At the final debate in the Indiana Senate race, held Tuesday night, Republican nominee Richard Mourdock explained his opposition to abortion in the cases of rape or incest. In the course of the explanation Mourdock suggested that rape should not be an exception to a ban on abortion, since rape pregnancies are themselves the will of God.
"You know, this is that issue for that every candidates for federal, or even state office, faces. And I, too, certainly stand for life," said Mourdock, after both Democrat Joe Donnelly and Libertarian Andrew Horning had identified as pro-life. "I know there are some who disagree, and I respect their point of view. But I believe that life begins at conception. The only exception I have, to have an abortion, is in that case of the life of the mother."
Mourdock then seemed to choke back tears, and continued: "I've struggled with it myself for a long time, but I came to realize that life is that gift from God. And even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen." (Emphasis added.)