Would anyone be kind enough to take some Dragon Quest 8 screenshots at 960 x 544, 960 x 540, or 1280 x 720 with 2xAA/AF?
Mostly to get an idea of what the game would look like if Square Enix decided to make an HD remaster for PS3/Vita in the same manner as FFX.
I'd really appreciate it.
A bit, is the AA x2?
It isn't the case here, they literally are stretched, PCSX2 has no such functionality.
You'd have to tweak your controller driver so that each button shows up as a separate analog control before PCSX2 will be able to recognize it. I don't think such a tweak is possible with MotioninJoy so you're probably out of luck. The HD collection is the best way to go for MGS2 and 3.I've been trying to play Snake Eater lately, the games runs perfectly but there's one problem: is there anyway to use the DS3's pressure buttons on PCSX2? Not being able to fully use the CQC is a major bummer.
Would anyone be kind enough to take some Dragon Quest 8 screenshots at 960 x 544, 960 x 540, or 1280 x 720 with 2xAA/AF?
Mostly to get an idea of what the game would look like if Square Enix decided to make an HD remaster for PS3/Vita in the same manner as FFX.
I'd really appreciate it.
Dragon Quest 8 begs for an HD release. Wow. It's like it was made with HD in mind.
Not gonna happen, makes too much sense
720p, 544p, and 1080p download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/xlw2xv527xspvmc/Dragon Quest.rar
Dragon Quest 8 begs for an HD release. Wow. It's like it was made with HD in mind.
This thread makes me wish that brand new games at "PS2-level graphics" were made. It seems like it would be cheaper to create and they could have them run in HD and 60fps.
I can just imagine a new game in 2012 with the scale and grandness of FFXII but at at least 720p and 60fps. I'm sure publishers wouldn't want to take the risk, but I'd buy it.
You'll get that sort of stuff in the first year of the new consoles. Before the graphics bar gets raised too high, you see devs using the extra horsepower to raise resolution and framerate. If you take a look at the launch window 360 games, they run so smoothly and have really great IQ. They had that "made for the original XBOX, just with the numbers turned up" mentality about them. It was great.I can just imagine a new game in 2012 with the scale and grandness of FFXII but at at least 720p and 60fps. I'm sure publishers wouldn't want to take the risk, but I'd buy it.
Just completed FFX yesterday, and I'm all on X-2. Goddamn, PCSX2 is AMAZING. I'm so tempted to order XII too now!
Just completed FFX yesterday, and I'm all on X-2. Goddamn, PCSX2 is AMAZING. I'm so tempted to order XII too now!
Just completed FFX yesterday, and I'm all on X-2. Goddamn, PCSX2 is AMAZING. I'm so tempted to order XII too now!
So I'm willing to give PCSX2 a go in order to play Silent Hill 2 on PC. Has anyone tried to complete SH2 on the emulator? Is it fully playable?
Your links are all bad.Maximo - Ghosts to Glory
- PCSX2 0.9.9 R5108, i5-760@3520MHz, GTX460@715MHz, 1920x1200
- Preset 3 Balanced as basis, unchecked preset and added MTVU
- GSdx 5016 SSE41: D3D11, Bob tff, 4x, Texture filtering, Allow 8-bit textures, rest default
- SPU2-X all default
- FXAA enabled
Runs flawless.
The screenshots? Looks okay at the moment, maybe it was a hiccup at minus.com?Your links are all bad.
I will also state that XII is wonderful on PCSX2. It looks fabulous.Just completed FFX yesterday, and I'm all on X-2. Goddamn, PCSX2 is AMAZING. I'm so tempted to order XII too now!
Silent Hill 2 has a PC port, yo.
Seems like you were right. The FMVs are really messed up. Other than that, the game seems to run flawlessly so far and looks better than I expected.I did a few months ago. There's a minor issue with the FMV in it. I want to say that you have to switch from hardware to software rendering to make them look right (or maybe vice versa). I don't remember exactly, but it's just a quick press of a hotkey to toggle between the modes for the brief duration of the movie. I played start to finish just fine.
If anyone has any ideas on Persona 4 I'd love to hear them. I get some slowdown quite frequently (and seemingly randomly) in that game. Not enough to make me not play it though.
This thread makes me wish that brand new games at "PS2-level graphics" were made. It seems like it would be cheaper to create and they could have them run in HD and 60fps.
