reilo said:And she has eye-popping integrity!
tracts of land
reilo said:And she has eye-popping integrity!
reilo said:Pfotenhauer just called Palin a "hero" :lol
polyh3dron said:How the hell is the Republican convention going to compete with all this shit going on? It'll be real interesting to see.
Dax01 said:So I heard there are two more tropical depressions/hurricanes heading towards the U.S. after Gustav.
Is that true?
Dax01 said:So I heard there are two more tropical depressions/hurricanes heading towards the U.S. after Gustav.
Is that true?
Wasilla Mayor Sarah Palin fired the city's police chief and the library director without warning Thursday, accusing them of not fully supporting her efforts to govern. Irl Stambaugh and Mary Ellen Emmons said letters signed by Palin were dropped on their desks Thursday afternoon telling them their jobs were over as of Feb. 13 and that they no longer needed to report to work.
Kittonwy said:Bush looks like a very laid-back, unpretentious, likeable guy even if you don't like his policies.
:lol So much for being vetted before McCain made the pick.Agent Icebeezy said:Video of Andrea Mitchell talking about the vetting of Palin
:lol :lol :lol :lol
Incognito said:
Wow. And how is she a good choice for vice-president, McCain?So, essentially, Sarah Palin put personal loyalty over the safety of the people of Wasilla, Alaska and got away with it.
Fragamemnon said:Probably three-Hanna will likely make landfall on the southern atlantic shores by midweek as a Cat 1 or 2, Ike is already named on the way afterwards, and there is another wave expected to form the next TD sometime in the next 48 hours just off Africa.
Having conventions in the height of hurricane season is playing with fire.
It looks like Hannah is going to come close to NC. Yikes.Suikoguy said:Looks like the US will be dealing with another one (Hannah) come Thurday/Friday.
Ike is way out there, it will be over a week till we might see that one.
reilo said:Pfotenhauer just called Palin a "hero" :lol
Does Laura Bush ever not look like a robot? Her lifelessness is confounding.Dax01 said:![]()
Found this on MSNBC's website. :lol Cindy looks so evil.
Tommie Hu$tle said:GOP talking point
U.S. military returns control of Anbar to Iraqis
They are going to run with this point and tie Anbar to the surge. I'd argue the sieige of Fallujah 2004 had more to do with what is going on there than the Surge. The USMC typically persues a more aggressive campaign style than the Army. That isn't a Army v. Marine thing but, just how they operate doctrinally.
As to the Palin issue -
I've taken a few days to look at this things and this is my take.
I think Palin is an excellent choice for McCain for several reasons.
1. He doesn't have a problem with moderates and independents. He has problems with the social base. Her life story and policy statement are endearing to the GOP social base so to that point she was a good choice. People that were more "capable" were not well loved by the social base.
2. Makes his run historical. Americans like to be on the "side of history" Obama's campaign for a number of reasons is historic. He couldn't have just picked another white guy. Even it the narrative wasn't overt the message from the Dems would have been same old same. McCain needed to shake up the race and take some thunder.
3. She's young and attractive. It is what it is, but again this takes some of Obama's intangable quality from him. Looks matter and she helps him in that departement.
4. Do no harm, again to the groups of people McCain needed to bolster he did no harm as a matter of fact he is electrifying the base. These stories right now are without a doubt noise but, the people McCain is trying to attract does nothing. I think at the end of the GOP convention Obama and McCain will be neck and neck again. We won't see a pull from one direction to the next until after the debates.
Tommie Hu$tle said:1. He doesn't have a problem with moderates and independents.
demon said:re: the surge. I honestly am not too informed on it. what is some good reading on it and the effects it has and hasn't had?
the 50% mark is actually a big deal, especially in a poll with undecideds (7%). what this poll says is that EVEN IF 100% OF ALL UNDECIDEDS BREAK MCCAIN'S WAY, HE STILL LOSES THE NATIONAL VOTE (which, as everyone knows, has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on winning the presidency, that would be the EV). 50% in a national poll is, however, 'big news' for cable talkers.Fragamemnon said:Obama hits the 50% in USA/Gallup:
Love To Love You Baby said:Sorry if this has been posted - but some interesting decisions Palin made when she was mayor:
The newly elected mayor of Wasilla has asked all the citys top managers to resign in order to test their loyalty to her administration .
