Great collections, they remind me how unable I am to keep a room tidy!
Especially during these days, we're moving soon into a house where the basement will be for my gaming setup alone. It'll be a huge difference compared to the dorm-sized room I have now.
I don't really have classic stuff. I sell stuff that I don't use a lot because I hate having too much stuff and not enough place.
I love my digicam, it captures a lot of details when you look carefully
Ok, here they are:
Where I keep everything that I don't touch often (which isn't really true).
Part 2, notice the GI Joe jet and the N-Gage (which is a loaner, don't worry)
Some PC love, I dig Collector's Editions!
My main TV and system, the second Xbox is in the living room.
My PC Rig, P4 2.4. Nice machine with a nice monitor!
Some figurines and posters. I don't really have imported stuff.
Some people had cats in their pics
And there was an identical topic in GAF last december. Have fun comparing!
Find 5 differences and win a prize!