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PSN Accounts should allow for save spaces for up to four additional players


I always run into this issue when I want multiple people to play but they either have to sign-in as Guest and not have any progress saved or are required to setup their own accounts in order to save progress.

PSN should just save as Player 1 save, Player 2 save etc, on the one account. It can’t be that hard.

I haven’t seen this come up much before.
Anyone else agree?

The Lunch Legend

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
Jim Carrey Flirting GIF


It's a very specific use case. Most people use their own console and if they share a console they offer the capability to use an additional account.

Why don't you create secondary accounts (without PSN) for your guests and have them sign in with them when you want them to play? The save games will stay there, they will just won't be uploaded...


I always run into this issue when I want multiple people to play but they either have to sign-in as Guest and not have any progress saved or are required to setup their own accounts in order to save progress.

PSN should just save as Player 1 save, Player 2 save etc, on the one account. It can’t be that hard.

I haven’t seen this come up much before.
Anyone else agree?

I always have multiple accounts on every PlayStation console and Switch (in the past also on Xbox), simply to have access to every PSN Store region. (since the Xbox one you can just change your console region which made this practice not needed anymore on Xbox) these also can be easily repurposed as local MP profiles.

so not an issue I really ever encountered, and it's easy enough to set your console up like this for such cases.

just make 3 additional accounts, call them xxxxxxx_2, xxxxxxx_3, and xxxxxxx_4. again, as a bonus use case make them accounts for different regions like a Japanese account, or a Hong Kong account... stuff like that, which sometimes gives you access to demos of f2p games not available in your region
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sounds like a problem not worth solving. They can do as you say and just make another account or use the guest account. Its something the vast majority of users probably won’t ever face and if they do probably wouldn’t be so worked up about.

In regards to it not being hard to do, it probably isn’t that hard to implement but it’s a waste of resources and in turn money. Your staff can be working on a feature that makes more people happy instead of even contributes to revenue. In development nobody wants to have extra code sitting around that can break or make things more complicated. Thats why features get removed nowadays because devs don’t want to maintain or deal with the clutter as it hinders productivity of new stuff that has more impact.


It's a very specific use case. Most people use their own console and if they share a console they offer the capability to use an additional account.

Why don't you create secondary accounts (without PSN) for your guests and have them sign in with them when you want them to play? The save games will stay there, they will just won't be uploaded...
Don’t they need to be created against email addresses? Cause then you need to create new email addresses.


Gold Member
I've never had someone who signed in as a guest need or even ask to preserve a save. Anytime I've played with someone on another console I've just signed into my PSN account if I wanted to play together using one of my saves. Seems to me like if they're around enough to need to have a save file preserved they could just create a free PSN account and sign in to the console, then keep a local save. What Sony needs to do is remove the PS+ requirement for cloud saves and let everyone at least keep some of that data in the cloud.
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Sony likely removed USB Saves on PS5 because It allowed people to mod their PlayStation game saves on pc and use cheats.

This company facilitated that.

You can still backup Saves and other data to USB.



Gold Member
Sony likely removed USB Saves on PS5 because It allowed people to mod their PlayStation game saves on pc and use cheats.

This company facilitated that.

And it was awesome, and another thing that folks can do easily on PC. But no, Sony has to get every bit of $.1 MTX.

I am annoyed as hell by saves being hidden behind the paywall. It’s fucking anti-consumer as hell since they both stopped USB saves AND are charging for cloud saves unlike MS and Valve (or any other PC launcher really).

Of course Nintendo does that as well and it’s freaking annoying, but at least it’s cheap.

You can still backup Saves and other data to USB.

It backs up the whole game. Which is clunky AF.
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You still need to create an email account though which is the issue. Young kids don’t have email addresses, and you shouldn’t need to add your friends PS5 accounts to your system either.
You don't have to. I just tried it on my PS5 and was able to create a local account without email. It just needed a name and an avatar.


Gold Member
They shouldn't require PS+ for cloud saves.
This. Years worth of saved data in the cloud. Some of it are backups and some are for a rainy day. The day comes for renewal and it’s $79.99 for a basic membership. It’s an awful feeling. I’ve had PSN since PS3 and I had to decide between a game I wanted or their services for 12 months.

Can’t play a saved game from a certain point without Plus due to this situation because I don’t want to restore an entire console worth of backups to another PS5 because they got rid of backing up individual saves to USB.

I didn’t realize how money hungry they are until I decided to buy a game instead of Plus. On my Steam Deck, it backs up to the Cloud every time I exit the game.


This save system is ridiculous. I have several issues with it and PSN:
1) Why are my PS5 saves locked behind an PSN account? It's nonsense. I have to buy PS+ to increase my save space when on PS4 you could just backup your save files on an USB.
2) I have to use another country's PSN because my region is not supported, but my country is a part of the EU - This one is nonsense because I have to break the TOS. Why the hell are you selling Playstations in my country if you don't even support it? As the saves are locked behind an PSN account, it is impossible not to break the (TOS) rules. One day they can decide to ban me and I can say goodbye to my saves and digital games. Some people are actually trying to sue Sony for this because they break the European Union laws. Nintendo is a total opposite of Sony as they finally fixed their regions and allow choosing my home country.
3) PS+ price increase - I unsubbed from PS+ for this and I'm very happy. I can finally tackle my backlog and it's more fun than the recent PS+ games.
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Sony likely removed USB Saves on PS5 because It allowed people to mod their PlayStation game saves on pc and use cheats.
While I'm sure Sony is concerned about cheating at least to some extent, I'm willing to bet that the real reason is the ability to mod saves that could be used to jailbreak the system. Take something like the Wii, using an SD card with modified saves/other data makes softmodding the console trivial. At first there were things like the "Twilight Hack" which required a particular game, but pretty quickly even that wasn't needed.


While I'm sure Sony is concerned about cheating at least to some extent, I'm willing to bet that the real reason is the ability to mod saves that could be used to jailbreak the system. Take something like the Wii, using an SD card with modified saves/other data makes softmodding the console trivial. At first there were things like the "Twilight Hack" which required a particular game, but pretty quickly even that wasn't needed.

No they removed it so you'd have to pay for PS+ to back up your saves to the cloud. That's the only reason.



I always run into this issue when I want multiple people to play but they either have to sign-in as Guest and not have any progress saved or are required to setup their own accounts in order to save progress.

PSN should just save as Player 1 save, Player 2 save etc, on the one account. It can’t be that hard.

I haven’t seen this come up much before.
Anyone else agree?
That seems like a strange use case. If the guest just wants an account they can access on your machine only and nowhere else you can very easily replicate this feature yourself. Just create accounts named Player 2, 3, and 4 on your machine. You can even use gmail aliases without having to create multiple email accounts.


You always had to pay for cloud backups, back even in the PS4 days?
It's because the cloud company offered free cloud storage only a few years ago and now you're going to hear it from the usual suspects over and over. Just like you wouldn't stop hearing about VRR and then complete silence. You'll never hear them talk about needing standard NVME instead of proprietary in a storage thread though.
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