Deus Ex Machina
Sarah Palin Addresses the Alaskan Independence Party - 2008 Conventionsaelz8 said:![]()
Story starting to gain traction.
Sarah Palin Addresses the Alaskan Independence Party - 2008 Conventionsaelz8 said:![]()
Story starting to gain traction.
Agent Icebeezy said:It was all good just a week ago....
ahahahahaha this is good. thats bristols boyfriends sister, right? doesn't look like bristol to meAgent Icebeezy said:It was all good just a week ago....
Levi Johnston said:Her name is Bristol. and she is HOT. Ive been with girls before, but I think this is the one. what do you think?
Sarah Palin HATEZ AMURRICACheebs said:CNN briefly mentioned it but never really said much else. It seems worthy to be a big story to me but barely is gaining traction despite ABC and the NYTimes reporting she was a member of this anti-american (wanting to leave the union is the definition of anti-american pretty much) political party.
Yeah, it's her boyfriends sister (i think). She's important though.Zabka said:Those pics don't really look like her.
Ben Smith said:Raising abortion?
A Virginia reader reports that Obama's on the radio there with an ad hitting McCain on abortion rights.
That would be the first paid media on an issue Democrats have used in the past as a trump card but that Obama has generally placed behind economic issues in his outreach to women.
UPDATE: Another reader hears the same spot on a country station in Milwaukee, WI. The campaign hasn't responded to questions about it, but if you've got audio, send it over.
ALSO: Colorado.
FlightOfHeaven said:Wait... did the pregnant daughter drink while pregnant?
Holy cow.
Fragamemnon said:The drinking thing isn't a big deal outside of the delicious partisan witch hunt in which there are never innocents, but if she has dropped out of high school we can safely answer the vetting question once and for all.
BenjaminBirdie said:Sooo what would happen if she withdrew? Even worse? The same? More calamity?
BenjaminBirdie said:Sooo what would happen if she withdrew? Even worse? The same? More calamity?
Deus Ex Machina said:Sarah Palin Addresses the Alaskan Independence Party - 2008 Convention
BenjaminBirdie said:I don't know, I remember Palin being described as a "home schooler" on Friday, so this all may already be in the open, just not discussed.
Fragamemnon said:The drinking thing isn't a big deal outside of the delicious partisan witch hunt in which there are never innocents, but if she has dropped out of high school we can safely answer the vetting question once and for all.
140.85 said:She refers to them as competition...
She left them 12 years ago people. Where's the smoking gun of Palin explicitly agreeing with AIP's positions?
Stoney Mason said:In reality none of it (The family stuff I mean)is a big deal. My sister got pregnant at 18 and wasn't married. I'm sure most of us drank in high school. It's once again the discrepancy between reality and the moralists in that party who try to constantly preach the holier than thou card. None of the family stuff makes me dislike Palin and I think it does go towards humanizing her to be honest. Which is why the media focus should be on the actual stories related to her political career.
soul creator said:as has been said many times before, I don't think Sarah Palin knows much about pulling out/withdrawing...
Where is smoking gun that Obama agreed with Rev Wright on everything he said?
ViperVisor said:The View
Elisabeth "She has more experience than Barack Obama"
And then she shrieks through something about her looking people in the eyes and saying she is not gonna take this corruption here in Alaska.
140.85 said:She left them 12 years ago people. Where's the smoking gun of Palin explicitly agreeing with AIP's positions?
I am shocked by this news.GoutPatrol said:Really? Hasselbeck is as dumb as a rock.
Stoney Mason said:In reality none of it (The family stuff I mean)is a big deal. My sister got pregnant at 18 and wasn't married. I'm sure most of us drank in high school. It's once again the discrepancy between reality and the moralists in that party who try to constantly preach the holier than thou card. None of the family stuff makes me dislike Palin and I think it does go towards humanizing her to be honest. Which is why the media focus should be on the actual stories related to her political career.
140.85 said:She refers to them as competition...
She left them 12 years ago people. Where's the smoking gun of Palin explicitly agreeing with AIP's positions?
Palin replied: "As for that VP talk all the time, I'll tell you, I still can't answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does every day? I'm used to being very productive and working real hard in an administration. We want to make sure that that VP slot would be a fruitful type of position, especially for Alaskans and for the things that we're trying to accomplish up here for the rest of the U.S., before I can even start addressing that question."
Fragamemnon said:It's not so much about Palin than it is McCain, as the fact that his VP pick has a pregnant dropout of a daughter just MIGHT be a reasonable disqualification if he had done any vetting outside of having some lawyers going over her tax returns, statement questionaries, and hitting up The Google.
Putting a woman with such a family life in such a huge spotlight is a new thing though. Especially one that makes such a big stink about her being a mother. And hey, hate to say it, but isn't losing control of your life and responsibilities one of the pro-choice arguments?Stoney Mason said:In reality none of it (The family stuff I mean)is a big deal. My sister got pregnant at 18 and wasn't married. I'm sure most of us drank in high school. It's once again the discrepancy between reality and the moralists in that party who try to constantly preach the holier than thou card. None of the family stuff makes me dislike Palin and I think it does go towards humanizing her to be honest. Which is why the media focus should be on the actual stories related to her political career.
ViperVisor said:The View
Elisabeth "She has more experience than Barack Obama"
And then she shrieks through something about her looking people in the eyes and saying she is not gonna take this corruption here in Alaska.
Son of Godzilla said:Putting a woman with such a family life in such a huge spotlight is a new thing though. Especially one that makes such a big stink about her being a mother. And hey, hate to say it, but isn't losing control of your life and responsibilities one of the pro-choice arguments?
Son of Godzilla said:Putting a woman with such a family life in such a huge spotlight is a new thing though. Especially one that makes such a big stink about her being a mother. And hey, hate to say it, but isn't losing control of your life and responsibilities one of the pro-choice arguments?
BenjaminBirdie said:Sooo what would happen if she withdrew? Even worse? The same? More calamity?
Stoney Mason said:Oh there is no doubt she is a lousy choice for vice president but there is enough in the actual political record to pin that charge without the baby stuff. I preferred when that stuff was in the other thread yesterday.
Stoney Mason said:Where is smoking gun that Obama agreed with Rev Wright on everything he said?
BotoxAgent said:Please, if Obama even coughed near AIP, the Republican trolls would be all over him saying how UnAmerican he is. Hypocrisy at it's best. The media should be hard on Palin and maybe she will have a slight idea of all the gauntlet of stupidity Obama had to put up with it.
JayDubya said:Eh fuck it. Call it devil's advocacy, but I don't really see any devilry at work, just a dogpile, and I'm always a fan of picking at the logic of the lynchmob.
Considering the AIP is a conservative third party that almost mirrors the Republican party and considering that it's primary goal is a simple revote due to skepticism that the vote to become a state was handled properly, yawn.
Alaska's governor in 1990 was elected as a member of the AIP, then later switched to the Republican party.
I'm not entirely sure what's so sinister about this. For a simple analog, look to the Scottish National Party, although they're certainly more left-wing, the notions are similar, and member's beliefs range from more local authority to total independence. Puerto Rico regularly votes to not become a state, so clearly there are people out there that don't fancy the notion of becoming a state, so why is it surprising that in one of the most recently formed states in the union, made well after our 1800s secession hub-bub, there are some folks that agree with those voters in Puerto Rico?
Of course, I'm a total stranger to Alaskan politics, but hey.