scorcho said:expecting a compromise candidate to come in on a white horse is beyond stupid.
i'm waiting for the wholly inept Democratic leadership to step in as soon as possible to end this morass.
The clip even notes how many people have seen it online before they ran the report. Looks like this is finally breaking open.KarishBHR said:Drudge Report is now running the Hillary Bosnia story as the major story.
quest said:There is no way to end this it is to close. Obama has chance after chance to end it but keeps pissing it away. If someone steps in and ends it welcome president McCain. I hope Dean steps in and forces hillary out and her supporters vote McCain or stay home over the bitterness of their canidate being foced out. I just wish Pennsylvania had an open primary so the Repubilcans could vote hillary to make it even closer.
quest said:There is no way to end this it is to close. Obama has chance after chance to end it but keeps pissing it away. If someone steps in and ends it welcome president McCain. I hope Dean steps in and forces hillary out and her supporters vote McCain or stay home over the bitterness of their canidate being foced out. I just wish Pennsylvania had an open primary so the Repubilcans could vote hillary to make it even closer.
quest said:There is no way to end this. it is too close.
Tamanon said:This is a close contest? By what measure?
quest said:It is so close enough neither can get enough deligates with out the help of the Supers.
v1cious said:and you think they will flock to the losing candidate.
Cheebs said:If this is close tell me what 1976 was.
The republican race with ford and Reagan was A LOT closer than this one.
quest said:I could careless it just means the race is to close to stop. Obama had his chance to end this but blew it plain and simple. He had the momentum and all the money in the world and could not knock out hillary. It should of been easy as cake to knock out someone as hated as hillary with all that money and momentum.
And what happened in the GE? I only hope history repeats its self. The democrates brought this on themselves. All they had to do was roll out any centrist and they would win back the white house. Instead they go with boarderline socialists.
quest said:There is no way to end this it is to close. Obama has chance after chance to end it but keeps pissing it away. If someone steps in and ends it welcome president McCain. I hope Dean steps in and forces hillary out and her supporters vote McCain or stay home over the bitterness of their canidate being foced out. I just wish Pennsylvania had an open primary so the Repubilcans could vote hillary to make it even closer.
:lolgkrykewy said:I wish this post was written in the king's english so that I could reply to it. Go on a quest for some night classes, maybe.
Xeke said:When the fuck has momentum done anything for anyone in this election?
Xeke said:Momentum isn't real.
Obama has momentum out of Iowa! Oh damn he lost NH.
Hillary has momentum coming out of NM. Oh damn she lost SC by loads.
Obama has momentum coming into Ohio. Oh damn he lost.
She has momentum. Oh she lost the next two.
When the fuck has momentum done anything for anyone in this election?
StoOgE said:guys, I have a very very good chance of going to Denver and being a pledged delegate.
my precinct had a meeting on how we are going to vote for delegates to the state convention. I gave a 10 min speach and afterwords was the unanimous pick for the first person to go to state from our precinct. I went to nationals in LD debate and extemp speaking in high school so it wasnt fair,
afterwards, a lady said she is on the executive commitee for the state dem party. if i get to state (which is a given) she said she can get our congressman to endorse me to go to Denver....
would be so awesome.
KRS7 said:They were discussing this on TV a while ago, basically saying the same thing. Chuck Todd explained that momentum was an illusion created by the primary schedule, and we would see it rise and ebb based on whose strongholds are voting on particular dates. Basically if you changed the schedule of this primary you might have a different view of who was gaining at losing momentum.
The big moments in this primary are when candidates when where they shouldn't. Wisconsin was far bigger than New York in that regard.
quest said:Chuck Todd is a Obama fan who makes up crap to defend his boy.
KRS7 said:Congratulations!
Does the DNC cover travel and lodging? When you get to Denver please keep us up to date with insider info.
quest said:Chuck Todd is a Obama fan who makes up crap to defend his boy. McCain took his momentum and kicked the crap out of the huckster and Romney. Obama should of been able to easily end this but choked Chuck Todd can make up all the excuses he wants.
Incognito said:Just got back from a 2+ hour delegate training session. The conventions on Saturday around the state of Texas have a good chance of being bigger clusterfucks than the caucuses themselves. :lol Our county, Bexar, is STILL tabulating the voting sheets from March 5th. So potentially, there are hundreds and hundreds of delegates and alternate delegates who have not been contacted yet. I'd say at least 95% of the folks who show up to the training RSVP through the website. Nevertheless, my precinct has their shit together and is holding a house party this coming Thursday in order to streamline the process on Saturday.
I declare bullshit. No freakin' way the candidate is not Obama [or Clinton].artredis1980 said:
In a close race between candidate A and candidate B, the Democratic party chooses candidate....C. Makes sense to me!Dan said:I declare bullshit. No freakin' way the candidate is not Obama [or Clinton].
Deus Ex Machina said:
Deus Ex Machina said:
Smiles and Cries said:I really loved the guy from Politico at the end "all the experience she claimed was partly her imagination" :lol
I actually feel kind of proud of this as an Obama supporter. Even the Republicans know John McCain doesn't stand a chance against said:That was awesome 7 minutes of bitter tears. I thought the MSNBC guy was going to break down and cry on the air.
I fucking hate repulicans who act like this.Deus Ex Machina said:
quest said:That was awesome 7 minutes of bitter tears. I thought the MSNBC guy was going to break down and cry on the air.
mckmas8808 said:You do know that a felony is serious business right?
quest said:That is fine and dandy I hope they charge rush and a few people. That will just be the finishing touch bringing the party together behind McCain. It would be a dream come true 4 years of grid lock and maybe the democratic party blown up and rebuilt more moderate.
Obama is still to blame for this he is the one who blew chance after chance to KO hillary.
Edit: Ah, I assume you found it.XxenobladerxX said:
Deus Ex Machina said:
quest said:That is fine and dandy I hope they charge rush and a few people. That will just be the finishing touch bringing the party together behind McCain. It would be a dream come true 4 years of grid lock and maybe the democratic party blown up and rebuilt more moderate.
Obama is still to blame for this he is the one who blew chance after chance to KO hillary.
Neither is a comprehensible one.mckmas8808 said:Bait eh? I see a sensible convo with you is impossibles.
PhoenixDark said:Dan Abrams is a fucking idiot. "Unamerican" for republicans to vote in the democrat primary? :lol
mckmas8808 said:Pee Dee you know better. Unamerican for republicans to vote in the democrat primary only to screw the democrat primary up.
That's the issue that Dan has. You and I know this. Why omit that part of his comment?
artredis1980 said:Obama is planning a continous 6 day bus ride across Pennsylvania :