This was the response last time Trump lost on a CNN poll, LOL.I don't think anyone is shocked Trump lost on a CNN poll.
This was the response last time Trump lost on a CNN poll, LOL.I don't think anyone is shocked Trump lost on a CNN poll.
He was incoherent for 40 minutes
He didnt describe any policy
He lied at an incredible rate
He hurled insults and interruptions
He suggested he would have her political opponent jailed
If any of you think he won, you are either insane or you watch too much anime
Conway is a I actually think she has a serious psychiatric disorder. She needs to seek help.
Give me a break please. I'm saying it was expected that coming into this debate Trump was gonna get nuked and fall apart. If you want to go back in time and act like that was a different perspective go ahead. What are you on exactly, i.e what is your point cause I still don't know, can you please state it?
I have said again and again: Trump came into this as a wounded animal, was down, people are calling for him to drop out, etc. Clinton should have destroyed him by all metrics and the fact of the matter is at best it was a draw, grading on the Trump curve, i.e. he won via the expectation game.
Why are you trying to twist this?
Does it mean she is going to lose, nope, does it mean I'm wavering, nope not at all. Just talking about the debate and expectations.
I don't think anyone is shocked Trump lost on a CNN poll.
Jesus Christ no. That woman is a wizard. She can spin Trump's nonsense and Shit into gold. If only her powers could be used for good.
Kellyanne Conway must be the master of the spin.
It just seems too far fetched. It would probably galvanize his followers.Supposedly proof the Pence is trying/tried to back out of the Trump campaign after the video got out. I guess we'll see tonight/tomorrow if they actually did get anything to press, because I haven't seen any news coverage mention it yet.
Nothing out of the norm, just being a perpetual and insane liar like usual.What'd she do now? Conway I mean
Don't. This is her choice to be his surrogate.
I don't think anyone is shocked Trump lost on a CNN poll.
How does she sleep at night.
Lol Wolf put the numbers in her face hahaha
Trump's campaign manager is literally a steaming pile of shit.
He stays projecting. It's pretty incredible.
She probably tries to rationalize by thinking it's her "job", but when Trump loses she will still have to live with having defended his horrible statements and positions, and I hope it'll haunt her professionally for a good long time.How does she sleep at night.
I don't think anyone is shocked Trump lost on a CNN poll.
It is a real fucking thing. He is graded on a curve, he has been this entire cycle. He isn't a politician, etc. You serious?
I'm not talking about his campaign, why are you having such a hard time with that. I'm talking about one thing, the debate. Nothing more. Stop moving this to something else.
Pretensed by the fact that the poll was primarily made up of democratic voters.
Fact checkers are annihilating trump right now
At some point this "curve" has to yield results. If you give him a win on some bullshit curve you've fabricated in your head, yet polls say she won, undecideds say she won, and post-debate talk on every network other than Fox is on his negatives, and again, he failed to grow his base, what exactly does that kind of win even matter? At some point is it just not really a win, no matter how bad you want it to be?
incomming butthurt
Let them troll online polls, nov 8 is all that matters and a lot of those trolls aren't even old enough to vote anyways.![]()
incomming butthurt
I don't think anyone is shocked Trump lost on a CNN poll.
It just seems too far fetched. It would probably galvanize his followers.
incomming butthurt
Lol, Clinton News Network, eh? Actually, a lot of people have really gone into this idea that CNN Is some kind of highly liberal network. They really aren't. Overall, they are pretty conservative.
Kellyanne Conway must be the master of the spin.
This seems more in line with how I experienced thisTrump lost YouGov's post-debate poll too:
Clinton 47%
Trump 42%
Lol, Clinton News Network, eh? Actually, a lot of people have really gone into this idea that CNN Is some kind of highly liberal network. They really aren't. Overall, they are pretty conservative.