My biggest gripe is that it's a huge pain to try to organize.It feels so basic and inelegant.
then wait till you use Metro UI,now that a real huge mess.
My biggest gripe is that it's a huge pain to try to organize.It feels so basic and inelegant.
I don't think it's too much to ask to give folks an option. Just copy over the psp interface and I'd be satisfied. Bubbles is a huge step back from XMB IMO. PSP even had game previews but in the vita liveareas we only get a boring static image. WEAK!
The problem is wading through the categories. It's not self-explanatory for everyone, unfortunately. My dad still has a hard time figuring out where to go when he wants to watch a blu-ray, for example. For me personally, XMB works great, but I can sympathize with the detractors a bit.
Just as a side point of interest – you can configure the PS3 to just auto play any game or BD/DVD you insert. no navigating required.
Supposedly Sony is going to rectify this in a future update.
then wait till you use Metro UI,now that a real huge mess.
I still don't understand how the XMB could be considered non-user friendly.
Everything is clearly labeled and self explanatory.
The XMB is still the best console UI ever made. It's so snappy, clean and organised... I love it. Really wish they'd brought it back for the Vita, it's leagues ahead of those rubbish, cluttered bubbles.
The bubbles wouldn't be so bad if you could at least group them together in folders or something. The current UI just looks so cluttered.
Ok so I have $20 to use on the store. I was looking for a good RPG; should I get God eater burst or monster hunter FU?
Thanks all
Gods Eater.
It's more "modern" in design and everything with faster combat system and has actual story and characters not just a boring grind-fest to no end.
It's also slightly easier to get into.
And like MH, it's even better with friends.
Ah, XMB fans. Redefining sluggish as snappy.
link?Supposedly Sony is going to rectify this in a future update.
Ok so I have $20 to use on the store. I was looking for a good RPG; should I get God eater burst or monster hunter FU?
Thanks all
Still shit compared to XMB
The biggest flaw witht he UI is having to launch apps for EVERYTHING. Fiends list? App. Trophies? App. Chat? App. Nothing is integrated in an easy to use manner.
Both Microsoft and Sony have gone downhill with their UIs. Microsoft had the most amazing UI back when the 360 launched with the blades. It was fast, efficient, and easy to navigate. Now that have the "Windows 8" thing going which isn't horrible, but it's more cumbersome. Same now with Sony going from XMB to Bubbleicious. It's not horrible, but why make your UI worse? I don't get it.
The biggest flaw witht he UI is having to launch apps for EVERYTHING. Fiends list? App. Trophies? App. Chat? App. Nothing is integrated in an easy to use manner.
Both Microsoft and Sony have gone downhill with their UIs. Microsoft had the most amazing UI back when the 360 launched with the blades. It was fast, efficient, and easy to navigate. Now that have the "Windows 8" thing going which isn't horrible, but it's more cumbersome. Same now with Sony going from XMB to Bubbleicious. It's not horrible, but why make your UI worse? I don't get it.
I hope that if it does happen, it's sooner rather than later.I imagine somewhere down the road the "basic" apps will be loaded so you don't have to launch them. This would be friendlist, trophies etc.
Man, soul sacrifice and ragnarok look real amateur hour . like the animations and ro art style look real blech . I hope there's more than that to look forward to on the retail front
I hope that if it does happen, it's sooner rather than later.
its better than what ever 3ds uses.
they needed the internal flash memory for welcome park.lolz
Welcome Park cannot be more than a few hundred megabytes.
It really isn't. Not in its current state, at least. The 3DS menu is waaaaaaaaay more flexible.
Man, soul sacrifice and ragnarok look real amateur hour . like the animations and ro art style look real blech . I hope there's more than that to look forward to on the retail front
Agreed. The 3DS UI isn't that bad at all. I prefer Vita's app suite because it's better than "lolswapnote" but the 3DS has an awesome box UI going on.
Agreed. The 3DS UI isn't that bad at all. I prefer Vita's app suite because it's better than "lolswapnote" but the 3DS has an awesome box UI going on.
aww, I like swapnote![]()
I really wouldn't mind swapnote, but it's too cumbersome to be a real community app. I also hate turning on spotpass as you tend to get note spammed and it takes a century for the damn thing to load them. Then you have to go through one by one and delete the little bastards.
Spoiler alert: they don't.At least it doesn't look ugly and I'm pretty sure MS gives you the option to change back (what a concept!)
I'm ok with bubbles.
But the OS needs some tweaks. It needs to do some things in background, without showing a giant "Please wait" popup in the middle of the screen:
(my photoshop skills are rusty)
Or something like that. To "Cancel" it, add another icon next to the "Please wait" thing, I don't know :lol
Hell, I'm sure Sony has plenty of designers/UI experts who can do better than... that.
Then give me folders and notifications for LiveArea's comments, and I'm pretty much satisfied :]
Any impressions on this thingy[IMG]
if it's decent I might get it for whenever they release Black Ops/Killzone of any decent FPS on Vita ( since I need triggers for FPS)[/QUOTE]
I saw some an impressions video by IGN a few days ago... they liked it. It looks pretty good, anyway.
Some ComicCon off screen gameplay videos:
Street Fighter x Tekken:
Little Big Planet:
Sine Mora:
Sound Shapes:
August 21, 2012 on US, not confirmed for the Euros.Will Ragnarok make it to tha West?