I can just imagine a new game in 2012 with the scale and grandness of FFXII but at at least 720p and 60fps. I'm sure publishers wouldn't want to take the risk, but I'd buy it.
I will also state that XII is wonderful on PCSX2. It looks fabulous.
Speaking of Final Fantasy X. When I first tried it there was a weird 'fuzz' around the characters during story scenes etc. It was like a transparent outline around their faces which was skin coloured etc. I never really looked in to it as I wanted to play XII but I was wondering if there was a way to fix it?
Sorry, I'm not terribly sure how to explain it. I might try to find an example.
I did a few months ago. There's a minor issue with the FMV in it. I want to say that you have to switch from hardware to software rendering to make them look right (or maybe vice versa). I don't remember exactly, but it's just a quick press of a hotkey to toggle between the modes for the brief duration of the movie. I played start to finish just fine.
If anyone has any ideas on Persona 4 I'd love to hear them. I get some slowdown quite frequently (and seemingly randomly) in that game. Not enough to make me not play it though.
This looks better than the current gen tales games to me.
Yep, i've had this thought too. I also had hoped the Wii would have been an extension of last gen but that didn't happen.
I just hope we get what you said with next gen consoles but i've got a feeling devs are going to push their balls again.
Tried pcsx2 yesterday with Front Mission 5 thanks to this thread, but was unable to get it to run at 60fps. I didn't go beyond the intro video, so maybe it just affects the FMV? Either way, I was wondering if this slowdown is a because of my CPU or if it is because of my video card.
CPU: Core2 Duo E8500 @ 3.16 GHz
GPU: Radeon 4800 HD
Hey guys, pretty soon I'm planning on picking this up. However, I have some questions first:
Has anyone tried running Berserk: Millennium Falcon Arc ~Chapter of the Holy Demon War~ on this? How well does it run? Can it even be run because its Japanese only?
Would I have to dump a Japanese PS2's BIOS in order to play it?
Thanks guys!
I need advice!
I have around 40 awesome games for the ps2 whom i have not played yet. I got a ps3 with BC but i fear it might die soon. Is pscx2 a worthwhile alternative? Or is it a hassle to get a game running?
The emulator idea seems great but i see al these configs i feel intimidated. Fact is, i would just like to play my games without putting to much effort into it.(but still play them the best way possible)
Would a ps2 be a better alternative for me? Even though the gfx suck on a hd screen? Isaw a new ps2 for 90 euro. Buy or no buy? To pscx2 or not? Problems problems problems!!!!! Are the gfx for ps2 on hd really that bad?
Thx for the advice!
Typed on ipod so sorry for any typos.
Game Info and Performance
Title (Region): Chulip (NTSC)
Summary: Completely playable with default settings, IQ can be greatly improved with D3D up-scaling and HW AA. Using HW Hacks font can be improve.
Completion: Opening
Default FPS: 60
Frame drops from fullspeed: None so far.
Widescreen option available in game: No
Issues: None so far.
Build and Plugins Used
Build: SVN r5128 (link)
Graphics: GSdx 5133 AVX
Sound: SPU2-X
Emulation Settings
EE/IOP: default
VUs: default
GS: Framelimiter - disabled, Frameskipping - disabled, Use Synchronized MTGS - no, Disable all GS output - no
GS Window: Aspect Ratio - Widescreen (4:3) - Custom Window Size - 976x690, Disable window resize border - no, Always hide mouse cursor - no, Hide window on suspend - yes, Default to fullscreen mode on open - yes, Double-click toggles fullscreen mode - yes, Wait for vsync on refresh - no
Speed Hacks: none
Game Fixes: none
Graphics Plugin Settings
Renderer: Direct3D11 (Hardware)
Interlacing: bob tff
D3D Upscaling: D3D internal res - n/a, Scaling - 6x, Native resolution - no
Hardware Mode Settings: Texture Filtering - yes, Allow 8-bit textures - yes, Logarithmic Z - n/a, Alpha Correction (FBA) - n/a
HW Hacks: HW Anti Aliasing - 0-2x, Skipdraw - no, Alpha - no, Half-pixel - no, Sprite - no, WildArmsOffset - yes/checked
NOTE: HW AA made very little difference only tried 2x.
