Well, finally got some time to sit down with Chronicles proper. As someone not
super versed in Puyo, it's been... fine, I guess lol
Can't really shake the feeling of same-y-ness with 20th. Characters are minus a few, plus
, modes are minus a few, plus Big Bang from PuyoTet... it's just a bummer to have another anniversary game but with what feels like so little new. Especially confusing is the decision to make the remaining 20th characters and a few Madou characters RPG mode-only despite having near-complete voice and animation sets. It just seems
super arbitrary.
Obviously the RPG mode is the big focus for new content, but it just felt like a real drag to me. Identical environments and constant enemy recolors gave off the impression that they were
really stretching what they had thin. Plus, even as a Puyo novice, enemy battles just weren't very engaging at all. On the positive side, it was nice to have so much story and dialog, the writing and voice acting were really charming, and I think the 3D models look great but... I really would happily trade the RPG mode for more multiplayer content.
So, I mean, I'm having fun with it, but at the same time it's been a bit underwhelming. Haven't messed with online yet so I don't really know if anything's changed or improved there. That's my unqualified opinion on the game thus far, lol. Apologies if I'm mistaken about anything.