Alright,I kept Liam alive, and now have to face him in 5-1. Neither he, nor the generator thingy take any the hell do I clear this level?
he should...
Alright,I kept Liam alive, and now have to face him in 5-1. Neither he, nor the generator thingy take any the hell do I clear this level?
Alright,I kept Liam alive, and now have to face him in 5-1. Neither he, nor the generator thingy take any the hell do I clear this level?
Yo. What the fuck is with the lens flare in this game? I can hardly look at the screen without it literally hurting my eyes. And I'm getting legit blinded during this last boss battle.
you sure isn't the lighting glitch?
mind elaborating on the end?
Just finished the game. Loved it. Wished there was more combat, or a horde mode.
Went to do new game +. Didn't realize new game would wipe my original play through.
Any way to recover? I don't want to have to hunt down the chron. points again.
he should...
I just kept shooting, no special tactics needed iirc
Maybe? What's the glitch? It's literally unbearable.
absolutely blinding light? the entire screen goes white? quite the game, back out to your dash, and close the game entirely (pressing start over the game tile and selecting quit).
this should fix that glitch
just to be clear...
serene isnt really a bad guy, so to speak, right? he tried to fix the fracture and only resorted to monarch and the lifeboat protocol as a means to survive what he saw as inevitable? hm going back to 1999 and trying to kill william was to protect what he thought was the correct course of action?
I said this once already in this thread, there are simply not enough gifs in here.
If it's what I'm thinking of, you throw a time bubble over it, and stack a shit ton of bullets on it.
Time bubble is RB? I was near one when getting shot by enemies and used a bubble and it didn't blow up. I've cleared the area of enemies so how do I go about breaking it now?
Yeah, RB then shoot the crap out of it
I said this once already in this thread, there are simply not enough gifs in here.
This game is reminding me a lot of Bioshock Infinite, both in the way its combat is often misunderstood and not experienced "optimally" by some players, as well as the way the connective tissue of its plot is relegated to audio logs / emails that a large percentage of players won't experience. I'm in love with the game so far (A3P1 / 45% completion) but I can also easily understand why someone might not care for it.
Argh screw it, I'll do it before I go to bed.
Infinite's combat is awful, this is better for sure.
I just beat the game and picked my junction choices organically (no spoilers). I was wondering if it is worth going back and seeing the other half in terms of level design and encounter changes?
God damnCan't get over how good the stutter effects look.
Realized that immediateley, too! Awesome details. Too bad this game runs like shit on my GTX 770 and i5-4690k.He literally shakes his fist after clobbering that second guy.
I'm at act 4 and can't wait to finish the game.. So I can uninstall it. It feels like a game out of time, an Amiga CD32 title with Xbox 360 graphics.
finally was able to beat it. The last fight in the game was a pain in the ass, and I was playing on normal. Took me like an hour to beat. I am not seeing why people hated the ending so much, I actually think its one of the better ones i have seen recently.
Before I proceed, all I do to start a "new game +", is go into timeline and just start from the beginning right? I want to play on hard now.
Yes but I don't know if you can change the difficulty if you go through the timeline. I just started my hard playthrough as well but I started an entirely new game (which starts you on a clean slate) since I didn't spend too much time finding the collectibles anyway.
Good luck if you found normal hard on the last boss you'll have a hell of a time on hard. I beat the whole game on hard spent about three hours trying to beat the last boss on hard knocked it down to normal and beat it first try. It's just way more frustrating on hard.finally was able to beat it. The last fight in the game was a pain in the ass, and I was playing on normal. Took me like an hour to beat. I am not seeing why people hated the ending so much, I actually think its one of the better ones i have seen recently.
Before I proceed, all I do to start a "new game +", is go into timeline and just start from the beginning right? I want to play on hard now.