So, I heeded all your advice and tried the demo for Pinball Arcade. I really enjoyed it... but there's one problem. And, tragically, it's unrelated to the game itself, but I pretty much can't play it as a result. 
After Zen 3D, I just can't handle 2D pinball anymore. It's unbelievable how much of a difference 3D makes in giving you a "feel" for the table. I didn't even realize the extent to which, until seeing Pinball Arcade; it looks like a mess of overlapping colours in comparison.
I hope they port this to 3DS, because I will definitely buy it!
Hrrggh, I'm almost tempted to do this. Almost. But I will wait.
After Zen 3D, I just can't handle 2D pinball anymore. It's unbelievable how much of a difference 3D makes in giving you a "feel" for the table. I didn't even realize the extent to which, until seeing Pinball Arcade; it looks like a mess of overlapping colours in comparison.
I hope they port this to 3DS, because I will definitely buy it!
Remote playing FFVII on my Vita. Lag isn't too bad unless I'm on the world map for some reason.
Hrrggh, I'm almost tempted to do this. Almost. But I will wait.