Barack Obama and Brad Pitt - related?
reilo said:Why would she win WV? Obama won Virgina 64-35. Are those states that different?
Yeah, that's probably her safest state left.siamesedreamer said:Rasmussen had a WV poll from today or yesterday showing her up by 27 points.
reilo said:Why would she win WV? Obama won Virgina 64-35. Are those states that different?
Based on what?artredis1980 said:Hillary is getting a major backlash from common people and media on re-raising the wright issue
artredis1980 said:Hillary is getting a major backlash from common people and media on re-raising the wright issue
mckmas8808 said:Where? Link?
syllogism said:She will win WV and Kentucky by ~20%
erm..the internet doesnt = "common people"artredis1980 said:MSNBC and CNN, and comments from websites like huffington post and news from AFP news like this:
Amir0x said:yeah kinda old news though reilo
reilo said:WAIT.
Carville compared Richardson endorsing Obama to Judas backstabbing Jesus?
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
reilo said:Carville compared Richardson endorsing Obama to Judas backstabbing Jesus?
reilo said:WAIT.
Carville compared Richardson endorsing Obama to Judas backstabbing Jesus?
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
now it does: said:erm..the internet doesnt = "common people"
I spent the last two days checking out Obama and Clintons operations in Pennsylvania and found some interesting voter registration stats with Pennsylvanias State Department. Heres my story, but for any one interested heres the site that lists voter registration it was updated weekly until the books closed at midnight last night. A sampling: last week alone saw an increase of 50,347 of new Democratic voters.
That is one of the highest if not the highest in recent memory that weve had in one week, said Rebecca Halton, deputy spokesman for the Pennsylvania State Department. Its excitement. It boils down to excitement and eagerness to participate in a highly anticipated primary.
While no one knows who all these new Democrats may be voting for, interestingly 64% of those who've switched parties since the beginning of the year are in the state's 12 largest, urban counties.
We like to think it is, but it really isn't.artredis1980 said:
artredis1980 said:BREAKING NEWS: OBAMA might win PENNSYLVANIA looking at this
Obamas highest voting percentage comes from Urban areas and 65% of new voters in this election are in Urban areas, that could turn the tides in Pennsylvania
Lemonz said:Barack Obama and Brad Pitt - related?
artredis1980 said:obama wins PA? LOL
Obamas highest voting percentage comes from Urban areas and 65% of new voters in this election are in Urban areas, that could turn the tides in Pennsylvania
Captain Pants said:Hilary is Jesus confirmed!
I'm all for enthusiasm, while the MSM can be influenced by the internet, they still largely construct their own narratives (Clinton is tied with Obama! Wright! Etc), Gore won't be veep again and that's not really crucial breaking news. Any polls a month out from the vote can't be seen as too solid.artredis1980 said:BREAKING NEWS: OBAMA might win PENNSYLVANIA looking at this
Obamas highest voting percentage comes from Urban areas and 65% of new voters in this election are in Urban areas, that could turn the tides in Pennsylvania
Amir0x said:yea.
trust me, I mean I'm a pretty faithful YES WE CAN Obama guy but he's not going to win here. Nooo way.
If he keeps it even within five percentage points, that'd be a miracle. This state is backwards.
Winning urban areas doesnt mean a thing if you dont carry the state so it isn't a real strong argument to attack her with.reilo said:It would be another long list in Hillary winning the state, but losing all the major cities in said state.
artredis1980 said:I think Mills AKA Edwards has not endorsed because he really wanted to endorse Obama but Obama has refused to give him a VP spot confirmation. I think Obama might be looking at Al Gore as VP
I hope this has nothing to do with Rebublicans/Limbaugh listeners registering as Democrats to vote for Hillary and then switching back for the general. Is that possible in PA? Today was the last day to register as a Democrat, right?artredis1980 said:BREAKING NEWS: OBAMA might win PENNSYLVANIA looking at this
Obamas highest voting percentage comes from Urban areas and 65% of new voters in this election are in Urban areas, that could turn the tides in Pennsylvania
Easily the dumbest idea in the world.Alcander said:
Gore would make the most ass kicking head of the EPA ever.tanod said:I don't think Al Gore should be VP. The VP doesn't do a whole lot. He'd make a perfect Secretary of Energy or the Interior though.
They can totally register as dems, vote in the primary and then vote for whoever in the general. It doesn't matter what you're registered as in the general.TheLegend said:I hope this has nothing to do with Rebublicans/Limbaugh listeners registering as Democrats to vote for Hillary and then switching back for the general. Is that possible in PA? Today was the last day to register as a Democrat, right?
Sure, I don't think there's a limit on how long you can be VP. Personally, I think Obama should go with Richardson as his VP to capture as much of the Latino vote as possible. McCain is savvy enough to realize that the stupid position much of the GOP has taken on illegal immigration is hurting the party with Latinos.Jason's Ultimatum said:Is it possible for Gore to become VP again?
U.S. Sen. Maria Cantwell, one of Washingtons 17 Democratic superdelegates, isnt ready to shift her allegiance from Sen. Hillary Clinton to Sen. Barack Obama yet.
But in an interview with The Columbians editorial board Monday, she said the candidate with the most pledged delegates at the end of the primary season in late June will have the strongest claim to the partys presidential nomination.
I definitely dont want the superdelegates to be the deciding factor, she said.
If we have a candidate who has the most delegates and the most states, the Democratic party should come together around that candidate, Cantwell said. The pledged delegate count will be the most important factor, she said, because that is the basis of the nominating process.
Obama leads Clinton in pledged delegates, in the popular vote and in the number of state primaries and caucuses he has won. Most political observers say the partys rules of proportionality mean Clinton has virtually no chance of overtaking Obama in the pledged delegate count in the 10 primaries that remain.
Clinton argues that she has won more of the big industrial states that Democrats must take to win in November and has momentum on her side.
Cantwell and Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., both endorsed Clinton several months ago.
Cantwell said she wouldnt object to a primary contest that went into the summer if it focused on the issues facing the nation, but added, We wouldnt want to tear apart the party.
I think its important that we let it play out in June, she said. At that point, she said, Id be urging my party to make a decision.
ZealousD said:Eeeehhhhhh.... that's a stretch. Let's not get too crazy now, mmkay?
Isn't the deadline to register Democrat in Pennsylvania this week?artredis1980 said:BREAKING NEWS: OBAMA might win PENNSYLVANIA looking at this
Obamas highest voting percentage comes from Urban areas and 65% of new voters in this election are in Urban areas, that could turn the tides in Pennsylvania
Jason's Ultimatum said:Is it possible for Gore to become VP again?
Deus Ex Machina said:Isn't the deadline to register Democrat in Pennsylvania this week?
Gotchatanod said:All registration was closed yesterday.
artredis1980 said:BREAKING NEWS: OBAMA might win PENNSYLVANIA looking at this
Obamas highest voting percentage comes from Urban areas and 65% of new voters in this election are in Urban areas, that could turn the tides in Pennsylvania
tanod said:Yep. He would only be restricted from being VP if he was President for 8 years.
22nd Ammendment said:No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once.
Lemonz said:Barack Obama and Brad Pitt - related?
I don't have the link handy, I'd posted it earlier. Democrat registration in PA hit a new record. However, both Republican and Independent registrations shrank, which may be a clue that there is a lot of cross overs.mckmas8808 said:He does have a good point. How many of the repubs switched over? That's the question.
GhaleonEB said:I don't have the link handy, I'd posted it earlier. Democrat registration in PA hit a new record. However, both Republican and Independent registrations shrank, which may be a clue that there is a lot of cross overs.