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Politico: Rand Paul: 'I’ll do whatever it takes' to stop Bolton from being secretary

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Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul said Tuesday that he is opposed to John Bolton becoming secretary of state and has serious reservations about Rudy Giuliani assuming the same position.

He did not rule out filibustering either potential option in an interview with POLITICO.

“I’ll do whatever it takes to stop someone like John Bolton being secretary of state,” said Paul, himself a former Republican presidential candidate. “He’s opposed to everything Donald Trump ran on: that the Iraq war was a mistake, regime change made us less safe in the Middle East, including in Iraq…I don’t know how a President Trump could appoint someone who’s diametrically opposed to everything Donald Trump ran on. Some of that goes for Giuliani as well.”

Paul, who has a strong libertarian streak, has long favored a less-interventionist foreign policy. He said there was less of a “paper trail” on Giuliani than on Bolton, but said that the former New York City mayor, too, had a record of pushing a more aggressively interventionist foreign policy, which troubled him.

“If you look at Giuliani’s statements, you will find he has advocated bombing Iran, he has advocated for intervention, to my knowledge he’s never admitted the Iraq war was a mistake,” Paul said of Giuliani. “To me, a big part of what Donald Trump said, in hundreds of speeches, was that the Iraq war was a mistake. I don’t know how you could appoint someone to be in charge of the Department of State who believes the Iraq war was a benefit.”


Alt-Right (/pol/ + the_donald) is reacting very negatively to possibility of Bolton. More so than they've disagreed with any potential decision by their God Emperor as far as I can tell. They are throwing around wanting Rand as Secretary of State instead for some reason. I'm still holding out hope it'll end up being Huntsman.


Alt-Right (/pol/ + the_donald) is reacting very negatively to possibility of Bolton. More so than they've disagreed with any potential decision by their God Emperor as far as I can tell. They are throwing around wanting Rand as Secretary of State instead for some reason. I'm still holding out hope it'll end up being Huntsman.
Wait, Rand Paul?


Those idiots are in for a nasty surprise.


It's a depressing sign of the times that I have to place the last of my trust in guys like McConnell and Rand Paul.


This will just make Trump want to appoint either one more.

Thats what I am watching for.

How he handles this early dissent will say a lot.

You have McCain hitting him on one angle, Paul on another. What does he do?

Either way, just the existence of people like Paul calling out the hypocrisy of Trump harms Trump's credibility with his support base and the party.
Alt-Right (/pol/ + the_donald) is reacting very negatively to possibility of Bolton. More so than they've disagreed with any potential decision by their God Emperor as far as I can tell. They are throwing around wanting Rand as Secretary of State instead for some reason. I'm still holding out hope it'll end up being Huntsman.

Jon Huntsman is waayyyyy to sane for this cabinet. His hair would fall out in a day working with this administration.

The Llama

Rand Paul's foreign policy positions are... interesting, to say the least. Some things I actually really agree with, though generally I don't.
What can Rand Paul do realistically to prevent those nominations?

Vote against them. The Senate has to confirm all cabinet positions.

The Republicans will have either a 51-49 (if the Dems pull an upset in the Louisiana run-off), or 52-48 (if the Republicans hold that seat), with Pence having a tie-breaker vote in the case of a 50-50 vote. So Paul and one or two other Republicans would need to oppose the appointment if Trump made it.


John Bolton?!

What year is this?

What's with politics and washed up has-beens haunting us administration after administration.


I disagree with Rand Paul on a ton of things and I generally dislike him as a politician, but he's on point on this and for the right reasons.
Good on him.
With Rand Paul I find myself nodding when he talks about civil liberties and privacy, things that don't get a lot of play and then other times I'm like wtf dude. I don't always agree with him but I'm glad he's there.
I disagree with Rand Paul on a ton of things and I generally dislike him as a politician, but he's on point on this and for the right reasons.
Good on him.
Agreed. It feels weird supporting Rand Paul, that freaky lil curly haired Hobbit from the town I live in right now.


Unconfirmed Member
John Bolton?!

What year is this?

What's with politics and washed up has-beens haunting us administration after administration.

It's all thanks to Trump's "Drain the Swamp™" strategy.

Because who could be more anti-establishment than a man who served in three different Republican presidential administrations?


Agreed. It feels weird supporting Rand Paul, that freaky lil curly haired Hobbit from the town I live in right now.
It's not the first time, there are a bunch of issues that I agree with him.
I've always been fine with ad-hoc partnerships to achieve mutual goals, and I think Rand Paul (and some other Republicans in congress) can be useful allies if fucking neocons get their stupid little hands on the US foreign policy again.


I don’t know how a President Trump could appoint someone who’s diametrically opposed to everything Donald Trump ran on.

Don't you though, Rand?

Trump doesn't care about issues; he cares about who sucks his dick the hardest.


I disagree with Rand on most political issues but he has definitely demonstrated that he stands by his ideals, which I certainly respect. Hope he does what he can to stop staffing decisions like this.
/r/The_Donald wants Rand Paul to be secretary of state apparently

wonder how they feel about bolton

edit: answer is in this thread lol
It's not the first time, there are a bunch of issues that I agree with him.
I've always been fine with ad-hoc partnerships to achieve mutual goals, and I think Rand Paul (and some other Republicans in congress) can be useful allies if fucking neocons get their stupid little hands on the US foreign policy again.

Fair point. I am letting this town's blind devotion and salivating over Paul get to me a lot of the time. But, a voice like his can be effective and good in certain situations.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Yes please, I hope this man succeeds in blocking both Bolton and Giuliani, but especially that piece of shit Bolton.
I will laugh forever (in a good way) if the right somehow manages to put a stop to our foreign interventions. You have my sword Rand, I'm with you on this.


Oh my god. Rand Paul might be the biggest obstacle in our country's way of a war with Iran... I can't believe I'm saying this but I hope Paul is victorious.

boiled goose

good with gravy
On foreign policy and Privacy libertarians are right.

Bush and Obama have left horrible precedents for Trump.
No habeas corpus.
No prosecution for torture.
No need for war declarations.

Scary shit.

Do Better

He’s opposed to everything Donald Trump ran on: that the Iraq war was a mistake, regime change made us less safe in the Middle East, including in Iraq…I don’t know how a President Trump could appoint someone who’s diametrically opposed to everything Donald Trump ran on. Some of that goes for Giuliani as well.

Apparently the same goes for Sessions, who he wants to make defense secretary.
The two men haven’t seen eye to eye on everything: Sessions is a budget hawk who favors caps on defense spending, while Trump has called for an arms and troops buildup that could cost $55 billion or more per year.
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