Sound Plugin Settings
Mixing Settings: Interpolation - Catmull-Rom, Disable Effects Processing - no, Use the de-alias filter - no
Output Settings: Module - XAudio 2, Latency - 150 ms, Synchronizing Mode - TimeStretch, Audio Expansion Mode - Stereo
Enable Debug Options: no
Use a Winamp DSP Plugin: no
Computer Specs
OS: Windows 7
CPU: i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 6950 (1GB)
Game Info and Performance
Title (Region): Dark Cloud 2 (NTSC)
Summary: Must use turbo frameskipping or framerate will become unstable, IQ can be greatly improved with D3D up-scaling and HW AA. Using HW Hacks font can be improve.
Completion: Opening
Default FPS: 60
Frame drops from fullspeed: Without using Turbo frame skipping framerate is unstable.
Widescreen option available in game: No
-Turbo frameskipping allow for a stable framerate but causes its own set of problems. To fix these problems keep pressing tab in-till the game looks normal.
Build and Plugins Used
Build: SVN r5128 (link)
Graphics: GSdx 5133 AVX
Sound: SPU2-X
Emulation Settings
EE/IOP: default
VUs: default
GS: Framelimiter - disabled/Set turbo percentage to 100%, Frameskipping -Skip when on Turbo only (TAB to enable), Use Synchronized MTGS - no, Disable all GS output - no
GS Window: Aspect Ratio - Widescreen (4:3) - Custom Window Size - 976x690, Disable window resize border - no, Always hide mouse cursor - no, Hide window on suspend - yes, Default to fullscreen mode on open - yes, Double-click toggles fullscreen mode - yes, Wait for vsync on refresh - no
Speed Hacks: none
Game Fixes: none
Note: Turbo frameskipping settings: pic
Graphics Plugin Settings
Renderer: Direct3D11 (Hardware)
Interlacing: Blend bff
D3D Upscaling: D3D internal res - n/a, Scaling - 3x, Native resolution - no
Hardware Mode Settings: Texture Filtering - yes, Allow 8-bit textures - yes, Logarithmic Z - n/a, Alpha Correction (FBA) - n/a
HW Hacks: HW Anti Aliasing - 0-2x, Skipdraw Hack - no, Alpha - no, Half-pixel - no, Sprite - no, WildArmsOffset - yes/checked
Sound Plugin Settings
Mixing Settings: Interpolation - Catmull-Rom, Disable Effects Processing - no, Use the de-alias filter - no
Output Settings: Module - XAudio 2, Latency - 150 ms, Synchronizing Mode - TimeStretch, Audio Expansion Mode - Stereo
Enable Debug Options: no
Use a Winamp DSP Plugin: no
Computer Specs
OS: Windows 7
CPU: i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 6950 (1GB)
Game Info and Performance
Title (Region): Dragon Quest VIII (NTSC)
Summary: Can only use custom scaling HWAA improves IQ, the #x scaling causes framerate problems. HW hacks improve font.
Completion: Opening
Default FPS: 60
Frame drops from fullspeed: None so far.
Widescreen option available in game: Yes
Issues: None so far.
Build and Plugins Used
Build: SVN r5128 (link)
Graphics: GSdx 5133 AVX
Sound: SPU2-X
Emulation Settings
EE/IOP: default
VUs: default
GS: Framelimiter - disabled, Frameskipping -disabled, Use Synchronized MTGS - no, Disable all GS output - no
GS Window: Aspect Ratio - Widescreen (16:9) - Custom Window Size - 976x690, Disable window resize border - no, Always hide mouse cursor - no, Hide window on suspend - yes, Default to fullscreen mode on open - yes, Double-click toggles fullscreen mode - yes, Wait for vsync on refresh - no
Speed Hacks: none
Game Fixes: none
Graphics Plugin Settings
Renderer: Direct3D11 (Hardware)
Interlacing: None
D3D Upscaling: D3D internal res - 1920x1080, Scaling - n/a, Native resolution - no
Hardware Mode Settings: Texture Filtering - yes, Allow 8-bit textures - yes, Logarithmic Z - n/a, Alpha Correction (FBA) - n/a
HW Hacks: HW Anti Aliasing - 0-2x, Skipdraw Hack - no, Alpha - no, Half-pixel - no, Sprite - no, WildArmsOffset - yes/checked
Note: Font for battles and on some menus still have line but dialogue font is fixed.
