldn’t…I’d hesitate to say he’s a Marxist, but he’s got some positions that are far to the left of me and I think mainstream America.
I think Romney would have made the best R President out of the bunch, but his campaign and personal identity management was awful and uninspiring. It's funny, the GOP race was arguably a lot more diverse and potentially interesting than the Dem one, yet was boring and lame in comparison.siamesedreamer said:When I started following Romney back in 2006 he was in my mind without question the best up-and-coming GOPer. Maybe the sitdown interviews I saw didn't translate as well or what. But, the dude completely flopped. Embarrassingly.
Tamanon said:Shockingly, Olbermann is on the Pro-Obama side from the story![]()
APF said:I think Romney would have made the best R President out of the bunch, but his campaign and personal identity management was awful and uninspiring. It's funny, the GOP race was arguably a lot more diverse and potentially interesting than the Dem one, yet was boring and lame in comparison.
siamesedreamer said:When I started following Romney back in 2006 he was in my mind without question the best up-and-coming GOPer. Maybe the sitdown interviews I saw didn't translate as well or what. But, the dude completely flopped. Embarrassingly.
grandjedi6 said:uh... I don't think SD supports Hillary... at all
He would have been completely blown out in the general. Reagan '80-'84 margins though. McCain at least (while he'll lose) will have a respectable showing.siamesedreamer said:When I started following Romney back in 2006 he was in my mind without question the best up-and-coming GOPer. Maybe the sitdown interviews I saw didn't translate as well or what. But, the dude completely flopped. Embarrassingly.
Suikoguy said:Would you have voted for him?
I liked him better then McCain.
siamesedreamer said:When I started following Romney back in 2006 he was in my mind without question the best up-and-coming GOPer. Maybe the sitdown interviews I saw didn't translate as well or what. But, the dude completely flopped. Embarrassingly.
harSon said:As an Evangelical Christian, what words in Obama's statements 'rubbed you the wrong way'?
I heard about this as well,not good for McCain.reilo said:Olbermann about to talk about McCain being sued over violating a campaign financing law... the McCain-Feingold financing law.
Xeke said:Rendell says Obama will win PA in the fall and that he expects her to win by 6% next week.:lol
Cheebs said:The Clinton guys are just trying to downplay expectations so if she wins by 10-12 it will seem out of nowhere.
VanMardigan said:The takeaway that I (and a bunch of other religious) folks got was that religion was a reaction to the bitterness. In other words, oversimplifying the reasons why folks choose to believe. I saw the video I linked to and bought his explanation.
It's like using the n word though. Blacks can say it...gluv65 said:Question, When Gov. Ed Rendell said that Some people in Penn. will not vote for Barack because he's black and when Barack Obama stated that some will not vote for him because of antipathy for those who does not look like them, isn't he saying practically the same thing?
He keeps playing that Ayers issue he's going to continue to look dumber and dumber.siamesedreamer said:H&C hitting on the Ayers angle now.
Says he "won't talk to Fox News". :lol
:-/Tamanon said:Yeah, he's anti-Obama, anti-Hillary, anti-McCain, pro-Bobby Cox.
Because he's used to disappointment in the fall.
Triumph said::-/
Hey man, there's innocent bystander Braves fans getting hurt in your snark crossfire. Lay off!
siamesedreamer said:H&C hitting on the Ayers angle now.
Says he "won't talk to Fox News". :lol
Ninja Scooter said:what a clusterfuck this is turning into. The Dems had the election handed to them on a platter and they are finding a way to screw it all up. Democrats=Sega
PhoenixDark said:Ayers? I'm unfamiliar with this
PhoenixDark said:Ayers? I'm unfamiliar with this
I dunno man, considering how that turned out I wouldn't necessarily claim those as wins. Just saying!siamesedreamer said:S'cool. Bush won twice. So, technically I'm 3 for 16 in the fall.![]()
Ninja Scooter said:
Triumph said:I dunno man, considering how that turned out I wouldn't necessarily claim those as wins. Just saying!
Does he still only vent his absurd anger for the Clintons abandoning him in the 90's?siamesedreamer said:Dick Morris on Fox was cool when Hillary was the presumed nominee. But, now he's a waste of air time.
Triumph said::-/
Hey man, there's innocent bystander Braves fans getting hurt in your snark crossfire. Lay off!