Sethos said:Really wish this thing had full compatibility with AC5
Looks like the plugins crashed. Happened to me once, shutdown the emu (kill task if necessary) and try again.IrishNinja said:why is this? ver 0.9.8, on an underclocked i5-760 (2.8ghz, ran persona 4 beautifully), 6870 GPU, 4GB RAM, rendering in hardware mode, with settings all defaulted to what i was told in the OP. thoughts?
ChryZ said:Why don't you give it another shot? I've noticed that the emu even improved on Intel processors going from 9.7 to 9.8
Try out the latest stable release. If it runs the games you want to play fine, then it's okay to stick with it. Mess around with the dailies if they've updated with fixes/performance boosts for a game you want to run.hauton said:It seems that the latest stable is only a few months old (May 2011)
Would it be advisable for a relative novice to PS2 emulation to stick with the stable? Or has there been substantial improvements that warrant trying out the dailies?
DeFiBkIlLeR said:BIG NEWS!!!!....
Latest SVN build (4866) of PCSX2 has had its main core rewritten to take advantage of more than 2 cores...10-45% speedups in games with CPU's of 3 cores or more!
wwm0nkey said:Up to 45% increase you say?
Wonder if Z.O.E 2 will work well now.
I'll check it out when I get home later today. On a Phenom II @ 3Ghz quad core by the way.wwm0nkey said:Well if anyone here owns Z.O.E 2 try it out and see how well it runs, because if it works I am taking back my copy I let my friend borrow lol
Jaxter09 said:What? I thought it did already.
pcsx2: Implemented Threaded VU1
Threading VU1 took a lot of rewrites and new code to make possible (MTGS,
microVU, gifUnit...), but we finally got to the point where it was feasible, and
now we've done it! (so now everyone can stop complaining that pcsx2 only takes
advantages of 2 cores).
The speedups in the games that benefit from it are great if you have a cpu with
3+ cores (generally a 10~45% speedup), however games that are GS limited can be
a slowdown (especially on dual core cpu's).
The option can be found in the speedhacks section as "MTVU (Multi-Threaded
microVU1)". And when enabled it should should show the VU thread-time percentage
on the title bar window (Like we currently do for EE/GS/UI threads).
It is listed as a speedhack because in order for threading VU1 to have been a
speedup, we need to assume that games will not send gif packets containing
Signal/Finish/Label commands from path 1 (vu1's xgkick). The good news is very-
few games ever do this, so the compatibility of MTVU is very high (a game that
does do this will likely hang).
Note: vs2010 builds and Linux builds need to be updated to include "MTVU.h" and
Oh holy shit. I'll grab it and start benchmarking now to see. Guess i'll start with SotC for testing.DeFiBkIlLeR said:BIG NEWS!!!!....
Latest SVN build (4866) of PCSX2 has had its main core rewritten to take advantage of more than 2 cores...10-45% speedups in games with CPU's of 3 cores or more!
You should be able to keep two installations of it if you use a SVN build alongside a stable major release.Lord-Audie said:Right now the game that i'm playing, FFXII, is working fine.
Dunno if i will risk my save file by updating.
Good to know that the software is being updated.
Thoraxes said:You should be able to keep two installations of it if you use a SVN build alongside a stable major release.
Also, at least from 9.7-9.8 (and builds in-between) the memory card saves did transfer over.
Lord-Audie said:Right now the game that i'm playing, FFXII, is working fine.
Dunno if i will risk my save file by updating.
Good to know that the software is being updated.
Hot damn... now I just need to find a controller plugin that actually works well with the Xbox 360 controller. With the LilyPad plugin I can't move forward at full speed in any of my games for some reason, and the other two plugins I tried don't even recognize it. (Actually I think one of them doesn't work at all.)DeFiBkIlLeR said:BIG NEWS!!!!....
Latest SVN build (4866) of PCSX2 has had its main core rewritten to take advantage of more than 2 cores...10-45% speedups in games with CPU's of 3 cores or more!
I'm playing FFXII too. I installed this new build. It doesn't replace anything from previous build (it's a new folder).MikeE21286 said:Is this a thing (i.e. file saves being corrupted across builds?)
I'm playing the same game and don't want to risk a corrupt save
Dizzy-4U said:I'm playing FFXII too. I installed this new build. It doesn't replace anything from previous build (it's a new folder).
