When using Steam to open up PS2 games, does the overlay show up? It doesn't work when I open up Wii games.
Yes it does.
Do you run the emulator through a shortcut, then add the information to the command line? I try doing this with the Dolphin emulator but Steam always runs the original file.
Nevermind, figured out you have to add the command line in Steam.
I figured it out!
After many long years of development, debugging and testing effort, we have reached a point where PCSX2 runs a great majority of the games, and there are no important issues that could possibly be fixed without requiring major modifications to the emulator.
Because of that (and because we already felt it was overdue), we decided to stop thinking of new things to do for a bit, polish the stability, compatibility and existing features and release the result as the first major version of PCSX2!
There have been tons of changes since the last release, including improvements to Jake Stine's wxWidgets GUI overhaul, cottonvibe's new multithreaded VU core and improvements on the primary plugins.
This release is a big milestone that marks the way to new features and improvements!
Here is an excerpt of the latest changes:
- Video timing adjustments
- microVU fixes for Metal Gear Solid 2 and others
- General speedups
- microVU speedup
- New GIF unit that mimics the real one better
- microVU elementary function bug fixed (affecting Valkyrie Profile 2, Radiata Stories and Star Ocean 3)
- Implemented Multi-Threaded VU! A new speed hack with almost 100% compatibility with games, using a third core to run the VU1 unit separately
- CDVD fixes (Time Crisis boots now)
- Added support for progressive scan timings
- Path 3 arbitration and timing refinements
- Added Finnish, Malaysian, Korean, French, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese and Polish translations
- Configurable output volume
- Fixes to reverb
- Various sound looping fixes
- Improved time stretcher
- Reverse phase audio quality improved
- Fixed RGB mode movie recording
- Texture cache change that fixes some black screening games
- Implemented NVidia FXAA 3.10, page up key activates it
- Better multithreading
- Arc the Lad bad fog fix
- Fixed shadows in software renderer
- Implementation of GSdx "Shadeboost" project (saturation, brightness, contrast settings)
- User configurable hacks in the GUI
- Fixed flickering in many FMVs
- Implementation of GSdx "Cutie" project (various extra CRC hacks)
- Pad state getting stuck with savestates bug fixed
- Revamped it a bit
OnePad changes:
- New dialog configuration panel
- Improved support of various pad (sixaxis)/mouse/wiimote
- Added support for more controllers
- Added support for pressure-sensitive buttons
- GSdx ported for Linux! Based on OpenGL 3.3 with some 4.x hardware independent extensions. Requires OpenGL 4.2 drivers and is still in experimental stages. Don't expect the hardware renderer to run properly, but the Software renderer should be fine.
- Added support for configuration and keyboard shortcuts from PCSX2
- Added support for configuration and keyboard shortcuts from PCSX2
- Added a GLSL backend to replace CG. Like GSdx, it requires OpenGL 4.2 drivers. Only available with PCSX2 self-compilation.
- Added thread timing information to see the CPU usage in the status bar
- Fix multiple frame/box letters sizing.
In addition to these changes we found a fixed several bugs that could lead to crashes in various situations.
The PCSX2 executable has been built and tested with PGO optimizations enabled so it will be an extra 10% faster over regular SVN builds.
We hope you enjoy this first major version release and have fun playing your games on it!
- Added support for progressive scan timings
Anyone have an understanding as to the state of the emulation now? Is everything now emulated to a point where they can start optimising it?
It seems like my CPU is not worthy enough to run PCSX2 smoothly.
i7 Q740 1.73GHz.
That should be powerful enough :/.
Anyone have an understanding as to the state of the emulation now? Is everything now emulated to a point where they can start optimising it?
4:3 stretched
game looks very good, widescreen makes everything better :3
Whats the pnatch file for p3 fes? I've tried the p3 settings from the "profiles" from the widescreen helper, but it doesn't seem to work...
Or maybe i'm just doing it wrong? I followed the OP's instructions onward from make a file named GameCRC.pnatch, save it in Cheats folder, and enable cheats in pcsx2. Anything im doing wrong or missing?
I tried out Xenosaga Episode I last night. I can't believe it's running at 60 fps solid. I've used pcsx2 off and on since they first released it and Xenosaga always ran like crap averaging at best 20 fps every time I tried it.
Now I have to rip all my other JRPGs and see how well it can handle them. Anyone have a program they've found that rips PS2 games reliably?
This made me excited since I have an unplayable Persona 4 copy. Can you tell me your CPU?
No from what I understand it can only utilize two cores so frequency is more important that overall power. Sucks :/I run things fine on i5.
Edit: oops, quoted the wrong person.
Fair enough, id much rather they emulate the different components accurately especially since by the time they are done, we would all have systems that can run it well-enough.This emulator is VERY much optimized. Just because PCSX2 is now 'v1.0', don't think the core system has been mostly fully emulated to a degree where most games work. It's not. Things are still hit and miss. Each game reacts differently, and some don't function well enough to be playable.
I can play just about everything I try at full speed in at least one of hardware or software mode.
Though there is still a very long way to go for perfect emulation in hardware.
It seems like my CPU is not worthy enough to run PCSX2 smoothly.
i7 Q740 1.73GHz.
Is Silent Hill 2 playable? The link in the OP leads me to a list, which says the menus and stuff work fine but not the game.
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=36702680&postcount=713Is Silent Hill 2 playable? The link in the OP leads me to a list, which says the menus and stuff work fine but not the game.
Wow, I just scrolled through the OP. LooksGREAT!! A definite sub!! Where have I been not seeing this thread!?fucking
Will read later, since I'm at work.. lol
What game is that? It looks like Shadow of Colossus, which I've never played.
Took a screenshot of Radiata Stories, which is criminally underrated and is a gorgeous game
and native, so you dont go around thinking PS2 games didnt look like this back in the day![]()
I wonder how King's Field would work on this...
Except they didn't look like that back in the day. High Definition LCD displays make PS2 games look significantly worse than they did running on CRTs in their native resolution.
That's the internal resolution