Because it didn't have a digital version of Tetris before? I think the Ubisoft Tetris game being on PSN prevents PPT from being there as well, as I understand it.Why did they allow a download version on Switch btw?
Because it didn't have a digital version of Tetris before? I think the Ubisoft Tetris game being on PSN prevents PPT from being there as well, as I understand it.Why did they allow a download version on Switch btw?
Because it didn't have a digital version of Tetris before? I think the Ubisoft Tetris game being on PSN prevents PPT from being there as well, as I understand it.
The license doesn't allow competing versions of Tetris on the same platform. So because every other system had a digital version of Tetris already they couldn't release all the different ports, but Switch is new and didn't have any yet so they were able to justify the release and threw a bone to PS4 players by working out the physical only deal.Why did they allow a download version on Switch btw?
The license doesn't allow competing versions of Tetris on the same platform. So because every other system had a digital version of Tetris already they couldn't release all the different ports, but Switch is new and didn't have any yet so they were able to justify the release and threw a bone to PS4 players by working out the physical only deal.
This will likely be the only Switch Tetris game, yes, unless they remove it from the eshop or some sort of deal is struck.I see. That's really limiting. So this will be the only Switch Tetris game, or is there like a statute of limitations?
This will likely be the only Switch Tetris game, yes, unless they remove it from the eshop or some sort of deal is struck.
I'm hoping part of the deal for getting it out in the west is that it's also the only Puyo Puyo game out, not just Tetris.
And unless this does exceptionally well it be the only Puyo Puyo game on this system too.=(
This game caused me to order TGM ACE, lol.
I am 90% sure that there will be another Puyo game on Switch. IIRC Puyo is most successful on Nintendo handhelds, and the Switch is a Nintendo handheld for all intents and purposes.
Will that game see an English release? That is the question.
I'm in chapter 4 of adventure mode and regularly struggling. Guess I really need to practice my t spins and my transitions.
People should make sure to watch the advanced (and often the intermediate) tutorials for each mode, they go into comboing and special rules quite well.
I'm not too sure about the balance in Fusion mode, it almost seems you can only lose if you screw up hard since garbage puyos can be cleared off by dropping a block on them. Maybe if you do a one hit kill combo on someone but there's absolutely no chance of gradually overwhelming them with garbage as the game cycles to blocks pretty regularly.
BTW, I once read that modern Tetris games use a grab bag randomizer (gives you the 7 pieces in a random order before repeating), is that the case here or does it allow duplicates more rapidly?
I'm in chapter 4 of adventure mode and regularly struggling. Guess I really need to practice my t spins and my transitions.
Dumb question: is the system save file on a per user basis on the switch? IE: If I switchV) to my JP account will it act as if I'm initlizing the game again?
After P5 and this I've come to the conclusion that for some weird reason english dubs for japanese games don't work in trailers even when they're great. Everyone complained about em from how they sounded in trailers but after spending some time with the actual games they weren't only fine but really really good.This game is humbling. I now know that I suck. But the game is so good that I'm motivated to get better. I'm going through the resources on Puyo Nexus and slowly trying to teach myself in endless mode.
I'm guessing the Hard Drop wiki is the equivalent for Tetris?
By the way, I really actually like the English voice acting. It's good. Ringo is a standout. Don't know what people were complaining about.
Are you guys playing against each other online sometimes?
After P5 and this I've come to the conclusion that for some weird reason english dubs for japanese games don't work in trailers even when they're great. Everyone complained about em from how they sounded in trailers but after spending some time with the actual games they weren't only fine but really really good.
I will kick you. Really, super hard.I was trying to figure out why I liked the Adventure Mode so much and I just realized it reminds me of a Saturday Morning Cartoon.
Ah youth.
Made it through Act 7 of Adventure mode. Now I just need to finish the three extra Acts to unlock. How difficult are the final three Acts?the Sonic and Gameboy skins
Does the game alert you when you 3 star everything including the bonus chapters?
I've been playing with random skins, and I just got for the first time the tetronimo skin that looks like a bunch of different colored puyos. I was so confused at what game mode I was playing, and had a hard time sometimes making out the shapes because all I saw was puyos. Whoever designed that skin is a public menace.
I just created an Online Lobby.
Password: 0420
Let's get some games going!
edit: GG. Whoever you are, you're way too good at Puyo.
Yo, the disconnects on this game man, it drives me nuts. So annoying.
There really has to be a rating penalty for the person causing the dc, people just keep leaving like no tomorrow.
This is the shit you get when you have an overal score.Yo, the disconnects on this game man, it drives me nuts. So annoying.
There really has to be a rating penalty for the person causing the dc, people just keep leaving like no tomorrow.
Yeah the puyo party missions are awfulScore related Party mode missions are the worst thing I've encountered in the game so far. Especially on the Puyo side.
There can be no planning when you're guarding from garbage, party effects AND the random item placement on your own side.
I only have to score 8000 points but as soon as the opponent gets the Freeze item then it just wastes my time until it runs out and I end up with only 4-5000 instead.
Super frustrating. =/
EDIT: Done but only by like 48 points. Jeezums. At least now I've unlocked Schezo! =D