Quick question for you guys. This thread might give me a skewed opinion, but should I play ff4 complete collection on vita or ff4 ds?
Do you like really bad 3D graphics? If so, DS. Do you like beautiful sprites? If so, PSP.
Quick question for you guys. This thread might give me a skewed opinion, but should I play ff4 complete collection on vita or ff4 ds?
Do you like really bad 3D graphics? If so, DS. Do you like beautiful sprites? If so, PSP.
Quick question for you guys. This thread might give me a skewed opinion, but should I play ff4 complete collection on vita or ff4 ds?
I think many people go with/buy Monster Hunter ( even when Gods Eater is clearly superior in almost everything and actually good) just because it's the "big super franchise" that sells millions in Japan and people automatically thinks it's a pick and play for everyone like COD/Mario.
The 3DS XL seems to impress most of the people that try it. Sony needs to do something asap. Nintendo hit the panic button last year and since then things have gone better. It is time for sony to do the same.
I've used it for PixelJunk Shooter, it was good just lagged from time to time. Yeah the KZ3 thing had me. That's my fault for not doing my research.
I've been looking at this game.
So funny that he series Sold over 21 million
Also spannicus let this man sell you on YS 7
I can also guarantee you that this game will be the best soundtrack you'll hear this generation.
http://blog.us.playstation.com/2012...l-update-enhances-and-adds-multiplayer-modes/Invite friends to play in private tournaments
Whereas before you could only play in Real Mode tournaments that were open to all, now you can create private tournaments for you and up to seven friends, as well as private rooms in the online lobby space. Out on the course, you’ll be able to see your opponent’s ball after each shot, and between holes you can also use text chat to communicate with your friends, on the scorecard screen.
Stroke Mode (Head-to-Head)
Previously Ad-Hoc only. A head-to-head competition for two players, where the golfer with the best results at the end of a round wins. You’ll be able to chat with and heckle your opponent between holes.
Match Mode (Head-to-Head)
Previously Ad-Hoc only. This is also a head-to-head competition for two players, but this time it’s the first competitor to get to 3UP status during a round who wins. Once more, chat and heckling is possible between holes.
I think many people go with/buy Monster Hunter ( even when Gods Eater is clearly superior in almost everything and actually good) just because it's the "big super franchise" that sells millions in Japan and people automatically thinks it's a pick and play for everyone like COD/Mario.
They strongly implied that the remote play on Vita would be much improved and more games would be added to the compatibility list.
We have seen NOTHING of it, and they have said NOTHING of it. Remote play on the VITA side now is just PSP remote play. It BARELY works, even over a local connection. I couldn't even play peggle on it, 10 feet away from the PS3.
Remote Play
This appears to be with regards to a future feature, but Shimada said that the system's Remote Play will upconvert video to higher resolution. They're able to do this because the Vita supports a higher spec wireless LAN compared to PSP (802.11n or g as opposed to PSP's b). He noted, however, that the video encoding for remote play is done on the PS3 end, so it all depends on what they can do on the PS3.
Wakai added when using Remote Play on the PS3's XMB or the Torne DVR player, you'll get the experience in high resolution.
why did you get a handheld then? sport on the go and JRPG are like the best things about them.
So funny that he series Sold over 21 million
Also spannicus let this man sell you on YS 7
They did say something about Vita RemotePlay:
The PlayMemories app, the Torne and Nasne DVR device in Japan are also rated as RemotePlay compatible.
As for Vita RemotePlay vs PSP RemotePlay:
While we are at it...
... and this may or may not be related:
So... does anyone know how long this HSG and VT4 sale is going on for?
They expire when the store is updated tomorrow. The update can happen anywhere between 3-9PM EDT.
Shmups on the go? No way, my Vita would be broken within days due to frustration.Incorrect, at least from where I'm sitting.
Fighters (and shmups, and maybe platformers) on the go would be the best things about a portable.
And that's why I chose the Vita to buy first -- UMvC3/MK9/Blazblue/SFxT -- yes please! 8)
They expire when the store is updated tomorrow. The update can happen anywhere between 3-9PM EDT.
I thought I had at least another week to decide if I wanted either, but I guess not. ;_; Thanks Takao.
Shmups on the go? No way, my Vita would be broken within days due to frustration.
But fighters on this are great!
Not really into sports games. 33 years old and never really enjoyed a single one.
