Cosmo Clock 21
Yeah, it's usually triple. Even still, I've got 148 stones. I will be rolling until Horus pops out.
Well now you've just jinxed yourself.
Yeah, it's usually triple. Even still, I've got 148 stones. I will be rolling until Horus pops out.
That's the plan now. Also, got ANOTHER Naga drop. I love me my Echidnas!
Well now you've just jinxed yourself.
I might have...But...
Damnit Cosmo. Damnit.
Red Skies - Master
Oh. What can I use for master?
If not possible, what about expert? Or should I stick to castle of satan if all I want is naga?
The only viable team you have would be your dark team. I would probably also replace your weakest dark member for siren. The boss on expert hits for 3000 damage every turn but there isn't any recovery orbs. You need to make sure you can survive enough turns until Siren's ability is available.
Heres the dungeon page:
See if the math works out and if it's viable.
I've been trying to run Red Sky Dragon on master with Ammy Ohkami but for some reason she is healing ~1800, the same amount that Siren is healing for me when i use her on expert. Is there a cap to how much I can heal or am I just doing something wrong?
Ama ohkami heals 5x her own rcv. Siren heals 3x her own rcv. How much rcv does the respective monster have?
Oh crap, it's their own RCV? Yeah, I've had the wrong idea this whole time d: Thanks for that.
I have a 627 rcv ama o if you need one. Can clear a slot on my list
With four pulls:
Toytops-dupe and no skillup
Cupid-dupe and no skillup
Sea Serpent- I have a Plesios and this seems similar.
Mermaid- dupe and no skillup
Maybe it's time for a break.![]()
I wondered why I didn't see others posting their pulls. I made a horrible, horrible mistake.
So we only get one time for gold dragons today? Really???
Yes, that way you can use your stones to refill stamina!
I admit, after my dumb mistake this morning, I'm a little bitter.
My friend is rank 16, hardly plays the game and has gotten an Ares, Hades and Valkyrie from random REM pulls.
I am so mad.
If you ever feel bad about getting shit from REM just watch this video and you will feel much better:
Wow. I dont even know what to say about that.
Was this during a rider event or something? wtf
It was during a "Murako Collection" event, where the lead artist picks a bunch of monsters she likes and they get a 3x rate from REM. Dino Rider was one of them based on the Gacha screen, not sure what else was in that.
Does anyone have a Green Odin I can use for King of the Underworld dungeon? My friend ID is 353, 755, 205.
I'm only rank 21, is it worth rerolling for a God today? And if so, which one should I reroll for
If you didn't get a god on your first few rolls then yes, I would recommend it. As far as which you should go for, any of the Norse gods (except for Thor) are excellent leaders, but if you really want to go all out, Isis and Horus are two of the best leaders in the game. Any of those leaders will get you most of the way through the game.I'm only rank 21, is it worth rerolling for a God today? And if so, which one should I reroll for
I've got 5 pulls for today and could use (and want) almost everything, as I ever only pulled 2 Gods (Amaterasu and Vritra). Hopefully I won't get trolled too hard.