ALL OF THEM. This was the worst.
C'mon the stuff at the end of Layton 6 was way worse. Some of the most amateur heavy-handed and pointlessly contrived character drama ever.
ALL OF THEM. This was the worst.
That might have been the dumbest final plot twist I've ever seen in any sort of story. Man.
C'mon the stuff at the end of Layton 6 was way worse. Some of the most amateur heavy-handed and pointlessly contrived character drama ever.
Here's a question: are there any games in the Layton series that don't have a ridiculous plot twist at the end?
....what.Only the first one I think---Curious Village.
I don't think any game where it claims everyone you interacted with were robots qualifies as a twist that makes sense.
Maya sounds too mature to me.
It's a nice voice, it just doesn't fit her.
Wait wait wait
You get picrats based upon how well you do during the trial segments? I always make sure to have a perfect score at the end of every Layton game and I have a save in the middle of the trial after having a misclick >:[ NOOOOOOOOOOOO
*resets game*
Picarats don't unlock anything. I relaxed once I learned that.
Also I did laugh in the second witch trial whenLuke and Espella rotated the Layton statue for the dramatic gesture
Layton games usually have big, silly endings ]but the issue here is that it didn't feel planned and it felt like they made up the ending halfway through so they made up an excuse for every death and magic spell which still didn't explain everything, like Layton's intro segment and the wall portals in chapter 4. With Layton, the big, stupid twist usually feels intentional and doesn't leave you asking more questions than it answered.
So I agree.Great game besides that though.This is the worst ending and really not "typical Layton" like everyone says it is.
One comes to mind but I'll spoiler tag it.Miracle Mask. The big mystery is who the man in the mask is and the resolution doesn't involve a big coverup, a fake city or a giant manatee.
Picarats don't unlock anything. I relaxed once I learned that.
I literally just finished the game, reading the credits now. What a fun, engrossing, amazing game! Can't wait to head over to the spoiler topic and talk about it in more detail.
Play the dlc episodes too. Just a silly and fun story.
Does this mean?you have to just beat it again to get those two options again, or is there a simpler way
Crap, I missed that part... oh well...Yes,you have to beat the game again. The game warns you about this.
Well...Layton 1 mystery comes down toSo...why does everyone here acting weird? and why do they likes puzzle so much?being a robot, we can assume that all of them are programmed that way.
I thought that makes sense to me. I mean seriously, try compare that to Layton 2.
Now that was ridiculous.
The third game also goes pretty crazy.
some rich scientist
Sorry if this question has already been asked, but would I be fine playing this despite only playing up to Justice for All and only playing the first Layton game?
No spoils or anything?
The weakest part of the game so far is the puzzles. I'm used to so much better from the layton series, that this feels like a slap to the face.
>get to puzzle
>take 30 minute break before I come back
I'm pretty much rushing to get to the cross examinations.
The puzzles aren't great, but I think they also suffer a bit alongside the more involved Ace Attorney bits
Speaking of which, someone a few posts up called this the worst Ace Attorney game? I'm having a lot more fun with these trials than I did with most of Apollo Justice
I never quite understood the hate for Apollo Justice, but I've always been forgiving on every game I've ever played (except Skyrim, think that's one of the only games I legitimately hate).
Now comparing this to AJ, I think this game wins.
I never quite understood the hate for Apollo Justice, but I've always been forgiving on every game I've ever played (except Skyrim, think that's one of the only games I legitimately hate).
Now comparing this to AJ, I think this game wins.
I enjoy it more than I thought, better than Dual Destiny. What I would not give to have Emeer as a cameo witness in the future.
Raise your hand if this is your GotY contender