Yeah I wish the Vita released with all the hooplah Sony said it was going to release with, especially all the good near launch games that have been pushed back until who knows when. Warriors Lair and Dragons Crown.
Beat Mutant Bobs months ago. I wish Sony would drop the prices on some PSP games, install PS1 emulator so I can play RE3, but the way I hear the PS1 games are going to be periodically put onto the store, so who knows when RE3 will even be playable.
Quick Question: Anyone have any opinion on the SNK Arcade collection for PSP? It's fairly expensive, and I know PSP pad + fighters will limit some co-op play titles on that, but how does it feel for Vita? Vita D-pad make the fighters worth playing? I heard Shock Troopers has some lag, but actually lags less than the PS2 one? (I have the PS2 version, which I enjoy). 16 games for the price still isn't too bad, and I doubt they'd go on sale soon? (Though I'd be happy if they did...)
Incorrect, at least from where I'm sitting.
Fighters (and shmups, and maybe platformers) on the go would be the best things about a portable.
And that's why I chose the Vita to buy first -- UMvC3/MK9/Blazblue/SFxT -- yes please! 8)
Damn, that looks great -- how much is it retailing for on PSN?
I dont know Rayman Origins had a cool Soundtrack lol.
My only worry on the Vita is 6-button fighters like SFxT -- thought I might cave and buy it outright just to get the characters free on PS3.
I think Super Stardust and maybe Sine Mora are going to be awesome as far as shmups go.. not sure what would cause me to throw my Vita -- maybe a souls game?
Rayman Origins is growing on me. I don't think it reaches the godly heights of DKCR, but it's a solid platformer with gorgeous art. I'm still not a big fan of the character designs though.
The touch screen stuff makes me want to throw the Vita at the wall
The Music plays while your in desert
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNEcBbzX2m4 (probably the best)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oenpsp8VAwE (Plays after you leave the town)
Also spannicus let this man sell you on YS 7
Rayman Origin is the 2D platformer of the generation, Donkey Kong Country Returns is just another random overhyped Wii game that got overhyped to the moon just because it was made by an overrated developer who made an FPS series which the first game was amazing but the other two were not so much.
Rayman Origins is growing on me. I don't think it reaches the godly heights of DKCR, but it's a solid platformer with gorgeous art. I'm still not a big fan of the character designs though.
Also: the touch screen stuff makes me want to throw the Vita at the wall
Sounds Awesome, and action packed. Isn't there a Sea of Trees one coming soon?
I got the stand-alone Shock Troopers to play on Vita, I didn't experience any lag?
Puddle tomorrow oh yeah.
Vita's flawless d-pad.
Donkey Kong Country Returns is just another random overhyped Wii game that got overhyped to the moon just because it was made by an overrated developer who made an FPS series which the first game of it was really good but the other two were not so much.
Fall in Japan but I am 85% sure Sea of Trees will come over too
Also make sure to try out God eater Burst, way more friendly and open to any gamer.
I want Rayman Origins, but I see no reason for the Vita version to be more expensive than the console ones.
I want Rayman Origins, but I see no reason for the Vita version to be more expensive than the console ones.
Saw a few vids on God eater and I was checking on the sequel but only found a few screenshots. I think its coming to PSP. I may check God Eater out when I get paid if I can put Sound Shapes down.
Saw a few vids on God eater and I was checking on the sequel but only found a few screenshots. I think its coming to PSP. I may check God Eater out when I get paid if I can put Sound Shapes down.
If you're getting it partially for the characters, it's a great deal since it also comes with the first set of costumes, correct? That's, like, $35 right there. But I see where you're coming from, when playing SFA3, I'm having a bit of trouble hitting the left trigger because my hands are fairly small and the position just... isn't natural, I feel I have to crane my index finger to do a heavy punch.
I wouldn't throw it, I'd probably just forcefully smack it, thus causing my Vita and I to start going to marriage counseling and possibly get a divorce.
God eater came out in Japan only then it got re-released and called God eater burst which came over to NA. God Eater 2 has been announce as well which was probably the screen you were looking at.
Fall in Japan but I am 85% sure Sea of Trees will come over too
Anyone think the Wasteland 2 would be good on Vita?
You know which game would be great on Vita?
Nobody ever posts in the vita remote desktop thread anymore. Anyone else in here using it?