Duke Togo said::lol I loved the sidestepping.
It was less about sidestepping and more about diving out of the way of a bus.
Duke Togo said::lol I loved the sidestepping.
scorcho said:that's a personal decision. the more irresponsible action, and one that has ramifications for this country, was McCain's reckless pick for a running mate.
I agree with masud. She chose political gain over the shitstorm that she had to have known would hit her daughter. That's a selfish decision for a mother to make. And I think it was a poor political decision for her to put the Republican nominee through it, also. From the McCain camp's statements, it really doesn't sound like she told them about it before accepting the offer. Maybe the staff didn't explicitly ask her about potential problems, but that points to a further dysfunction of the campaign.masud said:Yeah it's a personal decision that makes me think less of her as a person. Palin was a rising star in the GOP before McCain picked her. Her career would have been fine, she could have waited (especially. since this campaign is doomed to failure anyway)
:lol :lolWickedAngel said:It was less about sidestepping and more about diving out of the way of a bus.
Gruco said:Just to keep the Palin circus in perspective, remember:
Dubs was a cokehead with a DUI whose entire list of professional achievements consisted of drilling empty holes and bankrupting like 75 different oil companies, and acting as a front man for a baseball team.
And he was at the top of the ticket.
And won.
Yeah, I need a drink.
Arde5643 said:
Schattenjagger said:shes not going anywhere
Stoney Mason said:Perhaps unfortunately libel cases are difficult to win in America because the statement must have been published knowing it to be false or with reckless disregard to its truth, (also known as actual malice) which is very difficult to prove from what I've always been told. The laws are different in England where I hear it is easier to win a case on that issue.
And with that I'm going to bed. Very entertaining day.![]()
Schattenjagger said:what else is there?
"Christofascism" sounds cooler.Fragamemnon said:I am not sure if that spot on her face is a microphone or some budding evil appendage you get when you join the cult of christian fascism.
Tyrone Slothrop said:this.
where is everybody getting vp replacement from?? pfft.
Dartastic said:Damn. :lol
Also, when are The Daily Show and Colbert coming back? This is just WAY too chock full of comedy gold, and I miss them. =(
you seem to be reaching a little bit..Jak140 said:Let's start with the troopergate ethics violation investigation and then move on to the fact that she has zero foreign policy experience, she left the town of 8,000 she was mayor of $20 million in debt, she was a member of the Anti-American Alaskan Independence party and addressed them as governor in 2008, she laughed at a cancer surviving senator being called a "bitch" and a "cancer," her lie about not supporting the bridge to nowhere when in reality she supported it until she realized Alaska would have to pay for some of it and it wouldn't be a federal government handout, and the clincher--the fact that John McCain only met her once before choosing her as his VP.
How does it reflect on McCain's judgment if he chose a VP who is under ethics investigation and whom he only met once before picking her? Even if she does turn out to be innocent, there is no way for McCain to know that, yet he chose to put our country at the risk of having a corrupt VP elected into office.
Hitokage said:"Christofascism" sounds cooler.
Actually, it is closer to 1/10 that about. As of 2003, the number of girls UNDER 18 that gave birth was about 140,000laserbeam said:when she is just one of an estimated 1 million underaged girls who will give birth this year and who knows how many more who will abort
Macam said:They're already back. They both ran episodes from Tuesday through Friday of last week. Check the sites or Hulu.com.
holy shitArde5643 said:
PantherLotus said:holy shit, when he's on, he's on.
It was just on the news 30 minutes ago that at least 750,000 teen births will occur this year. Page 16 of that report regarding Teen Pregnanciesspeculawyer said:Actually, it is closer to 1/10 that about. As of 2003, the number of girls UNDER 18 that gave birth was about 140,000
Do you just make this shit up like ComputerNerd?
Schattenjagger said:you seem to be reaching a little bit..
like i said earlier - do not underestimate the GOP strategists..from what i understand, McCain wanted Lieberman or Romney
didnt Biden have some sort of scandal with Countrywide or something??
laserbeam said:It was just on the news 30 minutes ago that at least 750,000 teen births will occur this year
750,000 got rounded up to 1 million? I see.laserbeam said:It was just on the news 30 minutes ago that at least 750,000 teen births will occur this year
TheGrayGhost said:Where did he hold up the picture?
Ether_Snake said:That girl in the bottom right in the CNN video could get bukkaked live on CNN and still have that dumb smile on her face.
Ether_Snake said:That girl in the bottom right in the CNN video could get bukkaked live on CNN and still have that dumb smile on her face.
Stoney Mason said:![]()
Can somebody please photoshop the text Owned! on that pic so I can use it in any thread. Thx.![]()
No.... it's what the sign on the building says.PS2 KID said:Is that the Governor of Alaska's office? It's so tiny! :lol
Mayors Office and City hall of Wasilla. Alaska Capital Building is like pretty much every statesPS2 KID said:Is that the Governor of Alaska's office? It's so tiny! :lol
Ignatz Mouse said:I hated her and felt sorry for her all at once. it must suck to have your job be to bald-faced lie like that.
Hitokage said:No.... it's what the sign on the building says.
:lolscola said:
Shit, I called this outright, days ago. Before pulling King_Slender's punk card afterwards.Fatalah said:So it's clear to me that the Republican memo to all their mouth pieces is to accuse the democrats of being sexist if Palin is attacked. Wow, I didn't think it would happen THIS fast.
Hitokage said:
Stoney Mason said:http://img142.imageshack.us/img142/5323/cityhalltf5.jpg[IMG]
Can somebody please photoshop the text Owned! on that pic so I can use it in any thread. Thx. :D[/QUOTE]
If you'd like another font/different placement, post and I'll change it.
Hitokage said:
greepoman said:Gonna be an easy week for SNL...the material writes itself lol.
greepoman said:Gonna be an easy week for SNL...the material writes itself lol.
I think that's a rerun. There's also an ad for Michael Phelps hosting the season premier Sep. 13th.Hitokage said:
Hitokage said:
I'm sure she'll be on the 13th. You know she would want to.Hitokage said:Aw, oh well.
Matthew Gallant said:I'm sure she'll be on the 13th. You know she would want to.