I saw your powerful reply on the last thread. That is some wonderful insight. You should share more of your thoughts on this topic. The neo-lib phenomenon is indeed unparalleled in US political history. You address the more social side of this and I hope more research can be done on this aspect. Now this movement is beginning to sense its own power. They self-righteously believe they are the saviors of the modern age, even more so than the neo-cons did. This message has been reflected consistently in Obamas campaign. And the neo-libs have ample funding, control most media outlets, and dominate the web, believing that this will lead them to achieve supreme victory for their global agenda. Its a bit scary. If the DNC hands the Party over to them; the neo-libs will have little use for their old-style liberal allies after they control things. The old guard Kennedy/Kerry/Pelosi clique will be squeezed out to make room for the younger neo-libs. Fools!
The neo-libs have two goals:
1) First and primarily is to take control of the Party. This is their most important battle and the first step to power. They must win this nomination contest at all costs, using any method. Worry about the fallout later.
2) As a secondary goal, gain control of the government via Obama.
We are in an epoch struggle for the soul of our country. We can not afford to lose this one without very serious consequences for the world as we know it. Hillary is aware of this danger. Why do you think she is so determined to continue fighting down to the last minute and dollar? She knows what is at stake. She is not doing this for her health thats for sure, but for folks like you and me. I think often when people are engaged in monumental struggles like this one, it is difficult to see the bigger picture because we are in the trenches, involved in daily hand-to-hand combat with the enemy. But someday years later, we will say to ourselves, When our country needed us the most, we answered the call. Is this not really the campaign message of Hillary Clinton? Even the Republicans are beginning to finally realize that she is truly one great American. Even they now know we must stop the neo-libs before it is too late. I am so proud to be on the Hillary team!