Anybody on iMacs here running this? How intense do the specs have to be? I just got another iMac, though it's a base 21.5" iMac:
1.4Ghz Intel I5
Intel HD 5000 1536MB
I only use my Macs for work, which is why I purchase base models, but I still figured I'd ask the question.
That CPU speed seems rather low to me, did you mistype it or maybe you are looking at its clocked down power conservation state? If it is actually a 1.4Ghz i5 I imagine you are going to have trouble with some of the more demanding games. I occasionally run into problems with my i5-3570k @ 4.3Ghz.
Ah, it looks like you're right. It's a dual core, and the base speed is 1.4Ghz. But it goes up to 2.7Ghz.
The DS4 doesn't have pressure sensitive buttons, and I want to the classic DS feel
You might convince me to use the DS3 if there's an alternative to Motioninjoy these days, I know there are separate executable but it seems like they're still using the same driver.
Wow this looks like Forza 5.
Didn't see it in the OP. Will this play imports?
nah. too many polygonsWow this looks like Forza 5.
I'm currently emulating Grandia III. Everything's perfect but the movies. There's annoying, blinking artifacts at the top and bottom of movies. I've tried everything but can't seem to find what's wrong with my config. Any help?
Is the OP up to date? Really, all I want is to replay DQVIII. I mean let's be serious, that replay is the only real reason I am still into gaming.
If you are using dx9 or dx11 in hardware mode cutscenes in some games will have problems. You either have to switch manually to software mode using F9 or there is a game fix under emulation settings that switches automatically to software when FMV's play.
Hmm, I'm trying to play Xenosaga 1 on my Sager gaming laptop and there seems to be some audio issues with the game.
The audio issues happen just before and after combat, entering and exiting the menu, and entering and exiting the in-game save menu at the save points.
Anyone here know what might cause it? Would GPU hardware acceleration cause this audio desync or glitch?
Hmm not really sure but you could try changing the pcsx2 audio plugin settings by changing the synchronizing mode from Timestretch to Async MIx it might fix the problem.
Besides the crappy crowd, no it doesn't. Not at all.
Is there a guide to implementing custom GSDx plugins for a game?
I just downloaded a custom dll for Enthusia from the site below which is supposed to fix the vertical lines at high res, but I still get the lines showing up. I'm not sure which folders I'm supposed to drag all of the files into.
You need to put the GSdx32-AVX-enthusia.dll into the plugin's folder. After that open up pcsx2 and go to config>plugin/bios Selector and under GS select the plugin that says enthusia.
I tried that earlier and PCSX2 keeps shutting down on me whenever I boot the game, so I thought I wasn't doing it right. I'm on pcsx2 v. 1.3.0. Any ideas?
I thought ps3 controllers worked on PC if you had it plugged in with a USB cable?
I think the readme says you have to us pcsx2 v. 1.0 or 1.2
Just pluging in the ps3 controller will not work you have to use scp server to have the ps3 controller to work. You have to have Xbox 360 controller drivers install first before you install Scp Server.
feh, turned some nobs and cranked some dials and haven't been able to get VF4EVO to not run at half speed. oh well. no other game I've tried has given me trouble.
I think it would depend on the game.Much else I can do?
It's actually quite easy to use the SCP driver. If you have the right Bluetooth dongle, you can even use it wirelessly.dang, i'll probably just use my ps2->usb converter i have somewhere in the house then.
CPU should be more than fine, I'm pretty sure you're bottlenecked by the GPU. Just run Nvidia Inspector and have the Sensor Monitoring on in the background, see if the GPU Usage is maxed out (read: constant 100%).Much else I can do?
Is there a way to get rid of the film grain in Silent Hill 2?
Awesome thread. Been working to try and get Dragon Ball Z: Bufokai Tenkaichi 2 to work just right. The main issue I am having is the cutscenes are dropping down to about 20fps. The battles are 50-60fps sometimes dropping to 40 when some stuff is getting destroyed. Looks amazing though. Using just 3x scaling no less. My comp just isn't potent enough to really crank everything up from what I've seen so far.
Playing Tenkaichi 2 reminds me how it is the pinnacle of outstanding DBZ fighter design. Like it even more then Tenkaichi 3 since the battles don't have those cinematic moments happening all the time. Just ultimate attacks really causing that sort of thing to occur but those can be evaded / cancelled with various attacks. Great game! LOVE it.
Thats how I got it looking so far. 4x Scaling atm with DX11 Hardware running. Nothing else currently running. Got the City sections running at 45-50fps instead of the 20 from before. Seems a bit more stable even with higher scaling and DX11 running. Seems DX11 actually smoothed it out a bunch.
Silent hill 2 is running perpetually at 30 fps or less with stuttering for the voice acting. I don't know how to make it run faster. here are my specs.![]()
Question: I have a pretty great PC for this (2500k @ 4.7ghz, 7970) and have never played FFX. Would I be better off buying a PS2 version and emulating than playing the HD remaster for PS3? From the FF12 screenshots, it looks like I would be better off emulating, but I don't know if FFX would be the same.
Dammit, I just might have to do this. I HATED the default camera control when playing on my PS3. Also have wanted to play Zodiac version and never even beat the normal game, got stuck on some earth dragon boss or something can't really remember...I think I will do this.AAAWWWW YEA!!!!!!
Got this badboy up and running with FF12 zodiac version wiht the english patch, had to change some of the buttons around, like that HELLA confusing, ass backwards camera control, and the circle button being the confirm. Now we're good to go.
This is my second favorite final fantasy. It's great to get back into this game after such a long time without.
TRON 2.0 @5K + ReShade/SweetFX 2.0 Preview
I'm constantly amazed with what I'm seeing out of this emulator. Its fantastic. A lot of the graphical techniques used back then translate incredibly well to scaling and AF. DQVIII is just phenomenal
I have a couple speed-related questions.
First, do most people play with Vsync off? I can only get 60 fps using the OpenGL plugin if I turn Vsync on. Using the D3D plugins, I only get about 45-53 fps. I'm using an i5-4670k @ 4.2GHz with a GTX 760 and Windows 8.1. With OpenGL, I can run Tales of the Abyss at 6x internal resolution and all of the speedhacks off and still maintain 60 fps. But with D3D, I get about 53 fps using native resolution and all of the speedhacks turned on. If I turn off Vsync, D3D runs full speed just fine, but screen tearing is pretty noticeable.
Second, I seem to have an issue with games accessing data causing slow down. For example, when entering a battle in Tales of the Abyss, I'll get about one second of slowdown and the audio kind of "stretches" while the game loads the battle data. This doesn't happen all the time, though. Some times it happens when a character uses their mystic arte in battle, and other times it can happen in the middle of a long cut-scene. In Final Fantasy XII, it does it during the tutorial boss fight at the beginning of the game, when the game loads its special attacks. In other games, it can happen while accessing the memory card. Playing Mana Khemia 2, I get a drop to 56 fps right after it loads my save data, then it goes up and stays at 60. If, after that, I load my game from the save point, it stays at 60 fps during the whole load process. Is this just normal behavior, or am I missing a setting somewhere? I've tried enabling and disabling all the recommended speedhacks, but I see no difference.I tried playing ISOs from my SSD, which seemed to help a little bit, but the problem still persists.