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PSN Hack Update: FAQs in OP, Read before posting

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Peacemillian said:
There is no evidence that credit card data was taken at this time
There is no evidence that credit card data was taken at this time
There is no evidence that credit card data was taken at this time
There is no evidence that credit card data was taken at this time

Stop crying you fucking babies, and to all the lowlifes blaming sony rather than the hackers, this could have happened to any major company, and if the 40 people the FBI are after arnt to blame, it will be some guys using the geohat scandal to cover it up.

You made it a whole 2 months... congrats.


needs 2 extra inches
MrPliskin said:
Sony is at fault for not communicating with their consumers in a timely manner, nothing more.

Some of you are unbelievable. I won't say what I REALLY feel about the recent flood of posters (and a few other "senior" members), but I'm sure some of you can guess.
No, they're pretty much at fault for more than that, like building the security of the netword under the assumption that PS3s won't be hacked, then leaving a door this big open when they did. This shut-down should have happened the minute failoverfl0w took the stage.


bob page said:
After-hours trading on Sony stock is already down 1.5%, I wonder how big the losses are going to be tomorrow.

its going to go down more once the lawsuits, stolen info insurance etc.. kicks in, not to mention the negative impact on consumer perception, i mean who wants to buy from a company who just got hacked


The Amiga Brotherhood
Apart from the potential credit-card/identity theft disaster, the other big problem here is if all log-in, password and email details have been taken then they can't distinguish between legitimate and non-legitimate users.

Going to be a big fucking mess if people go to log-in after this and find their account already doesn't work because someone else got their first.

Unless they wipe everything and start again, which really would be the APOCALYPS3.

Dang....This could be really bad. I guess we will find out if these hackers got account information when some unlucky bastard notices a charge on their account.

Would be pretty awesome to see Sony get booed at E3 during their press event. I can almost picture the animated gifs on this site already.

Oni Jazar

Averon said:
This is why I will never again use my CC/debit card on these gaming networks. Point/cash cards only for now on. Btw, I used my debit card on PSN over a year ago. Am I at risk?

You realize that credit cards have fraud protection?


Well, hopefully my debit card expiring in a month might protect me from having all of my savings stolen...including my financial aid...God this is a disaster...


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
kamspy said:
I hope I can sign up for a lawsuit soon. It would make me feel better. And I just bought MK for PS3 today. Shoulda went with the 360 version.
I usually buy 360 for multiplat but I bought mk for ps3. I goofed for real. Blame kratos.
Well Drudge has it up without a picture and HuffPo has an older story on the outage on the front page that will surely be updated. It's already gotten from the mass media to the aggregators.


I've used my debit on PSN once but luckily (lesser of two evils I guess) not my credit card

god f-ing damnit. I guess just gotta bite the bullet and get a new card.


Neo Member
Then the phone call by my bank was indeed the cause of this.
As the only other place I use my credit card is Amazon, Ebay and Play-Asia and since they have not been hacked I conclude its indeed related to PSN.

It will be pre-paid cards from now on!


gibration said:
It's a good thing I always delete my CC info every time I make a purchase with it on PSN.

I mentioned before, but this isn't a guarantee that it still wasn't available. If CC records were available, purchase histories (which we know have been leaked) may have CC records associated with them, even if you did not choose to 'remember this card' after the purchase. I'm not saying this to get you to go out and cancel the card, but just make sure that you don't get lulled into a false sense of security with this, because I know for the online market place that I do work for, certain account level types do have access to full CC information on all previous purchases regardless of whether or not the customer elects to store the information. Just make sure you stay vigilant with checking your account details online and looking at your credit report for the next 90 days just to be sure.


Jinfash said:
No, they're pretty much at fault for more than that, like building the security of the netword under the assumption that PS3s won't be hacked, then leaving a door this big open when they did. This shut-down should have happened the minute failoverfl0w took the stage.

yup, letting the CFW get into the PSN , and not rebuilding it was pretty stupid on their part


lawblob said:
Jesus, did you even read the article? PSN breach is actually bigger than most of the incidents listed in that article.

and even if it was the smallest breach in history, the fact that it's YOUR info they took should worry you.


jett said:
PSN's username is our e-mail, how are we supposed to change that you stupid sony mongrels.

Anyway, I changed my PSN password only a few days before it went down, I might be in the clear. And I used virtual cards(until they stopped working, thanks Sony), so no issues there either.

