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There's gonna be a brawl on CNN one of these days, even if someone has to phase through an on location camera to get it going. Just yikes.
I'd love to see them defend the right-wing's desire to legalize torture of LGBT americans.
I'd love to see that.
Honestly adorable
Honestly adorable
This. I have no idea what the fuck people were watching, but it was an even worse meltdown than the first debate.
This is all about expectations. People expected him to walk out there in a delirium and grab Hillary by the pussy. Since that didn't happen, oh what an improved performance Mr. Trump!
They all do. Phones were not allowed.![]()
He has a disposable camera...
Yep, how did we end up with someone that is a champion of social justice, healthcare, a sound and competent leader up against a cheeto monster.
Who the fuck spends a thousand dollars on a damn shirt?
Did you not watch the crowd afterwards? They all had disposable cameras. Dollars to donuts they weren't allowed to have cell phones in the room.![]()
He has a disposable camera...
I'm guessing the other 28% was mostly pointless fluff
He went on record saying that he has never kissed or grabbed another person's crotch without consent.
We'll see how that plays out.
Trump, on live national TV, declared that he would prosecute his political opponent and put her in jail.
And people are seriously debating who won that debate?
I weep, WEEP, for this country.
A reality tv "star"?This why do people keep saying this is the best we have ?
Yes? A former First Lady, Senator and Secretary of State??
Who else?
He has a disposable camera...[/QUOTE]
They were provided. Not allowed to bring their own devices.
That is what playing to win from a position of strength always looks like, and why it's frequently unsatisfying for the audience. Give it some time to bake in![]()
Yeah but change though. /s
Seriously, I can't understand why people trust Trump when they get so hung up about Clinton.
Yep, how did we end up with someone that is a champion of social justice, healthcare, a sound and competent leader up against a cheeto monster.
It's weird to say that Hillary being "on the defensive" is somehow a Trump win.
Because Trump being on the offensive was by being a complete boor and literally making random shit up.
Hillary was "on the defensive" by addressing his random shit and setting the record straight.
But for god knows what reason that means Trump "won". wut
This is all about expectations. People expected him to walk out there in a delirium and grab Hillary by the pussy. Since that didn't happen, oh what an improved performance Mr. Trump!
He has a disposable camera...
To be fair, his kids DID turn out alright considering the money they had. They were no Lindsay Lohan.
They should be ashamed for supporting such a disgusting and vile candidate.It's nice to see Trump GAF make an appearance.
As rare as it is
While I'm still not enthusiastic about Hillary and think she did her fair share of question dodging, that is the most I ever liked her.
All I can say is that I'm glad I'm not American and I don't have to choose between one of those two for president. How the hell are those the options you end up with.
Did you not watch the crowd afterwards? They all had disposable cameras. Dollars to donuts they weren't allowed to have cell phones in the room.
A reality tv "star"?
Oh my god. This tweet.
How do the Trump surrogates on CNN live with themselves? Most (because I'm sure not all) know what they are doing and that this will damn them afterwords politically.
Everyone else has no patience left for this sleazeballs.Lmao, two of CNN commentators are defending the Trump like regarding jailing Clinton.
Expectations are 3/4 of the debate game.
Oh my god. This tweet.
I'm voting for Trump just to see if he will actually try to arrest Hillary.