I knew I should have picked up this issue when I saw it.Andy787 said:That reminds me. My friend has a copy of this, and holy shit, it is orgasmic. Someone, if you have it, please do a service to the penis-equipped populace![]()
This is orgasmic? She looks like a girl i know cosplaying Chun Li.
jett said:Before this thread I didn't know who Kinnaird was but now I know that he sucks. That drawing is just HIDEOS.
Hideous + Hideo Kojima = HideosJackFrost2012 said:I've seen "HIDEOS" several times lately in the past week on GAF. Is it some weird obscure Metal Gear in-joke, or is "hideous" just one of those words people have trouble spelling? No offense meant to the original poster ... I'm actively curious.
Meier said:It's from the term "hideos visage."
The Take Out Bandit said:Meh, Udon. :X
They'll always be a half assed lot of wanna-be Capcom staffer FOBs. ^_^
except thats not jo chenTellaerin said:Either you're not familiar with Jo Chen's work, or you just have no taste. (Considering the abrasive Shantae cheerleading you insist on shoving into every single post you make, I'm leaning toward the latter, myself.) In either case, please excuse me while I laugh.![]()
My good OA friend, TheWhiteFutami/BradshawTheBygawdHoss, used it, and it caught on.JackFrost2012 said:Is that supposed to be "hideous visage"? Why the misspelling?
Leguna said:DarkCloud:
Thanks man! You are the man! Anyone know who that SF3 artist is?
Leguna said:DarkCloud:
Thanks man! You are the man! Anyone know who that SF3 artist is?
Thanks for proving my point lol.Takuan said:I'm lovin' these proportions.
XS+ said:Thanks for proving my point lol.
The Take Out Bandit said:Unlike, say, Jim Lee who can draw two or three different versions of the same thing.![]()
jiggle said:Tellaerin mentioned it earlier - Arnold Tsang.
Yeah, I wish I had that skill to change my style at the drop of a dime. I can't even satisfactorily draw one version of things I create!
anotheriori said:![]()
this guy's style is great
belgurdo said:I think that's Kinu Nishimura-a woman
I personally prefer Falcoon
Ferrio said:I no looks like shit in that picture.
OH and what's with giving Makoto the shitty spot in the picture?