"The next morning, Will went over to
Michael's house for breakfast, and they're talking about Prince and the show. And then
Michael goes, 'Will, why do you think Prince was playing bass in my face?'
Michael was outraged. And then started going on. 'Prince has always been a meanie. He's just a big meanie. He's always been not nice to me. Everybody says Prince is this great legendary Renaissance man and I'm just a song-and-dance man [They didn't lie ~Robido], but I wrote "Billie Jean"[TRASH ~Robido] and I wrote "We Are the World" and [TRASH ~Robido] I'm a songwriter too.'"
"All this disrespect for Prince came out from
Michael that morning. One day, I hope Prince sits down and tells the truth about everything between him and
Michael. Before I die, I want to know what the full deal was between the two of them."