Love To Love You Baby said:Sorry if this has been posted - but some interesting decisions Palin made when she was mayor:
Tommie Hu$tle said:I think McCain is looking to the debates to bring back Independents and I think he is willing to take a small hit on the Palin pick today and play to his strengths when he goes one on one with Obama.
Blakero said:I hate this. If Obama had released news like his daughter being preggers during Gustav the republicans would be calling it insensitive and that it could have waited.
Fragamemnon said:I just spoke with my mom in Florida, a 63-year old mother of three, Reagan Democrat (who didn't vote for Bush) and three-times-a-week Baptist churchgoer who was horrified with the Palin pick and called it "cheesy" and "ridiculous".
Like me, she was a strong Hillary supporter in the primary, and she's voting Big O this November. I think whoever is doing the math in the McCain camp is working with a TI-83 in base 8 instead of base 10 and doesn't know it.
Tommie Hu$tle said:Oh that's not to say that this pick is not opportunistic and puts up signifigant risk but, anything that would have been the status quo would not have endeared him to the base which he needs right now. Nor would it have been more likely to put independents (if there is such a thing) in his camp. Obama nailed his convention and McCain's hand was forced to get a gamechanger.
I think McCain is looking to the debates to bring back Independents and I think he is willing to take a small hit on the Palin pick today and play to his strengths when he goes one on one with Obama.
Fragamemnon said:I just spoke with my mom in Florida, a 63-year old mother of three, Reagan Democrat (who didn't vote for Bush) and three-times-a-week Baptist churchgoer who was horrified with the Palin pick and called it "cheesy" and "ridiculous".
Like me, she was a strong Hillary supporter in the primary, and she's voting Big O this November. I think whoever is doing the math in the McCain camp is working with a TI-83 in base 8 instead of base 10 and doesn't know it.
harSon said:I haven't finished reading but....
What the fuck kind of shit is this? This can't be real :lol
Tommie Hu$tle said:... play to his strengths when he goes one on one with Obama.
From an Eagle Forum Candidate Questionnaire:
Q: Are you offended by the phrase "Under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance? Why or why not?
PALIN: Not on your life. If it was good enough for the founding fathers, its good enough for me and Ill fight in defense of our Pledge of Allegiance.
The phrase was added in 1954.
Yes!Cloud said:There can be no better proof that the white trash who are voting republicans are voting against their best interests. I had a discussion about this yesterday with some angry folks who were asking me to prove it. Well, there you go.
:lol :lolBenjaminBirdie said::lol
Fragamemnon said:There's a mounting volume of evidence-from the her yahoo answers-esque response for "what do vp do?????" to the latest news that she thought the flippin' Founding Fathers wrote the pledge of allegiance, to her debate performances that she just isn't the brighest bulb in the batch. On the other hand, there is very, very little that shows that she's the kind of person who is able to think quick on her feet or speak from the cuff eloquently or intelligently, two things normally associated with intelligent politicians.
deadbeef said:Isn't this pretty much like the guys in the Gaming forum that say, "I was at Gamestop and saw 3 people buy a PS3 and nobody bought a Wii. PS3 4 LYFE!" Sample size of 1 and all that.
So your mom was a Hillary supporter, a Democrat, and she thinks that McCain's VP choice was cheesy and ridiculous. (Kudos to your mom for using "cheesy"). Big surprise.
gkrykewy said:Are you joking?
BenjaminBirdie said:Small hit? These Palin stories are going to run for weeks UNTIL the debates. This is disasterous. Obama's numbers could very well stay the same this entire time and instead of making up three points like he had to do last week, McCain could have to make up eight.
