Really? Could swear I've seen purple Puyos in Adventure. Hm.
EDIT: Doesn't it go Sweet: Red/Blue/Green, Medium: +Yellow, Spicy: +Yellow and Purple?
I've noticed some stages can have purple but instead omit another color so it's still only 4 colors.
For 3 and 4 color, the game randomizes which of the five colors it chooses every gameReally? Could swear I've seen purple Puyos in Adventure. Hm.
EDIT: Doesn't it go Sweet: Red/Blue/Green, Medium: +Yellow, Spicy: +Yellow and Purple?
For 3 and 4 color, the game randomizes which of the five colors it chooses every game
Okay, okay. What's up with this game's online mode?
I tried it for the first time, thinking that the online would matchmake me against people around my rank. But nope! All of my matches are against people with ranking ranging from 4000 to 6500 or so. Which leads to all matches ending in 30 seconds, with opponents even creating 4 tetris' in a row in ten seconds, or puyo puyo chains that rack up their points to 15000 before I'm even able to make a single tetris line. Yep, I suck at this game, but... the game is literally matchmaking me instantly against people way above my level. I doubt it's fun for them, either.
I have a quick question about Big Bang Puyo:
I know that for the advanced folks the option is there to build upon the pre-set chains that each board gives you, and that it just takes one puyo to set it off...but is it actually set up in such a way that the first puyo you're given is the one you can start the chain with? I feel like there are times where I can see where the chain's supposed to work from, but it takes going through like 3 extra puyos before the one I need comes up and sometimes I've had that accidentally set something off elsewhere that doesn't work. In Lucky Tetris you always have just the pieces on hand that you need next without additional setup but Puyo doesn't seem to work quite the same way.
Sometimes they try to bait you into messing something up by making you have to "wait" until you have the trigger Puyo. Remember you only need to clear the pre set Puyos to "clear" without failing. The ones they give you to use they don't care.
Ah okay, thanks for the responses! I'd kind of expected as much by now but it's good to have more confirmation than just my own hunch.
This game's online on PS4 is a barren wasteland. There are THREE people online on Free Play. Some other guy, me, and this insane Tetris player named Kaibutsu21 who kicked my ass in ways that I didn't even knew were possible.
How's the Switch version's online? Certainly can't be worse.
This game's online on PS4 is a barren wasteland. There are THREE people online on Free Play. Some other guy, me, and this insane Tetris player named Kaibutsu21 who kicked my ass in ways that I didn't even knew were possible.
How's the Switch version's online? Certainly can't be worse.
Now that its out over here can i play my japanese version online against some of you or is it not compatible?
I goddamn hate all Puyo players. You puyo people are the worst.
ftfyJ O Y C O N B O Y Z
7 is the last one ordinarily, but there's 3 more EX chapters that were originally sold as DLC.How long is the Adventure mode? Because I'm in Act 7 now and I don't know how much longer I can go because Fusion is shit. I don't care if it has a hidden depth or stuff like that.
How long is the Adventure mode? Because I'm in Act 7 now and I don't know how much longer I can go because Fusion is shit. I don't care if it has a hidden depth or stuff like that.
Are we sure the characters closer to the top of the select screen are easier? Because I'm doing Versus against Risukuma and he's building these 5-and-6 chains constantly and absolutely demolishing me, and he's at the very top of the select screen.
7 is the last one ordinarily, but there's 3 more EX chapters that were originally sold as DLC.
7 is the final chapter of the story. 8, 9 and 10 than are bonus stories, not a lot of fusion in there.
The existence of any fusion stages makes me lose interest in the ex stages.
Is there a trick to fusion? I beat Ess barely hanging to life and the stage the Tetris captain frustrates me again. I should gid gud but that mode brings out the worst in me.
Okay, okay. What's up with this game's online mode?
I tried it for the first time, thinking that the online would matchmake me against people around my rank. But nope! All of my matches are against people with ranking ranging from 4000 to 6500 or so. Which leads to all matches ending in 30 seconds, with opponents even creating 4 tetris' in a row in ten seconds, or puyo puyo chains that rack up their points to 15000 before I'm even able to make a single tetris line. Yep, I suck at this game, but... the game is literally matchmaking me instantly against people way above my level. I doubt it's fun for them, either.
This game's online on PS4 is a barren wasteland. There are THREE people online on Free Play. Some other guy, me, and this insane Tetris player named Kaibutsu21 who kicked my ass in ways that I didn't even knew were possible.
How's the Switch version's online? Certainly can't be worse.
The existence of any fusion stages makes me lose interest in the ex stages.
Is there a trick to fusion? I beat Ess barely hanging to life and the stage the Tetris captain frustrates me again. I should gid gud but that mode brings out the worst in me.
If you are comfortable not having English, the 3DS version of Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary is imo the best, with Puyo Puyo Chronicles a close second.What's the best Puyo Puyo game besides this one for a total newbie to the series, who happens to be bad at puzzle games also? Any platform, new or old is fine.
So does the story for Puyo Puyo Tetris continue from the last Puyo Puyo game? It was such crazy non-sense that I started skipping the story scenes after the first world.
Okay I played this with my gf and she kicked my ass last night 😆
Fun stuff
I mean the story is self-contained but there's like dozens of games worth of character interactions and relationships that you're​ out of the loop of if you never played a Puyo Puyo game. Even the cast of characters are self-contained in a sense that they are all from different eras of the series. To put it another way, it's as if some of the cast of the Original Generation of Star Trek lived in a town with the some cast of The Next Generation and some of the cast of Deep Space Nine.
Congrats on the girlfriendOkay I played this with my gf and she kicked my ass last night 😆
Fun stuff