M mclem Member Oct 10, 2016 #1,604 Oh, good, I was hoping she'd tie it to his broader treatment of minorities.
S SwiftDeath Member Oct 10, 2016 #1,605 Words have context Mr. Trump Your words on that tape for instance scream predator, narcissist and monster
Words have context Mr. Trump Your words on that tape for instance scream predator, narcissist and monster
D disappeared Banned Oct 10, 2016 #1,607 Ninja Scooter said: lol he's gonna fucking MELT DOWN Click to expand... God I hope so
Boogie9IGN Member Oct 10, 2016 #1,617 thanks for always reminding us about the hispanics right afgter the latinooos Trump gettin testy with the moderators
thanks for always reminding us about the hispanics right afgter the latinooos Trump gettin testy with the moderators
C Cellbomber Member Oct 10, 2016 #1,621 I swear police are ready to come arrest him the way they are questioning him on this stuff..
B BinaryPork2737 Unconfirmed Member Oct 10, 2016 #1,622 I'm glad that the moderators are cutting Trump off whenever he gets too offtopic or talks for too long this time, it's like actual moderation.
I'm glad that the moderators are cutting Trump off whenever he gets too offtopic or talks for too long this time, it's like actual moderation.
C Chubzdoomer Banned Oct 10, 2016 #1,623 This is already making the first debate look even in comparison.
M Michael F. Assbender Banned Oct 10, 2016 #1,626 Nokagi said: Omg I just figured out what sniffing Trump reminds me of. Click to expand... YES!
C Cmagus Member Oct 10, 2016 #1,630 She answered perfectly and the tape speaks for itself she didn't have to stoop to his level the tape has already done the damage.
She answered perfectly and the tape speaks for itself she didn't have to stoop to his level the tape has already done the damage.
H HardRojo Member Oct 10, 2016 #1,634 This feels like the ending of Death Note when everyone's onto him and he's being publicly humiliated and destroyed.
This feels like the ending of Death Note when everyone's onto him and he's being publicly humiliated and destroyed.
A Already Torn Banned Oct 10, 2016 #1,636 He's saying he's not a changed man!!! Undoing Rudy's work!!!!
R Rats Off To Ya Banned Oct 10, 2016 #1,637 This isn't real life. I'm asleep right now. This is a dream.
P PumpkinSpice Banned Oct 10, 2016 #1,639 Is he actually going to stand there for another 73 minutes? He looks like he's ready to run away.
O Oriel Member Oct 10, 2016 #1,640 Hoo boy, Trump is in complete meltdown. And there it is. Mutherfucker!
W Wallach Member Oct 10, 2016 #1,641 if you wouldn't ramble on about nonsense bullshit you'd have more time you fucking meatstick
cj_iwakura Member Oct 10, 2016 #1,649 finowns said: He's going to cry. Click to expand... Oh please, let it happen.