Amazon delayed my game to November and then shipped it yesterday. I should be getting it today. I think they've done something like this several times now.
Quadrangulum said:Amazon delayed my game to November and then shipped it yesterday. I should be getting it today. I think they've done something like this several times now.
JeTmAn81 said:RETCON TIME!
Amazon still hasn't shipped mine. I hope I don't have to wait weeks and weeks to play this new game which I already bought![]()
thecouncil said:well, they don't charge you until it's shipped, so you can cancel if you want.
im also in this 'shipping soon' phase with amazon though. oye.
Yes -- you can apparently visit other people's towns, and there's a tag mode component.artwalknoon said:Wait a minute is there an online component to london life?
Don't set your expectations too high and you'll enjoy it.Kazerei said:Anything I should know before I start Layton's London Life?
-Pyromaniac- said:So I beat this game last night. Good times. Solid 8.5/10. I think it's one of the better ones. Loved the story, as usual. Level-5 kills it with these games. How Hino manages to make these games with such elegant and sweet and nice stories and then makes other games with random ass stories in itself is PUZZLING.
Well for the record, Layton needs a plot to be playable. Inazuma Eleven and Danball Senki don't need plot to be enjoyable games. I mean, a good plot would be nice, but it's not necessary. Seriously, when you can summon a phoenix using a soccer ball and leg power, the term "plot" is literally thrown out the window.-Pyromaniac- said:So I beat this game last night. Good times. Solid 8.5/10. I think it's one of the better ones. Loved the story, as usual. Level-5 kills it with these games. How Hino manages to make these games with such elegant and sweet and nice stories and then makes other games with random ass stories in itself is PUZZLING.
honestly if ninokuni for ps3 has a story even half has charming as any of the layton games it might be the game of forever.squall23 said:Well for the record, Layton needs a plot to be playable. Inazuma Eleven and Danball Senki don't need plot to be enjoyable games. I mean, a good plot would be nice, but it's not necessary. Seriously, when you can summon a phoenix using a soccer ball and leg power, the term "plot" is literally thrown out the window.
Twin brother you say? That reminds me of a puzzleduckroll said:I think that'll be the big reveal at the end of Layton 6. Hino was never behind any of the Layton games at all, it was his twin brother Hiro!
Kazerei said:Yay, now there's people to discuss the story/characters with!
To be quite honest ... I was kind of disappointed with the way the game ended :\ The pacing throughout the game was great, but then the ending seemed kind of abrupt (at least it didn't drag on like in Unwound Future though). While going through the Factory, I felt like there was still more mystery to uncover and explore, but then it was final boss and done. And it didn't help that the villain was barely introduced. So when is Mask of Miracle gonna get localized?
duckroll said:What surprised me the most about the ending was thatunlike the original Layton trilogy, there seems to be a clear setup at the end of Last Specter for a main village in this prequel trilogy. The villain doesn't seem to be a played-for-gags "rival" character either, but a real villain similar to the one in Unwound Future but on a larger scale (spanning across multiple games). It's going to be really interesting to see where this ultimately leads in the final game.
-Pyromaniac- said:ahh yeah I dug the personal connection to Layton they briefly teased as well. Definitely more of a set up than the other games. Seems much more interesting than Don Paulo.
final game will be playedduckroll said:I have a very strong feeling that this plot arc is going to have something to do with long lost history of some sort. The villain is looking for ancient civilizations, and they're really playing up Layton's background in archaeology, which is something that wasn't really a focus at all in the previous games.
Come on Nintendo/Level-5, announce Layton 5 already!
-Pyromaniac- said:Do we have to actually watch that? Is it available in english? Will it be recapped in Miracle?
-Pyromaniac- said:Do we have to actually watch that? Is it available in english? Will it be recapped in Miracle?
bro what is this UK business you have presented me. Gawwwd in Canada the price is so high for the damn dvd, not even the bluray:duckroll said:
duckroll said:I sure hope Viz is keeping the same voice cast and recording studio/voice director for the movie. It just wouldn't be the same otherwise.
MidnightScott said:Did it have a dub when it was released in Europe? :/
duckroll said:
RurouniZel said:So it's on BluRay in the UK? Decisions decisions. My PS3 won't play UK BluRays, does anyone know how expensive a UK Blu Ray player is?
Also (ending spoilers)am I the only one who teared up a bit at the death of Loosha? (sp?) He fought that fucking mech like a boss I tell ya! ^^ And I agree with Duckroll in that I really like how they're setting up Descole as a much more serious recurring villain unlike Don Paolo who was just comic relief (though he was great in Unwound Future).