Me likey, but I know people at work will be like "wtf is that?".
Anyone think we will get FFX HD at comic con? I'm dying to see it :'(
Wasn't it David Cage that said when we see what Sony has for the Vita we are going to drop all negative opinions?
I just bought Pinball Arcade as it was available on the EU PSN finally!
Not sure why, but I'm enjoying it more that the Zen pinball games.
It works really well on the Vita and looks amazing on the OLED screen, seems to have less polys and lower res textures compared to the PS3 version but the game still looks fantastic![]()
Wasn't it David Cage that said when we see what Sony has for the Vita we are going to drop all negative opinions?
If there is a hardware revision, the one thing they need to do is raise the start and select buttons so you can actually feel and click them easily.
Right now (and especially when playing in the dark) they are a real bitch to find and press while playing Metal Gear HD.
I thought it was Andrew House?
I agree with this. That's one of my only complaints about the hardware design. They're already somewhat difficult to press, and when you're in a darkened environment they can become hard to locate as well.
But the D-Pad and face buttons are raised. Flush buttons are a terrible idea on a controller, especially ones in the corner like Select/Start.I like the design honestly. Raised buttons will make it feel like a cheap toy imo. Buttons never move so how are they hard to locate?
But the D-Pad and face buttons are raised. Flush buttons are a terrible idea on a controller, especially ones in the corner like Select/Start.
Exhibit A:
So, I've got an actual problem to solve. I originally got Gravity Rush through PS Store. Now I happened to snatch a physical review copy of it. Before this I thought I'd have to keep the digital copy on my memory card for as long as it takes me to buy & finish all the DLC packs, but now I could free up some space for other games. What happens to the save files of Gravity Rush if I delete the digital copy (with the physical copy inside Vita). Is it possible to keep the save files?
So, I've got an actual problem to solve. I originally got Gravity Rush through PS Store. Now I happened to snatch a physical review copy of it. Before this I thought I'd have to keep the digital copy on my memory card for as long as it takes me to buy & finish all the DLC packs, but now I could free up some space for other games. What happens to the save files of Gravity Rush if I delete the digital copy (with the physical copy inside Vita). Is it possible to keep the save files?
I doubt that Andrew House even care about Vita, he always sound like he want to push the console/room PS experience.
That is exactly why i think that information is faulty. First Pitchford was saying "let us know if you want Borderlands 2 on Vita". And now it is basically "we're doing everything we can to make it. We havnt started the develope at all, but Sony wont let us make the game". Really doubt that. Probably some misunderstanding somewhere in that conversation.So developers are willing to make games for their new system and Sony is being reluctant about it? Have they completely forgot the whole point of make a game console in the first place?
Hello Vita GAF
Long time lurker whose account finally got approved. I've had my Vita since day one and have loved every second of it! Picked up a few games based on all the love they get here, yes Mutant Blob is awesomeFeel free to add me if you need another Vita friend, my psn is JFunky.
Got MK in the mail yesterday. As someone that hasn't played the game for an extended period of time on the consoles, the in-game character models didn't make me vomit.
I thought it was Andrew House?
Pretty much, they are more of cinematic experiences fit for big HDTV and very long gameplay session, do not fit the handhelds at all.
Gravity Rush,unique experience that fit handhelds, now gimme more of that on Vita.
and SCE Japan Studio better bring their other teams asap (where the hell is Ape Escape team?)
I think, like Kaz Hirai, Andrew House is into Playstation Network platform. Vita, PS3, and other PS Mobile devices are just client machines to Sony's library and services.
This shits funny LMAO, you're probably right.
I'll be happy when there is a game that all of us can get on together, a great multiplayer experience. I'm planning on Importing Soul Sacrifice this Winter. Anyone else doing the same?
I hope Call of Duty turns out to be this. Resistance was way too short.
PSP went through this same black sheep identity crisis, but was lucky (in Japan, at least) that MH became a breakout hit. Vita will only survive if it too births an accidental killer app, because it will never get an exclusive on the level (marketing and budget wise) of Last of Us or Beyond. Sony's already proven that by treating Gravity Rush and Unit 13 like stealth releases.
Looking at the weekly sales it seems pretty clear that beyond the (significant) bumps for each release, MH didn't have much sustained impact on sales. If you must pick out one thing that "saved" the PSP in Japan it's obviously the release of the PSP-2000 model.
Ok y'all. I need to choose between these two, due to budget constraints:
16GB for $35.06 (I currently have a 4GB)
Gravity Rush for $27.97
Both are available through Amazon Warehouse Deals btw.
Ok y'all. I need to choose between these two, due to budget constraints:
16GB for $35.06 (I currently have a 4GB)
Gravity Rush for $27.97
Both are available through Amazon Warehouse Deals btw.
Ok y'all. I need to choose between these two, due to budget constraints:
16GB for $35.06 (I currently have a 4GB)
Gravity Rush for $27.97
Both are available through Amazon Warehouse Deals btw.
Depends on the situation. I would say Gravity Rush, but are you planning on buying lots of PSN games sometime?
Ok y'all. I need to choose between these two, due to budget constraints:
16GB for $35.06 (I currently have a 4GB)
Gravity Rush for $27.97
Both are available through Amazon Warehouse Deals btw.
anyone else experience errors in wipeout? its happened twice now, just as im about to finish the race i get an error message. Its only happened over twice, has anyone else experienced this?
yes, i've had it happen a few times in the same exact situation. had you put the game into sleep mode during the race or recently?
Alright. I went with the memory card! Hopefully PS+ will make some use out of it!
Check out this Japanese trailer for the PSone compat:
Not sure if old.
Check out this Japanese trailer for the PSone compat:
Not sure if old.
This is weird. Did you get an estimated delivery date?
I swear when I checked how many were left there was only 1 and I ordered it...yet the listing is still up for it and you just placed an order? Huh. Maybe there were more than just the 1...
Check out this Japanese trailer for the PSone compat:
Not sure if old.
July 18th. It shows Not Yet Shipped, so technically they can cancel my order for whatever reason.
...and so to kind of bring it back on topic: when people talk about what the Vita needs to survive and bring up that one killer app (be it monster hunter or COD), I think it's going to take more than just that. There needs to be broad library of games that appeals to many demographics, solid hardware (I think that is pretty much covered), and a main stream price point.
It's pretty catchy though.That song, again...