You can change the email associated with the account, you can't change the front end username.


bish gets all the credit :)
I feel bad for all the devs of the games coming up for the next few months (and well into the future).


Gold Member
Well... if this isn't a thread of hyperbole.

It also demonstrates how people aren't aware of the agreements they sign to have credit cards, how people don't know what to do in the event of identity theft, and apparently how not to link accounts with the same usernames and passwords so that a compromise in one area doesn't domino the entirety of your internet subscriptions.

That being said, a security theft like this typically does impact a company financially (though immaterially) as class action lawsuits can be made to cover the costs of certain individuals taking steps to protect their information in the event of a breach. Mileage varies by country.

What I would like to see however, are tougher laws against 'hacking' that treats these warrant-less incursions with a lifetime ban on all electronic devices and some of the steepest sentences a countries laws can provide.


Meh, I called in for a new card and blocked my old one. I don't believe that Sony is at fault here. They did shut down the network the moment they found out and mentioned earlier in the week that CC info may have been compromised. Honestly, blame the hackers, this could happen to company. Hell it happened to Apple a little ways back and they are a huge company as well.


Even if you're a diehard Xbox or Nintendo fan, this situation has to be pretty damn sobering.

This is seriously bad ju-ju for the industry.


Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
They also say that possibly ALL information was stolen. Them saying there is no evidence at this time doesn't make it impossible and isn't comforting considering how long it took for a statement on this.

How exactly to you determine what was downloaded? Depending on the security hole, and the skill of said lowlives, er, "hackers", it could be near impossible to tell.

Also, to those saying "I'm never putting my Card on PSN again" I hope you're ready to never put your card on ANYTHING again.





I can literally find you dozens upon dozens of other examples of other sites and major services that were compromised at one time or another. If people want it, they will try, prod, and dig until they can get it.


Sony aren't stupid fucks as some of you say... the hackers are stupid fucks though; maybe after that incident some of you will stop defending/encouraging those assholes.


keltickennedy said:
Would be pretty awesome to see Sony get booed at E3 during their press event. I can almost picture the animated gifs on this site already.
Even though that would be amusing, seriously, Hirai needs to get up there at E3 and make a fucking sincere, genuine apology.

He should probably really do it now, but, whatever.


MrPliskin said:
Sony is at fault for not communicating with their consumers in a timely manner, nothing more.

Some of you are unbelievable. I won't say what I REALLY feel about the recent flood of posters (and a few other "senior" members), but I'm sure some of you can guess.

They are responsible for having a shitty security too. Stop playing the Sony white knight. "unbelievable"?


DECK'ARD said:
Apart from the potential credit-card/identity theft disaster, the other big problem here is if all log-in, password and email details have been taken then they can't distinguish between legitimate and non-legitimate users.

Going to be a big fucking mess if people go to log-in after this and find their account already doesn't work because someone else got their first.

Unless they wipe everything and start again, which really would be the APOCALYPS3.


If you assume that the e-mail addresses used when registering are valid, password resetting should solve a big chunk of this. If all PSN details leaked, the chance that an address uses the same password as the PSN account is miniscule, so...


listen to the mad man
Please stop insulting each other. Different people are having different reactions to this. That doesn't mean you get to insult people, even if what they're saying does seem unbelievable to you.

Terms of Service:
"NeoGAF is a place to hold civil discussions"
"You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use NeoGAF to post any material which is abusive, vulgar, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy..."
"Foul language in the form of insults directed towards other forum members may result in a ban."

I've deleted a few posts of people escalating stuff, but going forward I won't bother trying to cool things down.


Kusagari said:
And with how 'amazing' Sony's been with giving info in this whole debacle there is no reason to believe them.
I guess, but Sony is the only source I have right now, the hackers sure aren't gonna tell us what they did.
Elios83 said:
I hope that:

1)No one will actually suffer fraud/financial damage because of this
2)All the services are back online soon
3)The hackers can be traced and punished like the criminals they are.
3 won't happen because we will let hackers get away with this. I guarantee it.
darkwing said:
they should have rebuild the PSN once the CFW was able to login the PSN, its basic security protocol
I agree, but is there any info saying they weren't already taking steps towards doing this at standard maintenence times? At any rate they still should've shut down PSN to do it, but think of the backlash then, even with no actual information theft.


