Garrett Hawke

kasdnfkjasdf the thirst
the way adele dethroned hitlor with a video featuring a black male
end the shit out of her adele
Good. Taylord, her Reign of Terror is over.So she pretty much destroyed everyone's fav, including Taylaw Suit
Look at them views and at the time posted.
I.. purchased ha.
Kii!Mau ®;182776670 said:ADELE's "Hello" broke the radio record from Gaga's "Born This Way".
im glad adele beat satan's vevo record. not a fan of the song, but anything is better than bad blood tbh
Mau ®;182776670 said:ADELE's "Hello" broke the radio record from Gaga's "Born This Way".
It's a testament both to her power and to the advantages of not having any competitors release the same time as you. Truly blessed.
it just feels like it's a "radio" song. It's not something I'd stream on Spotify or buy but if it came on the radio I wouldn't change the station.Damn. No one is safe.
How do we feel about the song though, sistren? It's not ending my life as hard as I hoped it would but it's a very pretty song and it works as a comeback single. Though honestly anything she released will have been a hit.
It's a testament both to her power and to the advantages of not having any competitors release the same time as you. Truly blessed.
This doesn't make sense considering no one is "competition" for Adele. We could argue that Taylor comes close but even her "records" are being blown away by this storm.
None of them would dare to release close to Adele...Beyoncé, Taylor, Sam Smirh, Michael Buble... All would have stolen some shine if they released at the same time
Mau ®;182776670 said:ADELE's "Hello" broke the radio record from Gaga's "Born This Way".
Beyoncé, Taylor, Sam Smirh, Michael Buble... All would have stolen some shine if they released at the same time
release vroom vroom bitch
release vroom vroom bitch
Or an artist, full stop.It's ok, Gaga isn't a singles artist. Or an album artist. Or an MV artist.She's a jazz artist.
ok adam lasagneOr an artist, full stop.
tbh. Break The Rules is ok late at night or when smashed.FUCK YOU SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKKKERRRRRRRRRRR
The only song I still listen to. Poor the rest.
What did you guys think about SUCKER? I never listen to it honestly...
i c
let me give it a listen to see which tracks i potentially use
edit: i forgot how good caught in the middle was
edit 2: i c i still use need ur luv
What did you guys think about SUCKER? I never listen to it honestly...
I do use it tbh. A masturbation anthem, slay charli.No Body Of My Own tho?
I do use it tbh. A masturbation anthem, slay charli.
I think I also use Breaking Up...
Doing It is forever tainted because the MV version features R*ta Or*lBreaking Up replace it for Doing It for me.