After installation, I copied the memory card folder from the old build to the new one. Works like a charm.
Just make backup copies of your saves. I do all the time and store them in dropbox.Lord-Audie said:Still wouldn't risk it.
Already invested 20hrs+ to the game.
I would kill myself if i lost all that progress.
I tried it again with your last settings (2x scaling, FXAA on, 8-bit Textures enabled), and it looks like the combination of 8-bit textures and the new multicore option definitely delivers an improved framerate; 60FPS during most of the gameplay, with dips to ~41FPS during certain parts of cutscenes. When either option was disabled, the gameplay framerate dropped to ~30 when 8-bit textures was disabled or ~40 when the multicore option was disabled.ChryZ said:I also tried ZoE2.
- PCSX2 0.9.8 r4866, i5-760@3520MHz, GTX460@715Mhz, 1920x1200
- Preset 3 Balanced as basis, unchecked preset and added MTVU
- SPU2-X all default
- GSdx 4863 SSE41: D3D11, 4x, Texture filtering, Allow 8-bit textures, rest default, FXAA enabled
40-60fps, usually around 50 fps, down to 20fps in real time cut scenes
- GSdx 4863 SSE41: D3D11, 3x, Texture filtering, Allow 8-bit textures, rest default, FXAA enabled
40-60fps, few dips into the 50s, usually close to 60 fps, 30-40 in real time cut scenes
- GSdx 4863 SSE41: D3D11, 2x, Texture filtering, Allow 8-bit textures, rest default, FXAA enabled
60fps, a few dips but I guess even the actual PS2 choked in those moments, real time cut scenes more 60 than 40 fps
I had the emu window'd (~1920x1200) to keep an eye on the CPU and GPU load. The GPU was 100% when the frame rate dipped, so at this point it's more like a GPU issue. Well at least for my setup. The game looked pretty good with 2x + FXAA. They've come a long way and will prolly get there.
Just use the windows task manager and/or resource monitor?teiresias said:Can someone tell me whether the example video is experienced by other people when playing FFXII?
FFXII Single Digit Framerate
It happens near the end of the Quickening, about 0:20 (though the video isn't long so no real need to skip ahead). It's not random and only happens at certain spots in certain Quickenings and spells from bosses and the like. It's not game-breaking, but it is annoying when I hit one and don't realize/remember it and have to sit there waiting for it to chug its way through the effects. Not sure if it's the pure geometry or post processing effects or what doing it, it's only really annoying because of the way the audio behaves when it happens. I'm just wondering if this is normal or if I should be looking for a solution because I'm doing something wrong with the way I have the game setup in the emulator?
Also, what's the best way to monitor how PCSX2 is split-up across cores in Win7? I used to know how to do all of that in WinXP, but haven't had to figure out how to do it in Win7 and can't seem to. Just trying to find a way to verify the 3+ core usage when I have the MTVU speed hack enabled.
Zafir said:Just use the windows task manager and/or resource monitor?
Also what graphics plugin are you using?
Tried using the dx10 one?teiresias said:Gsdx 4863 with the DX11 Hardware renderer. It's the default one with all the latest nightly builds I believe.
ChryZ said:The R&C games are now fully playable, but there are some visual problems (mainly LoD and texture related).
God dammit, I heard about the new release and then came into this thread specifically to ask had the problems with the Jak games been fixed, but I guess this answers that question. Was there ever a release that worked well with the Jak games?NBtoaster said:R&C games were playable on 0.9.7. 0.9.8 and the svn releases seemed to introduce more visual issues :x Apparenly because pcsx2 doesn't support mipmapping.
The Jak games are similar. Though they have their own, somewhat scary issues too
A shame really..they look really good otherwise..
nincompoop said:The Jak and Ratchet games all ran very slowly on my overclocked Core i7 on the earlier revisions (except when you were staring at a wall or something). Does the new multicore version improve their performance significantly?
Enemy Of Fate said:God dammit, I heard about the new release and then came into this thread specifically to ask had the problems with the Jak games been fixed, but I guess this answers that question. Was there ever a release that worked well with the Jak games?
NBtoaster said:I've only tried 0.9.7, 0.9.8 and the latest 0.9.9, and there hasn't been much change. Jak X still doesn't start at all. Jak 2 and 3 are playable, just ugly.
What Ratchet and Clank 3 looks like right now: