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Anxious denizens of Bushworld worry that McCain will beat himself and in the process take down their best chance for deliverance when it comes to the verdict of history. One former Bush aide who spends his days publicly bashing Barack Obama sat down for lunch with me recently and before the appetizers even arrived lamented that the Democrat will probably crush McCain. He ruefully called Obama one of the three most talented political figures of his lifetime, along with John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan. Bushs political guru, Karl Rove, in conversations with friends this summer, could hardly restrain his exasperation at what he saw as the McCain teams dysfunctional organization and sclerotic message. And the president himself, according to friends and prominent Republicans, privately rails about what he considers McCains undisciplined approach to the campaign and grouses about McCains efforts to distance himself from the administration. A new McCain ad this month declared, Were worse off than we were four years ago. Thats the sort of stinging indictment a candidate usually issues when the other party is in the White House.