Yeah, the visuals in Layton vs. Ace Attorney should be pretty neat if this game is anything to go by.
Just picked up the game! After plowing through Virtue's Last Reward, I'm ready for more puzzles and mysteries.
You finished VLR in less than a week? Holy shit dude.
This might have been a launch game, but it is so polished it really doesn't fell like it.
I just dialed in my 6th hour with this game and yeah - it's a superbly executed game, in every way - models, animations, backdrops, music, IQ. And last but not least - no offensively easy puzzles (past the intro, anyway).This might have been a launch game, but it is so polished it really doesn't fell like it.
From the extra section in the main menu. The daily puzzles are currently busted, though. The game won't download them, at least in the EU version.Just wondering, how do you access the daily puzzles? Do you unlock it later on in the game?.I just did the robot puzzle and got the robot mini-game
Jeez, still no dice with the daily puzzle. I think i'm gonna shoot a mail to nintendo customer service.
probably just going to end up with a. Standart mail, but worth a try.
The funny thing is that launch games didn't even support DLC. So the game is most likely just trying to download an unlock key for the puzzle, like it did in previous Layton games on the DS. And they can't even get that right.
So for a guy that only completed the first Layton on DS, is Miracle Mask a good game to jump in again?
the daily puzzle thing is a joke
have already sent tweets to nintendo europe,nintendo uk,level5 even in hino and havent got a reply.
has anybody sent an email in the customer service?
yes.although i suggest if you find the other layton games in good price,go and buy them![]()
just did (nintendo), no reply yet.
Did anyone noticed that this is one of the longest ot Layton ever have? I think the last Layton game died at page 3 or 4 . I got the game yesterday ( shop does not care about street date) but the dlc is not up yet..... 3d is nice surprised that the animation have 3d too :-D
i wouldn't hope for anthing beside the usual PR blurp.thank you!
looking forward for any update
I'd say since they're all similarly excellent (3 being the best) you're probably better off just doing them in order.So for a guy that only completed the first Layton on DS, is Miracle Mask a good game to jump in again?
I love the Japanese cover art.
Oh? That so? :O I honestly don't know how to do that, does the game explain that somewhere? (Or maybe it's in the instruction manual...)You can put the instructions on the top screen, too, if you want.
Only minor quibble so far is the bitrate on the cutscenes could be a little better - artifacts are pretty obvious on the XL.
Oh? That so? :O I honestly don't know how to do that, does the game explain that somewhere? (Or maybe it's in the instruction manual...)
I'll try that later tonight, thanks!Press the up arrow instead of the down arrow on the directive
Well it's a launch game (Japan) so it's expected.That's a little disappointing. It's been terrible in all the other games, too, and I was hoping they'd finally find a way to fix it for this one.