GhaleonEB said:Looks like Obama crossed the magic number in Mississippi after all.
siamesedreamer said:So I just saw on MSNBC that McCain wants to end all oil imports in 5 years.
:lol :lol :lol
GhaleonEB said:Looks like Obama crossed the magic number in Mississippi after all.
That's what I'm assuming. And it's now official: caucuses are a sham. I mean, there was Hillary on the verge of the comeback of the century, winning the make-or-break primary in Texas by a colossal 3 point margin that might as well have been a mandate from the heavens, and she loses the overall delegate count because of a 'caucus'? Who even understands what those things are. Frankly, before we go to the convention, I think we need to explore how legitimate those things are. Last time I checked, Obama isn't going to have any caucuses to win when he faces McCain, who like Hillary has crossed the Commander-in-Chief threshold, in the general election.ZeroTolerance said:Same thing I asked myself. I guess that is based on the official results. I know GAF has known this for a while now but still worth mentioning.
electricpirate said:Was it general or did he specifically suggest drilling ANWR?
Steve Youngblood said:That's what I'm assuming. And it's now official: caucuses are a sham. I mean, there was Hillary on the verge of the comeback of the century, winning the make-or-break primary in Texas by a colossal 3 point margin that might as well have been a mandate from the heavens, and she loses the overall delegate count because of a 'caucus'? Who even understands what those things are. Frankly, before we go to the convention, I think we need to explore how legitimate those things are. Last time I checked, Obama isn't going to have any caucuses to win when he faces McCain, who like Hillary has crossed the Commander-in-Chief threshold, in the general election.
siamesedreamer said:So I just saw on MSNBC that McCain wants to end all oil imports in 5 years.
:lol :lol :lol
Tom_Cody said:If he actually said that I'm note voting this fall.Unless Romney is VP.
electricpirate said:Was it general or did he specifically suggest drilling ANWR?
Stop lying!siamesedreamer said:So I just saw on MSNBC that McCain wants to end all oil imports in 5 years.
:lol :lol :lol
siamesedreamer said:It was a bullet point on the TV. I googled it and appearently its been part of his platform for a couple months.
maynerd said:And this is why the democrat primary is good for McCain. He says some stupid shit and no one notices.
Francois the Great said:well technically, if iraq, iran, and other middle eastern countries are made into U.S. territories, we wouldn't be importing oil from foreign countries anymore.
maybe that's what mccain means?
Well, yeah, but let's not focus on that. Let's focus on the fact that, because of all the in-party bickering, every single speck of dirt about Democratic candidates is getting out there right now, and will be completely forgotten before the general election. McCain and the GOP will not be able to say anything even remotely negative because the Democrats will have already addressed every single negative that can be levied against them. It's going to be the smoothest general election season ever if you're a Democrat because the media will only have negative McCain stuff to focus on, unless they want to beat a dead horse, which they would never do.maynerd said:And this is why the democrat primary is good for McCain. He says some stupid shit and no one notices.
maynerd said:And this is why the democrat primary is good for McCain. He says some stupid shit and no one notices.
"Have I been in a debate before? Jimmy, do me a favor and check if I've debated before. I'm certain that I have, and that my past debating will be consistent with the President's policies."ToyMachine228 said:Believe me, McCain's lack of competence will be pretty clear when he's put head to head in a debate against Obama who's very articulate and witty.
Steve Youngblood said:Well, yeah, but let's not focus on that. Let's focus on the fact that, because of all the in-party bickering, every single speck of dirt about Democratic candidates is getting out there right now, and will be completely forgotten before the general election. McCain and the GOP will not be able to say anything even remotely negative because the Democrats will have already addressed every single negative that can be levied against them. It's going to be the smoothest general election season ever if you're a Democrat because the media will only have negative McCain stuff to focus on, unless they want to beat a dead horse, which they would never do.
Yes.siamesedreamer said:Joke post?
Big Media will not take notice of serial liar Obama but the people will and do increasingly notice that Obama is a flim flam man and liar. Yesterday we noted the clumsy Obama as flim flam man is trying to charm people who are not taken in by his pose. In the birthplace of the Reagan Democrat Obama tried to pretend that he is not the Chicago thug insider that he proves every day to be. Pretending disdain for designer beers Obama posed as friend of the working class. Obamas constituents, whom Obamas slumlord friend Rezko tormented, could have used a friend to the working class.
Human race am doomedCheebs said:It's that time of day to see what Hillary fans are blogging about on HillaryIs44:
Big Media will not take notice of serial liar Obama but the people will and do increasingly notice that Obama is a flim flam man and liar. Yesterday we noted the clumsy Obama as flim flam man is trying to charm people who are not taken in by his pose. In the birthplace of the Reagan Democrat Obama tried to pretend that he is not the Chicago thug insider that he proves every day to be. Pretending disdain for designer beers Obama posed as friend of the working class. Obamas constituents, whom Obamas slumlord friend Rezko tormented, could have used a friend to the working class.
Cheebs said:It's that time of day to see what Hillary fans are blogging about on HillaryIs44:
More evidence of how the Reagan Democrats are not fooled by Obamas schtick and poses came this morning.
While Democrats increasingly worry about winning ugly, Barack Obama was losing beautifully at a bowling lane in this central Pennsylvania city.
My economic plan is better than my bowling, Obama told fellow bowlers Saturday evening at the Pleasant Valley Recreation Center.
It has to be, a man called out. [snip]
Saturday night, it was Obama Bowl-a-Rama.
And it was clear from the start that Obama was way out of his league, certainly any bowling league.
