Diablos said:
Onarato, Ravenstahl, AND Rendell all support Hillary, Amir0x.
Hey, I'm doing everything I can on MY end - unfortunately for seemingly the rest of the ENTIRE FUCKING COUNTRY, every little turd of dirt on Obama is coming up 24 hours 7 days a week.
Nothing we can do about that champ, had to hold down the fort. Lucky if we make it to 40% at this point.
APF said:
I was just making an observation based on my being a participant in threads like these in places like this over the last eight or so years; I'm not sure why you're concerned with making me "accountable" for what I consider a fairly innocent postulate, but I think it's possible to find any number of quotes suggesting how horrible the Bush Administration's tactics are, and how Dems need to fight back against them; similarly, you can see parallel ideas in this thread and other threads relating to the Democratic race. Honestly I'm kinda shocked you're offended by my post.
I'm not offended. I merely think your post needed to be qualified with something a bit better than the weak, unsubstantiated meanderings of your latest baiting technique. I have nothing against you using them, I just thought it prudent to call you on in this case.
APF said:
On a more relevant note, wouldn't trying to attack Hillary over the existence of a photo of Bill shaking hands with some crazy guy be a good example of trying to attack someone in an even more outrageous manner than folks were arguing was oh so outrageous up to this point?
Yes, I personally am against it EXCEPT as an example of why this SHOULDN'T be used.
Example: "Here is a photograph of Clinton with this same guy. EVERYONE at one point or another interacts with people others may find offensive. This is a stupid topic and everyone should move the fuck on."
Personally this topic has made me less harsh on the whole Geraldine Ferraro situation, it's all so much bullshit.