sangreal said:
It's about making a big election about small things."This election is about a composite view of what people take away from these candidates."
sangreal said:
It's about making a big election about small things."This election is about a composite view of what people take away from these candidates."
sangreal said:
sangreal said:
esbern said:if you dont see why this makes somebody a great vp then you are just not ready for politics
sangreal said:
Former Texas Senator Phil Gramm, who stepped aside as John McCain's campaign co-chairman in July after an uproar over comments that those worried about the U.S. economy are ``whiners,'' today revisited that sentiment.
``If you're sitting here today, you're not economically illiterate and you're not a whiner, so I'm not worried about who you're going to vote for,'' Gramm told supporters of McCain at a Financial Services Roundtable event in Minneapolis on the sidelines of the Republican National Convention.
VanMardigan said:Even if I agree that some Christians would be put off............there is no way it would be equivalent to the rift with Mormonism. No way.
sangreal said:
Rick Davis, campaign manager for John McCain's presidential bid, insisted that the presidential race will be decided more over personalities than issues during an interview with Post editors this morning.
the presidential race will be decided more over personalities than issues
Incognito said:Phill Gramm at it again...
StoOgE said:So, Backfire am total?
article said:"This is the first time we know of that a candidate for president has laid out his science policy before the election at this level of detail," said Shawn Otto, CEO of ScienceDebate2008.
VanMardigan said:With all the focus on the "celebrity" garbage, negative ads that distort positions, and the Palin pregnancy non-sense, I'd have to agree. But who do we blame?
sangreal said:
:lol Somebody better slow down!sangreal said:
They have that same tagline for all their big news pagesMThanded said:
I did not make this up. wow just wow lol. This is the title banner on the page.
Well, the Huff is a half-humorous tabloid. It is not like people expect some class journalism from it =PMThanded said:
I did not make this up. wow just wow lol. This is the title banner on the page.
Ah its extra fitting this time it seems. Everyone move along thenAlcander said:They have that same tagline for all their big news pages
gluv65 said:I now know why the social conservatives and evangelicals like this woman, a video to show you why.
ViperVisor said:Have a sense of humor Worry Wort.
ronito said:Obama needs to attack and hit hard on this whole "The election is not about issues." Put out ads within days. It undermines everything Mccain's said. If I was Obama's campaign manager I'd be having commercials made today to air tomorrow about it. Call them on this stuff.
soul creator said:
for details of it (he has pages and pdf's related to almost every issue on his website)
ronito said:Obama needs to attack and hit hard on this whole "The election is not about issues." Put out ads within days. It undermines everything Mccain's said. If I was Obama's campaign manager I'd be having commercials made today to air tomorrow about it. Call them on this stuff.
CharlieDigital said:Dear Phil,
Warren Buffet is rich. I don't think he's "economically illiterate". I don't think he's voting for McCain
- CharlieDigital
In terms of message, rallies/town halls, conventions, get out the vote, and attacking the oppponet the Bush campaign was fantastic. The McCain one is a mess, if they win it will not be because of good campaign skills.Incognito said:Say what you will about W's governance problems, but he has to be absolutely rolling over in his Oval Office at the rank amateurishness taking place with the McCain campaign.
Incognito said:Say what you will about W's governance problems, but he has to be absolutely rolling over in his Oval Office at the rank amateurishness taking place with the McCain campaign.
Fatalah said:Cool, love that MSNBC has the CEO of Google on talking about the Internet's effect on the election.
I wonder if there's a betting pool for January Pardons.Fragamemnon said:He's probably pissed off because Obama is going to roll back his executive orders like Wal-Mart rolls back prices on bad 1990s action movies.
A large number of national polls have come out within the past 24-48 hours, most of which had conducted a survey close enough to the beginning of the Democratic convention to provide for a direct comparison. These polls show Obama having gained between 2 and 8 points since before the convention began, or an average of 4.4 points. Although this is slightly below the average convention bounce of 6 points, it is a pretty reasonable result considering that the Republicans had named their VP candidate immediately following the Democratic convention, a circumstance which had never occurred before. Moreover, the internals of these polls show Obama gaining ground among Clinton supporters, a group of votes that John McCain is likely to have a difficult time getting back.
Cheebs said:In terms of message, rallies/town halls, conventions, get out the vote, and attacking the oppponet the Bush campaign was fantastic. The McCain one is a mess, if they win it will not be because of good campaign skills.
Karl Rove, Scooter Libby, Dick Cheney, pretty much the whole cabinet I'm guessing. Oh yeah and Bush will probably try to give himself a preemptive pardon or something.Hitokage said:I wonder if there's a betting pool for January Pardons.
reilo said:[/IMG
i know everybody loves this website, but the fact that they dont attempt to increase the statistical significance of their already poor sample group by removing the outliers confuses me.
Obama is far more charismatic at town halls than McCain is at his. I have watched many from both. McCain answers the questions and moves on. Obama spends half the time being sarcastic going back and forth with the asker like about what they are wearing...etc. He talks on a much more personal and far more sarcastic manner with his audience at Q & A's than McCain who tends to be very straight laced.King_Slender said:Right, how can you have meaningful town halls when your opponent, who originally agreed to do them, backed out because he doesn't think well on his feet? McCain actually performs best in this sitting.
Fragamemnon said:He's probably pissed off because Obama is going to roll back his executive orders like Wal-Mart rolls back prices on bad 1990s action movies.
lawblob said:Say hello to the cover of this week's US Weekly!
:lol :lol :lol
laserbeam said:Not insulting at all. The "experts" on gaf laugh at the very notion that Obama would only get 80% of the black vote.
You can try and dodge the issue but the fact is to many the unspoken assumption is Obama is geting the black vote because he is black. His acceptance speech was delibertly done on the day it was to drive home the racial identity fact while trying to say racial politics is not being done at all.
He will have lost votes due to his race but his race will also gain him votes.
reilo said:
esbern said:i know everybody loves this website, but the fact that they dont attempt to increase the statistical significance of their already poor sample group by removing the outliers confuses me.
(Note: I have not included the Zogby Interactive poll in the survey above -- this was the same poll that had Obama winning Arizona, and winning North Carolina by 8 points. But it is "officially" included for purposes of our model).