Obama bowled a 37. Reagan Democrats know about is out of his league in running for president.
I saw that too but it was too ridiculous to justify a response.Slurpy said:Oh, and did a GAF poster actually use the 'passed the commander-in-chief threshold' line in a serious post? Bravo, sir.
You know, in fairness, it's not like they're really that far out of line. It's a bunch of die-hard supporters who get to offer completely one-sided commentary, so it's not like it's all that insane that most of the crap they spew is laughable to people on the outside looking in. Of course HillaryIs44 is a ridiculous circle-jerk -- that's what it was created for.Cheebs said:It's that time of day to see what Hillary fans are blogging about on HillaryIs44:
:lol :lol :lolZealousD said:You heard that right. Apparently, Obama can't become president because he's a terrible bowler.
If you're referring to my post, then apparently my sarcasm just isn't fine-tuned enough. I would have thought that referring to her Texas primary win by three points as a "mandate from the heavens" would have been a dead giveaway, but apparently not.Slurpy said:Wasnt the pathetic tool that runs that site exposed to be connected to the Clinton campaign?
Remarkably it was a guy.
Oh, and did a GAF poster actually use the 'passed the commander-in-chief threshold' line in a serious post? Bravo, sir.
Steve Youngblood said:This entire defense ignores that, if taken at face value, the summary describes Obama as so arrogant that, instead of securing the all-important Edwards endorsement, which should have been a slam-dunk, he would rather stick to his guns and antagonize Edwards and his wife in their own home concerning policy semantics when he was trying to solicit their support.
Steve Youngblood said:You know, in fairness, it's not like they're really that far out of line. It's a bunch of die-hard supporters who get to offer completely one-sided commentary, so it's not like it's all that insane that most of the crap they spew is laughable to people on the outside looking in. Of course HillaryIs44 is a ridiculous circle-jerk -- that's what it was created for.
Even though this site is a lot less sensationalized, even as a die-hard Obama supporter, some of the responses here can be a little ridiculous. I mean, just in the past couple of pages, we have that nymag article talking about why Edwards didn't endorse Obama. Now, to me, here's the sensical response to that:
"Hmm... that might be interesting if it wasn't an article filled with nothing but speculation and hearsay."
Instead, some supporters here would rather spin the article as painting Obama as a man of integrity who won't pander to Edwards poor attempt to inflate his ego by pathetically trying to seem relevant despite his poor performance in this primary season. Like the mighty Obama needs Edwards support -- the guy's a meaningless schmuck anyway.
This entire defense ignores that, if taken at face value, the summary describes Obama as so arrogant that, instead of securing the all-important Edwards endorsement, which should have been a slam-dunk, he would rather stick to his guns and antagonize Edwards and his wife in their own home concerning policy semantics when he was trying to solicit their support.
Ugh...ZealousD said:So do you think he should have changed his policy, just to clinch the endorsement? Or maybe it would have been better to just lie?
Agree 100%siamesedreamer said:Obama, <is amazing>, and his supporters are being completely <awesome> about McCain's "100 years in Iraq" comment. Its pretty <understandable> given how <enraged> they were about Wright's comments being taken out of context, being tiny snippets, etc. <I just think McCain is really old, and everything he says is probably dusty and smells like moldy furniture.>
I doubt anyone here <is voting for McCain>
siamesedreamer said:Obama, his surrogates, and his supporters are being completely disengenuous about McCain's "100 years in Iraq" comment. Its pretty ironic given how upset they were about Wright's comments being taken out of context, being tiny snippets, etc.
I doubt anyone here has even heard the full McCain quote.
siamesedreamer said:Obama, his surrogates, and his supporters are being completely disengenuous about McCain's "100 years in Iraq" comment. Its pretty ironic given how upset they were about Wright's comments being taken out of context, being tiny snippets, etc.
I doubt anyone here has even heard the full McCain quote.
Chuck Todd compared it to Gore's internet/love canal mistake and suggests RNC is afraid it will start a life of its own despite the facts being on their side. I don't think it will, but they are certainly fighting hard to keep it in control.siamesedreamer said:Obama, his surrogates, and his supporters are being completely disengenuous about McCain's "100 years in Iraq" comment. Its pretty ironic given how upset they were about Wright's comments being taken out of context, being tiny snippets, etc.
I doubt anyone here has even heard the full McCain quote.
harSon said:Did Glenn Beck just compare the increase in oil costs to rising costs in produce and milk?
gcubed said:??? As in one caused by the other? Because thats not a difficult thing to understand
harSon said:He was making a comparison to Vietnam, Korea, etc..
siamesedreamer said:Obama, his surrogates, and his supporters are being completely disengenuous about McCain's "100 years in Iraq" comment. Its pretty ironic given how upset they were about Wright's comments being taken out of context, being tiny snippets, etc.
I doubt anyone here has even heard the full McCain quote.
siamesedreamer said:
siamesedreamer said:Obama, his surrogates, and his supporters are being completely disengenuous about McCain's "100 years in Iraq" comment. Its pretty ironic given how upset they were about Wright's comments being taken out of context, being tiny snippets, etc.
I doubt anyone here has even heard the full McCain quote.
human5892 said:"Have I been in a debate before? Jimmy, do me a favor and check if I've debated before. I'm certain that I have, and that my past debating will be consistent with the President's policies."
siamesedreamer said:Obama, his surrogates, and his supporters are being completely disengenuous about McCain's "100 years in Iraq" comment. Its pretty ironic given how upset they were about Wright's comments being taken out of context, being tiny snippets, etc.
I doubt anyone here has even heard the full McCain quote.
siamesedreamer said: