Aw, thank you
I knew my parents' stance growing up, which is why I was so hesitant to do it. But considering my close relationship with her, I felt like lying wasn't going to honor that relationship so I weakened and eventually came out to her. I'm not sure how it would have ended up if I had waited for a more appropriate moment but because of that negative response I 1) never confided in her with any personal problems and 2) became more defiant and outspoken about my opinions as a way of countering her (then) ignorance and also channeling my aggression for feeling rejected.
Really only you can decide when to say but from my experience, I wouldn't do it out of guilt for not telling the truth. I would say if you suspect that your situation won't go well, you might want to wait until you're done with school.
Sounds all too familiar. Incredibly sorry for your experience.

I remember argument about how it "wasn't natural" until I told her about gay animals. She countered with "you're not an animal." She then pressed on the issue and asked why didn't I come out sooner because she could have "fixed" it and I responded: "Doesn't instill confidence or trust in a child when your parents yell at a news report proclaiming "That's why Adam made Eve, not Steve."" Or the assumption somehow that I was banging every single guy I ever met. Oh boy, that conversation came out of nowhere when I was driving her from the supermarket, "So, that club that you're VP of - the president...what's his name? David? Are you having sex with him?"