For fuck sake....

Are you serious Sony? Get your shit together.

How does such a large company have such incredibly weak security protocols. Last time I ever purchase something off PSN...


Kusagari said:
Sony is done in America after this. Maybe not in other countries but their reputation in America is FUCKED after this. It's already getting mainstream coverage and if more and more people come out with charges then Sony's reputation is going down the tubes.



MrPliskin said:
Sony is at fault for not communicating with their consumers in a timely manner, nothing more.

Some of you are unbelievable. I won't say what I REALLY feel about the recent flood of posters (and a few other "senior" members), but I'm sure some of you can guess.

No, what's unbelievable is you STILL clinging on to the position that this isn't a big deal.

It's cool, though. I'm looking forward to Resistance 3 too.
Then the phone call by my bank was indeed the cause of this.
As the only other place I use my credit card is Amazon, Ebay and Play-Asia and since they have not been hacked I conclude its indeed related to PSN.

It will be pre-paid cards from now on!
They didn't tell you guys? Don't you work for them? o_O


Subconscious Brolonging
Combine one part hacker with two parts incompetent security and you get this situation.

Thank god I haven't used PSN in over a year so most of my info is outdated (I've moved since then, my bank changed to Visa and issued new debit cards).
bluehat9 said:
Just like their investigation to the extent of the hack and where psn was going be down "a day or two," amirite? If they got every other piece of personal information, I don't really know what would make people think they don't have cc info too?

Then again, last week people were saying that if sony thought info was compromised they would have said it day one and anyone who thought otherwise was overreacting, so whatever.

Dude last week when it starting i said to you guys that personal information was stolen but credit card information not, because SONY did an extensive investigation about the credit card info LINK to users PSN, and they didn´t found nothing, that was what my source told me, and i put it on gaf, some believe me some didn´t.

Right now my source is telling me that is only as a matter of precaution that SONY is mandating to users to be cautious with their CC STATEMENTS, but as of now SONY hasn´t found any confirm evidence that CC info was stolen, but personal data of users have been retrieve.

Oh and another thing the personal data of users is not as big as some of here think it is.


offshore said:
Even though that would be amusing, seriously, Hirai needs to get up there at E3 and make a fucking sincere, genuine apology.

He should probably really do it now, but, whatever.

Oh, we'll be seeing apologies for this for quite some time.


RyanDG said:
I mentioned before, but this isn't a guarantee that it still wasn't available. If CC records were available, purchase histories (which we know have been leaked) may have CC records associated with them, even if you did not choose to 'remember this card' after the purchase. I'm not saying this to get you to go out and cancel the card, but just make sure that you don't get lulled into a false sense of security with this, because I know for the online market place that I do work for, certain account level types do have access to full CC information on all previous purchases regardless of whether or not the customer elects to store the information. Just make sure you stay vigilant with checking your account details online and looking at your credit report for the next 90 days just to be sure.
Will do. Thanks.


In the history of gaming, has anything approached the potential impact of this? It seems to me as though this will reverberate for years to come in the gaming world. I'm surprised the story hasn't been picked up more in the mainstream media yet.
ultron87 said:
Yeah, I'm sure hackers fucked with Sony so bad that it took them 6 fucking days to put out a press release about this.

God, people will defend anything.

once again perhaps it took this long because they were not sure of the level of damage at the time. You figure a lot of their employees probably went away for Easter break and I'm sure these things take time.

I hope I don't come off as a fanboy ( if anything that would be for Nintendo) but We all need to calm down. Panicking about this will not change a thing and if the CC info is not taken then all that was taken was simple information that is on many people's facebook pages among other things. I understand that it is up to Sony to protect this info and they should have but they were caught off guard and they weren't ready for it...hopefully they got to it in time.

This thread will go down hill fast ( people will get banned) if some of you don't just calm down.

Calm down. Relax. Check your info ( everyday), and hope that this gets resolved with as little issue as possible.


gcubed said:
wtf are you talking about?

Just calling out Sony's fucktarded advice

Additionally, if you use your PlayStation Network or Qriocity user name or password for other unrelated services or accounts, we strongly recommend that you change them, as well.

On PSN the username you use to log-in is your e-mail address. How am I going to change that?


Check my card(s); change password(s).

When I put it like that it doesn't seem so bad and yet... I get a terrible feeling about all this.
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