Do people generally just feed king sapphire dragons to level their creatures?
Yes, preferably to same colour monsters.
Do people generally just feed king sapphire dragons to level their creatures?
Is Mystic light knight worth evolving?
Is Mystic light knight worth evolving?
I hate mask dungeon expert. 5 times and no mystic mask so far... I need 1, and would like 2, but this is ridiculous.
We had a few posts on this last week. The Wednesday and Friday dungeons are a complete was of stamina depending on how far you are in the game. If you can run Ocean of Heaven and Temple of Troyka you should never run the wed dungeon. If you run either of those dungeons during 1.5x events you'll wind up getting all of the masks you need, a ton of experience, + eggs and mobs worth feeding to level up your monsters. Same goes for the Dub zones.
The Wed/Fri dungeons are good for the players who can't clear that content and don't have another way of getting masks/dubs.
Arg, Linsivvi, i think I rejected your friend request yesterday because you didnt have a @GAF handle next to your name. If your still interested, invite me again!
I still have my present to exchange. Id is 306.544.209 Fishio@GAF.
If you only want one of them then you should really wait for the 2x for an almost guaranteed drop. If you want to max skill it then you really need to be able to farm Legendary.ugh.
Ancient dark dragon is just trolling me. will. not. drop.
I can only run master, but I've done it countless times (each taking me about an hour to complete with dual resists)
If you only want one of them then you should really wait for the 2x for an almost guaranteed drop. If you want to max skill it then you really need to be able to farm Legendary.
Yeah silly 10 characters limit. I'll add again.
You're already on my friend list. Let's do this.
I have SO many evolved fire and water Pengdras now. Awesome!
So for Hera, CDD with Awoken Odin sub, Siren, Lillith WotN, Rainbow Keeper, ???
I have another max skill Siren and a 13 turn CD Echidna. Which would make my life easier today? Also, is there a magic HP number I should look for? I could pump these Pengdras into one of my monsters, same or off color.
You definitely want two maxed Sirens since you need to match hearts every single turn.I have SO many evolved fire and water Pengdras now. Awesome!
So for Hera, CDD with Awoken Odin sub, Siren, Lillith WotN, Rainbow Keeper, ???
I have another max skill Siren and a 13 turn CD Echidna. Which would make my life easier today? Also, is there a magic HP number I should look for? I could pump these Pengdras into one of my monsters, same or off color.
You definitely want two maxed Sirens since you need to match hearts every single turn.
Didn't somebody in this thread complain about Gabriel failing on Caol-Ila cause of his subcolor getting hit by light stun? I'd agree with you in 95% of the other cases though.Should I feed my blue Noel to my Gabriel? Same leader skill. Don't think I need both... Thoughts?
I've had the worst luck with Kings this week. 55 PAL pulls only 1 super and 1 king. The times before it's been like 1 king per 10 pulls. Also roughly 13 metal dragon runs total this week and I've seen 3 kings and gotten only 1. The only reason I haven't been disappointed is because I actually needed the metals to evolve all the pengdra village drops I had
I have a bunch of green evolved Pengdras. Ceres, Odin, or Freyja? Who should I level first?
Heraaaaaaa... fail.
I haven't been burning stones on devils yet, trying to 0 stone the first few floors. Now I am out of Orochi helpers. :<<<
personally, Odin. MASSIVE HPS. I would order how you use them as leaders.
I just put my odin up - 3200 HP - not amazing but decent.