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Politico: Rand Paul: 'I’ll do whatever it takes' to stop Bolton from being secretary

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Persecution Complex
I actually hadn't thought about it, but I expect a pretty big Libertarian backlash to a lot of Trump policies almost as soon as he's inaugurated.
If lousiana's Senate seat goes blue, that's puts Dems at 49, Paul puts them St 50, and only one more senator to avoid a pence tiebreak

2 more senator if lousiana's goes R


The moment Rand Paul blocks a Trump appointment, his colleagues will get pissed off and start attacking him.
Rand Paul made peace with Trump for all of a day? Two days?

More than ever, it's a good thing Rand Paul is where he is. He hates the job of Speaker too but now he's staying on to try and save the Republic. I know there are many times when I've disliked Rand Paul and what he stands for.

"If we are to survive, a new balance must be found. In normal times, evil would be fought by good. But in times like these, well, it should be fought by another kind of evil."
- The Chronicles of Riddick


He's not going to block anything. It's lip service, and once his constituents start yelling at him, he'll fold.


On foreign policy and Privacy libertarians are right.

Bush and Obama have left horrible precedents for Trump.
No habeas corpus.
No prosecution for torture.
No need for war declarations.

Scary shit.

Really interested how quickly (or if) shitbirds like feinstein start singing a different tune now that we have Trump in charge of the NSA. All that domestic spying shit isn't so funny now, is it?
I actually hadn't thought about it, but I expect a pretty big Libertarian backlash to a lot of Trump policies almost as soon as he's inaugurated.

From what i've seen on reddit there's a lot of libertarian trump supporters that liked him cause of his stance on syria and russia and they're gonna be really pissed of bolton gets in

bet there would be an /r/the_donald civil war if that happened
Has he not pissed many of them off already?

He doesn't give a fuck. They begged him to be Speaker. He made a bunch of demands and they fulfilled all of them just to get him. He knows they don't have a leg to stand on, because he can step down anytime and then the House Republicans are fucked, literally no one in the caucus wants the job.


He doesn't give a fuck. They begged him to be Speaker. He made a bunch of demands and they fulfilled all of them just to get him. He knows they don't have a leg to stand on, because he can step down anytime and then the House Republicans are fucked, literally no one in the caucus wants the job.

Pssssst. Wrong Paul. That's Paul Ryan. Not Rand Paul.


He doesn't give a fuck. They begged him to be Speaker. He made a bunch of demands and they fulfilled all of them just to get him. He knows they don't have a leg to stand on, because he can step down anytime and then the House Republicans are fucked, literally no one in the caucus wants the job.
Rand Paul is a senator. You're thinking of Paul Ryan.


All you have to do is flip two other R senators and there goes the ballgame. This is where Trump would regret picking fights with Jeff Flake and Lindsey Graham, for instance. The two of them plus Rand control the Senate, now.


All you have to do is flip two other R senators and there goes the ballgame. This is where Trump would regret picking fights with Jeff Flake and Lindsey Graham, for instance. The two of them plus Rand control the Senate, now.

Lindsey Graham would not be opposed to any kind of war hawk in the cabinet, though.



What we lost with Sanity as a president we gained with the most fascinating timeline. What a time to be alive.


Lindsey Graham would not be opposed to any kind of war hawk in the cabinet, though.

He has already indicated that he would support both Guiliani and Bolton.

John Bolton and I‘ve been friends for 20 years. If he picks John Bolton, then I would support John Bolton. If he picks Rudy, I’d support Rudy because I think both of them are competent and capable.

I'm not a fan of all of Paul's political beliefs, but the one thing I'll give him is he's consistent about them for better or worse. More than I can say for a lot of other politicians.

The first thing I thought when Bolton's name was mentioned for this was the exact same thing Paul laid out.


Paul is one of the few truly principled politicians this nation has, and I'm proud that he is my Senator.

Less proud that the other one is basically one of the most craven political animals in US History, but you win some, you lose some.
Paul is one of the few truly principled politicians this nation has, and I'm proud that he is my Senator.

