Take a look in the upcoming games thread, Yaceka.
For the rest of the year there is:
• Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation
• Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified
• Earth Defense Forces 3 Portable
• LEGO Lord of the Rings
• Madden NFL 13
• New Little King's Story
• Persona 4: The Golden
• PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale
• Ragnarok Odyssey
• Silent Hill: Book Of Memories
• Sly Cooper: Thieves In Time
• Street Fighter X Tekken
• Zone Of The Enders HD Edition
PSN only
• Jet Set Radio HD
• Marvel Pinball
• Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD
• Orc Attack
• Retro City Rampage
• Shoot Many Robots
• When Vikings Attack
• Zen Pinball 2
I'll try this out later but it probably won't work sicne I still haven't upgraded from Windows XP. Awful, I know.If anyone is interested the guy put up a link to download the remote access on vita
Ah man thats too much money for me to spend.
Maybe you can sell your Vita to afford them?hahaha funny
Gaf, i made the jump. Just ordered a wifi vita from amazon along with a 16gb card and MGS Collection.
I'll try this out later but it probably won't work sicne I still haven't upgraded from Windows XP. Awful, I know.
I have a surprising amount of self control this summer sale. I think I've only spent less than $10 on myself?Lolz. Thankfully the Steam sale is getting me cheap PC games for the rest of the year and the only PS3 games I want are Borderlands 2 and All Stars (I'll probably double dip if the game is really good). So I'm not hurting too bad.
Edit: I wish we knew more release dates, especially for psn stuff.
That'd be great! I got a little worried because the person who put out the code said they didn't try it on Vista or XP.I think PS Mobile SDK + run-time is compatible with Windows XP also.
Then why the hell aren't they on the Vita store? That's really lame and annoying.
That'd be great! I got a little worried because the person who put out the code said they didn't try it on Vista or XP.
This pleases Sony.
Assassins Creed III: Liberation
Earth Defense Forces 3 Portable
Madden NFL 13
New Little King's Story
Persona 4: The Golden
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale
Sly Cooper: Thieves In Time
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Splitz
Jet Set Radio HD
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee HD
Retro City Rampage
Sound Shapes
I have a surprising amount of self control this summer sale. I think I've only spent less than $10 on myself?
And remember, "Summer 2012!"
It's odd because I would be giving Sony more money if I could access some games on my Vita. I no longer own a PS3, so I can't access software I want to buy due to Sony's complacence. I want to give them my money, but they refuse to let me. It's so damn bizarre.
Why does Sony fail so hard at doing business?
My list.![]()
Still no word on when RCR and Jet Set Radio are coming?
Gaf, i made the jump. Just ordered a wifi vita from amazon along with a 16gb card and MGS Collection.
• Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation - Maybe, the original protag intrigues me.
• Earth Defense Forces 3 Portable - I love EDF, so...
• New Little King's Story - Looks pretty solid!
• Orgarhythm - Kinda Patapon-ish in 3D? Not bad at all.
• PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale - Since it's the only system I can get it on...
• Ragnarok Odyssey - One of the biggest reasons to WHY I have a Vita.
• Sly Cooper: Thieves In Time - Quite possible, bro loves the series, miss it since PS2...
• Zone Of The Enders HD Edition - Will get on 360, more likely to enjoy there...
PSN only
• A-Men - Hmm, not bad. Could be interesting.
• Big Sky Infinity - Eh... more abstractey space shooters? Maybe...
• CastleStorm - will probably get on 360. Really like it's look though!
• Dokuro - Looking pretty great, interested!
• Great Little War - So AWs like. Pretty cool.
• Jet Set Radio HD - Prob on 360.
• KickBeat - Kinda looking forward to this!
• Mad Blocker HD - Kinda like the music, might get at some point, to replace TOM Blitz!
• Malicious Rebirth - GIMMIE GIMMIE! *ahem*
• Orc Attack - At least it's kinda a Beat em Up... probably get on 360 though...
• Retro City Rampage - 360!
• Shoot Many Robots - May get on Vita if it has new content? I'm fine with the current controls...
• Sine Mora - I actually might enjoy this more on Vita! Game seems worthy of attention.
• Snapshot - Puzzle Platform... maybe.
• When Vikings Attack - Hey, a sequel to Dam Dam Stompland! XD
And from Japan:
• Hatsune Miku Project Diva F
• The Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki - Evolution
• Time Travelers
• Ys 4: Celceta, Sea of Trees
^ If any of those make western release, I'd try em all!![]()
Still no word on when RCR and Jet Set Radio are coming?
I don't have that self control. Ya I know Summer 2012 it still annoys me though. Stupid SCEA. I want to shower my Vita with more games.
Edit: Is it safe to say that pretty much everyone is going to buy Persona 4: The Golden? It'll be my first playthrough of the 4th one and I've been super pumped for it ever since I saw some of the playthrough that GiantBomb did. I know Atlus is having a sale right now is there any games that I should pick up for sure?
P4G will be my first time playing the 4th. Do you have P3P yet? f not, get that.Edit: Is it safe to say that pretty much everyone is going to buy Persona 4: The Golden? It'll be my first playthrough of the 4th one and I've been super pumped for it ever since I saw some of the playthrough that GiantBomb did. I know Atlus is having a sale right now is there any games that I should pick up for sure?
