Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
DrForester said:Who's Cam Clark in Layton? I didn't even notice.
The announcer at the event at the beginning. I swear it's him.
DrForester said:Who's Cam Clark in Layton? I didn't even notice.
DrForester said:Who's Cam Clark in Layton? I didn't even notice.
Don't you mean LIQUID?Belfast said:Isn't heStahngun?
thetrin said:It's a shame lots of people are still working on Diabolical Box, because this is pretty fantastic. I'm glad I finished 1 and 2 long before this came out.
DrForester said:
Got the shipping e-mail on Thursday and I was as surprised as you. :lolRez said:what the hell? this is launching?
You should buy the game and find out!Gilgamesh said:What's the answer to the puzzle in the first screenshot? I've been staring at it for like 10 minutes and I want to go to bed.
That Finale pwns- seriously I hope this one ends as awesome as that.DrForester said:
trinest said:That Finale pwns- seriously I hope this one ends as awesome as that.
DrForester said:
thetrin said:HOLY SHIT! Puzzle 28 was awesome!
Making a machine gun out of a broken slot machine was pretty fucking badass
Nintendo marketingRez said:what the hell? this is launching?
talk about a Ninja-launch, Christ.
Well, to be fair, this is a game where the launch doesn't really matter that much, and they've been running lots of commercials on TV and in cinemas for the first two games, even a year or two after their release.Haunted said:Nintendo marketing
I actually agree. Matt puzzles are by far the least fun of any puzzles in the game. I'm a big fan of the more interactive stuff that uses the stylus in creative ways.Eccocid said:i hate math puzzles does it have lots of math puzzles! i want visual puzzles not some if a tap fills a pool in 2 hours etc..i am an idiot
fucking love the music! theres even one with vocals!DrForester said:
Belfast said:Yes, this is one of my favorite puzzles in Layton ever, even though it's a simplified version of the camera mini-game from the last one. The cinematic that followed was badass, too.
DrForester said:And they have this poster popping up in stores...
Eccocid said:i hate math puzzles does it have lots of math puzzles! i want visual puzzles not some if a tap fills a pool in 2 hours etc..i am an idiot
The_Technomancer said:I keep getting reminded of why Layton is my favorite type of character in just about any medium. Unlike most characters (it seems to me at least), Layton isn't going "gawrsh, Time Travel, wowee!" He remains (quietly) skeptical, doesn't just ignore "plot logic" but actually asks questions, and just overall comes off as a smart guy.
(This is similar to why I liked Neku from The World Ends With You. When Shiki was acting all anime-trope, or something completely bizarre that we don't bat an eye at because its a video game happens, Neku actually goes "what is wrong with you?" or "that's ridiculous")
yeah seriously... i only heard about this game when i decided to wiki professor layton out of nostalgia. i love luke!! he is so adorable.Haunted said:Nintendo marketing
The_Technomancer said:EDIT: Genuine spoilers below!
But wait! IfwasDon Paolothen that means thatdisguised as the old mentor in the hospitalFuture Luke is in on it!
Professor Layton's advertising took over the Washington Examiner's front page for today's paper with an awkward pseudo-newspaper thing. It really caught me off guard for a second.Haunted said:Nintendo marketing
Hm, I'd say that the story is much better then the mediocre offering of the second one, and that the puzzles are a lot more varied then both games this time around. Less....mind bashingly difficult ones, but more interesting ones.Mr. B Natural said:What are you guy's opinion about this game if you were like me and loved the first one but got bored with the second one (both the story and the puzzles)? Is this a rather safe iteration and still has a lot of repeat puzzle concepts?
There seems to be more hint coins, so I have been using them in puzzles that stump me rather then just grab an FAQ. The only one I unlocked the Super Hint for was the note with RHF or what ever the letters were on that puzzle. I just did not see it.thetrin said:I can't get it out of my head that Layton is like a British, gentlemanly Batman, and Luke is Robin.
I don't know why. I just can't.
EDIT: Btw, is anyone else finding the puzzles in Unwound Future MUCH MUCH easier than past games? I'm getting a LOT of these puzzles in just a few seconds without much thinking or with quick math.
I'm also already at like, 90 hint coins, because I've used so few (I'm at 56 puzzles at the moment)