Less proud that the other one is basically one of the most craven political animals in US History, but you win some, you lose some.

Where in KY are you? Just curious. SOKY here.


Alt-Right (/pol/ + the_donald) is reacting very negatively to possibility of Bolton. More so than they've disagreed with any potential decision by their God Emperor as far as I can tell. They are throwing around wanting Rand as Secretary of State instead for some reason.

These fucking kids really do think they're watching pro wrestling, don't they?
I'm not sure why anyone - Paul included - is surprised that all of these Republican standbys are being picked up instead of anti-establishment outsiders. Wasn't it announced that Pence would be in charge of assembling the transition team?
I wonder how many Republicans may end up siding with Democrats more in Congress. I know the Democrats have lost Congress, but this is something NOBODY ever talked about and I've thought about it to myself. Just because they're Republicans doesn't mean they have to agree to everything.

The Llama

I wonder how many Republicans may end up siding with Democrats more in Congress. I know the Democrats have lost Congress, but this is something NOBODY ever talked about and I've thought about it to myself. Just because they're Republicans doesn't mean they have to agree to everything.
Tbh surely the Senate Dems can find just 4 or 5 Republicans who will vote with them against all of the really crazy Trump stuff... Right?!
Ben Sasse hates Trump. Jeff Flake is the same. Clearly, Lindsay Graham thinks he's insane. Rand Paul won't vote for him on any crazy foreign policy interventions. Throw in moderates like Murkowski and Susan Collins and you have a reasonable # of GOP senators with spines that won't roll over for Trump at least on foreign policy. Heck, McCain has already come out against the Russia crap the Trump campaign has pulled.

I think Democrats need to work with this group to reign in the foreign policy that is going to be pushed by Trump's cabinet.
The moment Rand Paul blocks a Trump appointment, his colleagues will get pissed off and start attacking him.

Not a single establishment Republican has been punished for going against Trump or lashing out at him so far.

Even paul ryan called some of his comments racist. I don't believe that the establishment GOP will hunt down any Republicans who go against him.

At least, that's what I'll tell myself to feel better.


I wonder how many Republicans may end up siding with Democrats more in Congress. I know the Democrats have lost Congress, but this is something NOBODY ever talked about and I've thought about it to myself. Just because they're Republicans doesn't mean they have to agree to everything.
I have little optimism for the moral standards of Republicans in congress after the last 8 years.
All you have to do is flip two other R senators and there goes the ballgame. This is where Trump would regret picking fights with Jeff Flake and Lindsey Graham, for instance. The two of them plus Rand control the Senate, now.

While there is no doubt that Lindsey deeply, viscerally hates Big Poppa Don and what he represents, you can be sure that he'd fall in line with almost everything the dude would put forward.
Have always respected the Pauls for their anti-war stance. That alone makes them a lot better than many of the politicians in Washington.

I can't see Bolton happening. It would just make Trump look too hypocritical. Would be a disastrous move for him.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Well, at least not all is lost. Who would have thought a Trump presidency would open the door to some Repubs wanting to work on Dems on blocking Trump fucking the country up?


listen to the mad man
If Bolton became Sec. State I would give the US somewhere around a 25-33% chance of leaving the United Nations within a 4 year timespan.


Forgotten in his cell
I actually hadn't thought about it, but I expect a pretty big Libertarian backlash to a lot of Trump policies almost as soon as he's inaugurated.

If that didn't happen on any grand scale during the Bush years, how do you think it will happen under Trump? The same reasoning will occur. "...but at least I got lower taxes!"


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Has their ever been a time, where a person was elected POTUS, and members of their own party had already began disparaging their decisions so publicly?

This is wild stuff. Buckle up, boys and girls.


Bolton is one of those people that is a clear violation of very core tenants that Trump actually didn't deviate from on the campaign trail, but obscure enough to his core supporters that it will go over without so much as a flinch.

You can't decry the Iraq War, scream about the poor decision-making that belied the Bush administration surrounding it, beat your opponents over the head for their error in judgement, and then hire fucking John Bolton. Who less then a year ago was still vehemently defending the decision to overthrow Saddam.


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