That's a beauty queen answer right there.BenjaminBirdie said::lol
deadbeef said:Isn't this pretty much like the guys in the Gaming forum that say, "I was at Gamestop and saw 3 people buy a PS3 and nobody bought a Wii. PS3 4 LYFE!" Sample size of 1 and all that.
So your mom was a Hillary supporter, a Democrat, and she thinks that McCain's VP choice was cheesy and ridiculous. (Kudos to your mom for using "cheesy"). Big surprise.
ninj4junpei said::lol :lol
OuterWorldVoice said:Don't fuck around man. Gahiggidy was right.
scorcho said:Alaskan politics is a mother fucker...
Chris Matthews said:She's from a state where half of them [politicians] are in jail or are heading for jail
Tommie Hu$tle said:GOP talking point
U.S. military returns control of Anbar to Iraqis
They are going to run with this point and tie Anbar to the surge. I'd argue the sieige of Fallujah 2004 had more to do with what is going on there than the Surge. The USMC typically persues a more aggressive campaign style than the Army. That isn't a Army v. Marine thing but, just how they operate doctrinally.
As to the Palin issue -
I've taken a few days to look at this things and this is my take.
I think Palin is an excellent choice for McCain for several reasons.
1. He doesn't have a problem with moderates and independents. He has problems with the social base. Her life story and policy statement are endearing to the GOP social base so to that point she was a good choice. People that were more "capable" were not well loved by the social base.
2. Makes his run historical. Americans like to be on the "side of history" Obama's campaign for a number of reasons is historic. He couldn't have just picked another white guy. Even it the narrative wasn't overt the message from the Dems would have been same old same. McCain needed to shake up the race and take some thunder.
3. She's young and attractive. It is what it is, but again this takes some of Obama's intangable quality from him. Looks matter and she helps him in that departement.
4. Do no harm, again to the groups of people McCain needed to bolster he did no harm as a matter of fact he is electrifying the base. These stories right now are without a doubt noise but, the people McCain is trying to attract does nothing. I think at the end of the GOP convention Obama and McCain will be neck and neck again. We won't see a pull from one direction to the next until after the debates.
The five-point post-convention jump is the biggest for a Democrat in the CBS poll since 1996 when Bill Clinton also saw a 5-point increase. It shows a big swing in independents. McCain had led with the group in the last poll by 12 percentage points, but now Obama leads with them by 7.
She's as palin as the nose on plain's faceInstigator said:She's strangely hot, in a corrupt, uptight kind of way.
Love To Love You Baby said:Sorry if this has been posted - but some interesting decisions Palin made when she was mayor:
Fragamemnon said:Obama hits the 50% in USA/Gallup:
The aggregate of the polling post convention and Palin says the same thing-less undecideds, and a clear shift to Obama. That 50% number should be sending out warning bells to the RNC donors-guys, it might be time to start funneling your money to the seats you can save in the Senate and House than it would to prop up McCain-he looks like a goner.
On personal characteristics, Obama has eliminated McCain's advantage over him as "a strong and decisive leader." By 46%-44%, those surveyed say that characteristic applies more to Obama than McCain. Before the convention, McCain held an eight-point advantage. Obama has a 13-point advantage as someone who "shares your values," double the edge he held before the convention. He has an eight-point advantage as someone who is "honest and trustworthy; before the convention, they were ranked equally on that quality.
• On handling issues, Obama and McCain are rated equally in handling the situation in Iraq — 47% prefer Obama, 46% McCain — while McCain has a nine-point advantage in handling terrorism. That's significantly narrower margin than before the convention, when McCain had a 22-point lead. Obama has a 19-point lead in managing the economy.
• Obama has eased concerns about his level of experience, but they remain a significant factor. Now 50% of those surveyed say they are very or somewhat concerned about his experience. Before the convention, 57% were.
• McCain's favorable-unfavorable rating was 54%-38%, a healthy mark but his highest unfavorable this year. Obama's rating was 61%-32%.