"Summer 2012" still :3Still no word on when RCR and Jet Set Radio are coming?
om nom
Noooo! Why would take a picture of your Vita in pain?!
What did you do to the lid of your 3DS.![]()
om nom
What did you do to the lid of your 3DS.
it's disgusting oh my god take down the picture
Man, the Vita is into a lot of weird things.We all know Vitas are into S&M
awww, but it's so pretty~
lunch is just being lame, it's cool
EDIT: all kinds of screwed up with the tree name so screw it
Just a heads up: their system handles that pre-order promo pretty poorly (peter piper picked...nvm).My preorder list from the newegg sale a couple weeks ago.
I have to anti-recommend Crimson Gem Saga. The story was a boring mess, most of the time you're just told "go here" for some silly reason. The gameplay was just generic RPG stuff, but poorly balanced. Just spam the main character's skills and bring items to replenish MP. The worst part is that enemies run faster than you, so the encounter rate is really heavy, until you get a pair of shoes than let you run faster than enemies.
Crimson Gem Saga is a perfect example of a mediocre RPG. I wouldn't waste your time and money on it, there are better games out there.
Cherry blossoms are cool, that, however, is. Well.lunch is just being lame, cherry blossoms are cool
Someone's in the wrong thread. lolor the rest of the year there is:
• Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation- meh.AC3 will be bigger and better on the ps3
• Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified-LOLOLOL.
• Earth Defense Forces 3 Portable-lol
• LEGO Lord of the Rings-Meh
• Madden NFL 13-If you like madden then sure.Will be a worse version then consoles
• New Little King's Story-lol
• Persona 4: The Golden-Fair play.Exciting title
• PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale-On the ps3.No point on the vita.Plus its gonna be a bang average game.
• Ragnarok Odyssey-meh
• Silent Hill: Book Of Memories-lol.silent hill is dead
• Sly Cooper: Thieves In Time-oh look sly cooper.Meh.Crappy
• Street Fighter X Tekken- console
• Zone Of The Enders HD Edition-lol
PSN only
• Jet Set Radio HD-lol
• Marvel Pinball-lol
• Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD-mmm lol
• Orc Attack-lol
• Retro City Rampage-lol
• Shoot Many Robots -lol
• When Vikings Attack -lol
• Zen Pinball 2 -lol
Only 1 game on that list looks exciting.So for the first year of the vita the only great game on it will be persona.UNCHARTED was average.In fact it was poor.Gravity rush got hyped up and then bombed.AC will probably be good but no point as ACIII on the consoles will be far better.
Awful year.The sales are awful.Barely any support.Sony barely mentioned it at e3.Nobody seems to have one.
3ds won already
blah blah
Awful year.The sales are awful.Barely any support.Sony barely mentioned it at e3.Nobody seems to have one.
3ds won already
If you want a fun old school RPG Crimson Gem Saga is a steal at $7.50
i didn't say cherry blossoms are you trying to sabotage meCherry blossoms are cool, that, however, is. Well.
you guys i'm trying to be niceIn between the moe girl avatars, The Grim Heaper's clown pants, and this unique 3DS case, I think we've determined that Vita owners very much have their own sense of style.
Here's a bad cell phone pic with the Vita running VVVVVV. It's a little janky, but seems to work okay, besides the fact that you can't move through text (have to use space bar).
Interesting piece of work, but still needs some refinement. It's an awesome start though.
3ds won already
Yeah, you need to first backup on your save on your PS3 or computer through the Content Manager or else your save will be lost. There's no way to independently view your save games on the Vita.If I delete a game from my Vita does it also delete the saved game or is there an option to keep the saves? Would I have to connect the Vita to my PS3 to transfer the saves over first then delete the game? I only have a 4gb card at the moment and cannot find a list to view saved games on the system like it does on PS3.
Thought I would add this here.
I'm a bevy of knowledge. 8)Thank you lunch! I just got my Vita so i may have questions from time to time.![]()
or the rest of the year there is:
Assassins Creed III: Liberation- meh.AC3 will be bigger and better on the ps3
Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified-LOLOLOL.
Earth Defense Forces 3 Portable-lol
LEGO Lord of the Rings-Meh
Madden NFL 13-If you like madden then sure.Will be a worse version then consoles
New Little King's Story-lol
Persona 4: The Golden-Fair play.Exciting title
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale-On the ps3.No point on the vita.Plus its gonna be a bang average game.
Ragnarok Odyssey-meh
Silent Hill: Book Of Memories-lol.silent hill is dead
Sly Cooper: Thieves In Time-oh look sly cooper.Meh.Crappy
Street Fighter X Tekken- console
Zone Of The Enders HD Edition-lol
PSN only
Jet Set Radio HD-lol
Marvel Pinball-lol
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD-mmm lol
Orc Attack-lol
Retro City Rampage-lol
Shoot Many Robots -lol
When Vikings Attack -lol
Zen Pinball 2 -lol
Only 1 game on that list looks exciting.So for the first year of the vita the only great game on it will be persona.UNCHARTED was average.In fact it was poor.Gravity rush got hyped up and then bombed.AC will probably be good but no point as ACIII on the consoles will be far better.
Awful year.The sales are awful.Barely any support.Sony barely mentioned it at e3.Nobody seems to have one.
3ds won already
Zone Of The Enders HD Edition-lol
Not exactly a stellar lineup either. Tell us how you really feel.