W Wario64 works for Gamestop (lol) Dec 27, 2005 #1 http://www.ebgames.com/ebx/product/257222.asp http://www.gamestop.com/product.asp?product_id=190156 http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=7366101&type=product&id=1122653468756
http://www.ebgames.com/ebx/product/257222.asp http://www.gamestop.com/product.asp?product_id=190156 http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=7366101&type=product&id=1122653468756
J jamesinclair Banned Dec 27, 2005 #3 Im Sega. Im not going to make and release ESPN Tennis 2k4 for multiple consoles and male lots of money. Instead Im going ot lose both the ESPN and the 2k liscence and release this game on a new unproven platform instead.
Im Sega. Im not going to make and release ESPN Tennis 2k4 for multiple consoles and male lots of money. Instead Im going ot lose both the ESPN and the 2k liscence and release this game on a new unproven platform instead.
K Kabuki Quantum Lover Member Dec 27, 2005 #4 Tabris said: Is this game as good as the console versions? Click to expand... The game plays exactly like Virtua Tennis 2K2 with the addition of a few players and loading times. I own it and love it (loathe the loading times, though).
Tabris said: Is this game as good as the console versions? Click to expand... The game plays exactly like Virtua Tennis 2K2 with the addition of a few players and loading times. I own it and love it (loathe the loading times, though).
D DaCocoBrova Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus. Dec 27, 2005 #5 Great game. Very slept on. BTW, all PSP games should be 20 bones. They'd sell a whole lot more.
N newsguy Member Dec 27, 2005 #7 DaCocoBrova said: Great game. Very slept on. BTW, all PSP games should be 20 bones. They'd sell a whole lot more. Click to expand... That's alot of PSP games.
DaCocoBrova said: Great game. Very slept on. BTW, all PSP games should be 20 bones. They'd sell a whole lot more. Click to expand... That's alot of PSP games.
M Musashi Wins! FLAWLESS VICTOLY! Dec 28, 2005 #8 you would be foolish not to pick this up for $20 if the Dreamcast game did anything for you.
G Gantz Banned Dec 28, 2005 #9 DaCocoBrova said: Great game. Very slept on. BTW, all PSP games should be 20 bones. They'd sell a whole lot more. Click to expand... Only if PSPs were $99 :lol Seriously Virtua Tennis is the only good sports game on PSP.
DaCocoBrova said: Great game. Very slept on. BTW, all PSP games should be 20 bones. They'd sell a whole lot more. Click to expand... Only if PSPs were $99 :lol Seriously Virtua Tennis is the only good sports game on PSP.
T theREBELins Banned Dec 28, 2005 #10 Gantz said: Only if PSPs were $99 :lol Seriously Virtua Tennis and Hots Shots Golf are the only good sports game on PSP. Click to expand... Fix'd
Gantz said: Only if PSPs were $99 :lol Seriously Virtua Tennis and Hots Shots Golf are the only good sports game on PSP. Click to expand... Fix'd
L Lambtron Unconfirmed Member Dec 28, 2005 #11 Still got some fuckin' $5 coupons from the PSP launch. $15 Virtua Tennis? YES PLS.
P PhoncipleBone Banned Dec 28, 2005 #12 Picking this up tomorrow. Been holding off on this for some reason, and I think I know now why. I wanted it cheap!
Picking this up tomorrow. Been holding off on this for some reason, and I think I know now why. I wanted it cheap!