Sound Plugin Settings
Mixing Settings: Interpolation - Catmull-Rom, Disable Effects Processing - no, Use the de-alias filter - no
Output Settings: Module - XAudio 2, Latency - 150 ms, Synchronizing Mode - TimeStretch, Audio Expansion Mode - Stereo
Enable Debug Options: no
Use a Winamp DSP Plugin: no
Computer Specs
OS: Windows 7
CPU: i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 6950 (1GB)
Game Info and Performance
Title (Region): Fatal Frame (NTSC)
Summary: IQ can be greatly improved with D3D up-scaling and HW AA.
Completion: Intro/about 75% done with first act/part
Default FPS: 60
Frame drops from fullspeed: When a ghost attacks the character the framerate takes a hit.
Widescreen option available in game: No
- Ran into a glitch right after the camera tutorial in the first act the camera would not intiate a context command to continue. I switch to software mode and back to hardware mode and it fix the glitch.(Could be a random glitch)
- Using the #x resolution causes a framerate glitch where when a ghost is on screen the framerate will drop down to 30 fps. Using a custom resolution helps
Build and Plugins Used
Build: SVN r5128 (link)
Graphics: GSdx 5133 AVX
Sound: SPU2-X
Emulation Settings
EE/IOP: default
VUs: default
GS: Framelimiter - disabled, Frameskipping - disabled, Use Synchronized MTGS - no, Disable all GS output - no
GS Window: Aspect Ratio - standard (4:3) - Custom Window Size - 976x690, Disable window resize border - no, Always hide mouse cursor - no, Hide window on suspend - yes, Default to fullscreen mode on open - yes, Double-click toggles fullscreen mode - yes, Wait for vsync on refresh - no
Speed Hacks: none
Game Fixes: none
Graphics Plugin Settings
Renderer: Direct3D11 (Hardware)
Interlacing: Bob tff
D3D Upscaling: D3D internal res - 1920x1080, Scaling - n/a, Native resolution - no
Hardware Mode Settings: Texture Filtering - yes, Allow 8-bit textures - yes, Logarithmic Z - n/a, Alpha Correction (FBA) - n/a
HW Hacks: HW Anti Aliasing - 0-2x, Skipdraw - no, Alpha - no, Half-pixel - no, Sprite - no, WildArmsOffset - no
Sound Plugin Settings
Mixing Settings: Interpolation - Catmull-Rom, Disable Effects Processing - no, Use the de-alias filter - no
Output Settings: Module - XAudio 2, Latency - 150 ms, Synchronizing Mode - TimeStretch, Audio Expansion Mode - Stereo
Enable Debug Options: no
Use a Winamp DSP Plugin: no
Computer Specs
OS: Windows 7
CPU: i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 6950 (1GB)
Game Info and Performance
Title (Region): Fatal Frame 2 (NTSC)
Summary: Completely playable with default settings, IQ can be greatly improved with D3D up-scaling.
Completion: Opening
Default FPS: 60
Frame drops from fullspeed: None so far.
Widescreen option available in game: No
Issues: None so far.
Build and Plugins Used
Build: SVN r5128 (link)
Graphics: GSdx 5133 AVX
Sound: SPU2-X
Emulation Settings
EE/IOP: default
VUs: default
GS: Framelimiter - disabled, Frameskipping - disabled, Use Synchronized MTGS - no, Disable all GS output - no
GS Window: Aspect Ratio - Widescreen (16:9) - Custom Window Size - 976x690, Disable window resize border - no, Always hide mouse cursor - no, Hide window on suspend - yes, Default to fullscreen mode on open - yes, Double-click toggles fullscreen mode - yes, Wait for vsync on refresh - no
Speed Hacks: none
Game Fixes: none
Graphics Plugin Settings
Renderer: Direct3D11 (Hardware)
Interlacing: None
D3D Upscaling: D3D internal res - n/a, Scaling - 6x, Native resolution - no
Hardware Mode Settings: Texture Filtering - yes, Allow 8-bit textures - yes, Logarithmic Z - n/a, Alpha Correction (FBA) - n/a
HW Hacks: HW Anti Aliasing - 0, Skipdraw - no, Alpha - no, Half-pixel - no, Sprite - no, WildArmsOffset - no
NOTE: HW AA causes graphical glitch.
