Mine took about the same in late August. It's nice being able to use reward zone certificates on PSN stuff for my ridiculous DLC buys.
Haha, exactly what I do, although I don't buy them all that often.
Mine took about the same in late August. It's nice being able to use reward zone certificates on PSN stuff for my ridiculous DLC buys.
OMG are you kidding me, Sony? Wipeout Pulse is $22while Wipeout 2048 hasn't been price-dropped either. Excuse me, WTF are you doing/smoking at the regional store offices?and Pure doesn't seem to be on the American store/removed?
Wipeout is the most likely game that will be a free game when PS+ launches.
But then yeah. Their PSN division is not very good.
Made a new video. http://youtu.be/5Ll0TspoXzs
BlazBlue's inputs are the same as console BlazBlue. I just mentioned it because there are a lot more things that can fuck up on a small d-pad like 632146 motions and comparatively complicated, relatively strict BnBs that involve quite a few directions, dashing, jump canceling, special moves, etc. in succession. The only easy operation-ish thing it has is Stylish mode, so no SFA3 Max-esque configurability, sadly.Does Blazblue have a (more) linnet input method like the PSP BB's did? Street 3 Alpha has it as well and I feel it makes the game easier to use on the controllers since you don't have to be as precise and I've been able to do hadokens pretty easy in Alpha 3 with it on. With it off, not so much.
Yeah, it'd be nice. The one with UMvC3 isn't quite the same deal. If you have both copies, you can use your Vita as the controller while playing on PS3. It has four touchscreen panels enabled for instant execution of a couple things (like supers), sort of similar to SSFIV on 3DS but not as customizable I don't think. It seemed kind of worthless, but I only tried it once. I felt like such a huge tool using it.I really wish they'd allow controllers to be paired like the PSP Go does. I'd probably use controllers and "easy inputs: off" if that was the case. :/
(I know Marvel 3 has something similar but requires a PS3 copy of the game to use?)
We all know where SCEJ's marketing moola is going: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKcj9L1k5Js&feature=plcp
Soul Sacrifice live video happening now. It looks so damn good.
Link incase you missed it.
This looks sooo good. Sooo fucking good.
If this doesn't end up as a system-seller I will be shocked.
KH Remix could be PS3/Vita. Damn Squeenix.
As in after the game's released people will sell their Vitas? I'm not sure we want that to happen.
It should.
I think it's safe to assume that Zone of the Enders Vita is dead, but has anything been said about FFX Vita?
not a single word
I think it's safe to assume that Zone of the Enders Vita is dead, but has anything been said about FFX Vita?
Yeah, here's the MH clone brigade on Vita thus far:
- Lord of Apocalypse (Square Enix)
- Ragnarok Odyssey (Gungho)
- Soul Sacrifice (SCE)
- Valhalla Knights 3 (MarvelousAQL)
- God Eater 2 (Namco Bandai)
- Toukiden (Koei-Temco)
Just missing the original, and Phantasy Star Portable ...
Speaking of Phantasy Star, SEGA is supposed to show more of the Vita version right? Is there any video available?
Do you want me to create the 5th thread or would you prefer if I handed it over to one of the Vita thread regulars?
I really hope thread 5 doesn't have a silly title.
Aww man, I wish they'd bring the new colors to Europe.That sapphire blue Vita looks gorgeous!!
Why are they supposed to be dead? Because they don't show screens and trailers of a port every week?I think it's safe to assume that Zone of the Enders Vita is dead, but has anything been said about FFX Vita?
Why are they supposed to be dead? Because they don't show screens and trailers of a port every week?
Given how silent they've been on the ZoE HD Collection for months, I'm not about to write off the Vita version yet. And if so, there's no point buying the PS3 version first because the transfarring functionality will probably be patched in later like it was with MGS HD.
But if they have stealth cancelled it, screw em.