Is there a trick to kill puyo players while playing tetris? Spamming tetris half the time stomps them silly and half the time just drags me into a very long, dull, match
Is there a trick to kill puyo players while playing tetris? Spamming tetris half the time stomps them silly and half the time just drags me into a very long, dull, match
Just shit out t-spin doubles and their life will be extremely difficult.Is there a trick to kill puyo players while playing tetris? Spamming tetris half the time stomps them silly and half the time just drags me into a very long, dull, match
Yes, I've beat all ten chapters. I've got music tracks up to 46, but I've got a bunch of gaps.
Just played a round of Big Bang Puyo and had no clue what was going on the whole time lol. So many colors and things popping and want more? want more? want more?'s @_@
Did you 3-star everything? I'm not 100% sure that that's the criteria but I had everything available after I did it.
Fucking Amazon and putting it in an envelope and not a box.
Mine came in today and I was a little concerned about it myself when I saw that. Worked out okay for me but no way it did for everyone I imagine.
Not going to have much time for anything until the weekend but then its gonna be Switch overload between this, MK8 and BoI.
Is there an indicator during the round which side is currently ahead? Its super strange having ta wait until the end of a round to see who's gonna take damage and how much. Played some more an one time I ended up dealing the tiniest sliver of damage to the opponent and the next they wiped me in one shot.Clear as many sections as possible. Those are your attacks. If you do more than your opponent, they will get hurt. hate T spins. I don't remember previous tetris game giving extra garbage for Tspins. when did this start happening?
YesIf I did this, could I use US eshop cards with my account?
Oh wow. None of those I see as optimal other than using two joycons, a pro controller or a dualshock 4.There are some alternate control schemes that de-emphasize the analog stick in various ways but none that are really satisfactory IMO.
I would have much preferred a slight alteration to the standard control scheme where both hard drop and soft drop were moved to the buttons and removed from the stick altogether. I really don't like any single-Joycon scheme.
They're probably unlocked somewhere in Adventure chapters 8 through 10.
That's the first thing I did as soon as I opened the boxslapped 'em on my backpack.
Michigan too, eh? Might be time for me to hop online and do some leader board climbing. ;Pcurrently rank 2 on the Michigan leaderboards(rofl) I'm coming for you, #1 slot
already have over 10 hours in this game.
I really need to step my game up and try to learn t-spin setups but I can't even begin to wrap my head around it.
That's the first thing I did as soon as I opened the box![]()
Been watching a bunch of videos on this and seeing people post funny stuff on twitter. Think I'll pick it up later tomorrow. Didn't know about the Adventure mode, seems like a packed to the brim game and a pretty good price too. Looks like a better buy than mk8d.
Wow. I'm good at Tetris but horrible at Puyo Puyo. It's gonna be a bit frustrating when doing adventure/story mode.
I thought I was good at Tetris when this came out in Japan.
Then I played online and I learnt that everythiing I've ever known was a lie.
finally got 3-10 ;__;
Is the Ps4 version running at 2160p on a Pro?
Is it really important for you for this type of game?
Dumb question, but is there a way to do endless tetris while having it gradually speed up the way it was offered in TetrisDS? I really miss aiming for high tetris scores in that manner, but I'm not seeing that available in this game. Is it buried in the menu options somewhere?
Just shit out t-spin doubles and their life will be extremely difficult.
What's the aye/naw on getting it on the US E-store if you're UK based?
Playing the CPU last night I really felt myself improve with my approach towards combos and aggressive, fast play. However, try as I might, I cannot pull off T-spins. I wish there was a interactive tutorial. I get how they work but the mechanics of pulling them off are escaping me