Sound Plugin Settings
Mixing Settings: Interpolation - Catmull-Rom, Disable Effects Processing - no, Use the de-alias filter - no
Output Settings: Module - XAudio 2, Latency - 150 ms, Synchronizing Mode - TimeStretch, Audio Expansion Mode - Stereo
Enable Debug Options: no
Use a Winamp DSP Plugin: no
Computer Specs
OS: Windows 7
CPU: i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 6950 (1GB)
Game Info and Performance
Title (Region): Fatal Frame 3 (NTSC)
Summary: SkipDraw must be set to 1 and must turn on progressive mode in-game or framerate will be unstable, IQ can be greatly improved with D3D up-scaling.
Completion: Opening
Default FPS: 60
Frame drops from fullspeed: None so far.
Widescreen option available in game: Yes
Issues: None so far.
Build and Plugins Used
Build: SVN r5128 (link)
Graphics: GSdx 5133 AVX
Sound: SPU2-X
Emulation Settings
EE/IOP: default
VUs: default
GS: Framelimiter - disabled, Frameskipping - disabled, Use Synchronized MTGS - no, Disable all GS output - no
GS Window: Aspect Ratio - Widescreen (16:9) - Custom Window Size - 976x690, Disable window resize border - no, Always hide mouse cursor - no, Hide window on suspend - yes, Default to fullscreen mode on open - yes, Double-click toggles fullscreen mode - yes, Wait for vsync on refresh - no
Speed Hacks: none
Game Fixes: none
Graphics Plugin Settings
Renderer: Direct3D11 (Hardware)
Interlacing: None
D3D Upscaling: D3D internal res - n/a, Scaling - 3x, Native resolution - no
Hardware Mode Settings: Texture Filtering - yes, Allow 8-bit textures - yes, Logarithmic Z - n/a, Alpha Correction (FBA) - n/a
HW Hacks: HW Anti Aliasing - 0, Skipdraw - no, Alpha - no, Half-pixel - no, Sprite - no, WildArmsOffset - no
NOTE: HW AA causes graphical glitch.
Sound Plugin Settings
Mixing Settings: Interpolation - Catmull-Rom, Disable Effects Processing - no, Use the de-alias filter - no
Output Settings: Module - XAudio 2, Latency - 150 ms, Synchronizing Mode - TimeStretch, Audio Expansion Mode - Stereo
Enable Debug Options: no
Use a Winamp DSP Plugin: no
Computer Specs
OS: Windows 7
CPU: i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 6950 (1GB)
Game Info and Performance
Title (Region): Freedom Fighters (NTSC)
Summary: Completely playable with default settings, IQ can be greatly improved with D3D up-scaling and HW AA.
Completion: Opening
Default FPS: 60
Frame drops from fullspeed: On the first level when you enter the street the framerate drops play so of the later level didn't experience and framerate drops
Widescreen option available in game: Yes
-In cutscences framerate will drop at certain times.
Build and Plugins Used
Build: SVN r5128 (link)
Graphics: GSdx 5133 AVX
Sound: SPU2-X
Emulation Settings
EE/IOP: default
VUs: default
GS: Framelimiter - disabled, Frameskipping - disabled, Use Synchronized MTGS - no, Disable all GS output - no
GS Window: Aspect Ratio - Widescreen (16:9) - Custom Window Size - 976x690, Disable window resize border - no, Always hide mouse cursor - no, Hide window on suspend - yes, Default to fullscreen mode on open - yes, Double-click toggles fullscreen mode - yes, Wait for vsync on refresh - no
Speed Hacks: none
Game Fixes: none
Graphics Plugin Settings
Renderer: Direct3D11 (Hardware)
Interlacing: None
D3D Upscaling: D3D internal res - n/a, Scaling - 6x, Native resolution - no
Hardware Mode Settings: Texture Filtering - yes, Allow 8-bit textures - yes, Logarithmic Z - n/a, Alpha Correction (FBA) - n/a
HW Hacks: HW Anti Aliasing - 0, Skipdraw - no, Alpha - no, Half-pixel - no, Sprite - no, WildArmsOffset - no
NOTE: Looks good enough that it doesn't need AA
Sound Plugin Settings
Mixing Settings: Interpolation - Catmull-Rom, Disable Effects Processing - no, Use the de-alias filter - no
Output Settings: Module - XAudio 2, Latency - 150 ms, Synchronizing Mode - TimeStretch, Audio Expansion Mode - Stereo
Enable Debug Options: no
Use a Winamp DSP Plugin: no
Computer Specs
OS: Windows 7
CPU: i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 6950 (1GB)